UA R8 (2014-2015): Updating the Charter of the Campus Planning Committee in the University Assembly Bylaws
Conveyed to the President
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- Resolution:
May 6, 2015
Conveyed to the President
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Dear President Skorton,
It is with pleasure that I notify you of UA Resolution 8 REVISED, "Updating the Charter of the Campus Planning Committee in the University Assembly Bylaws."
This Resolution was sponsored by Mr. Ned La Cell, the Assembly's Campus Planning Committee Liaison, and passed at our meeting of May 5, 2015.
The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) is an Associated Committee of the University Assembly. Per Assembly Bylaw §5.1.1, "Both the Assembly and the responsible administrative unit must approve changes to the charges of associated committees."
The CPC recently completed a multi-month review and update to their Charter (the CPC charge document). They voted and approved the change at their CPC meeting of April 21, 2015, which has been accepted by the responsible administrative unit. The University Assembly was involved in the update process and, after review of the revised charge, fully concurs with the changes. Resolution 8 REVISED updates the Assembly's Bylaws to exactly match the updated CPC charter, and in doing so, fulfills the requirement of § 5.1.1.
Since this Resolution is within the scope of the Assembly's current authority, it does not require a formal review and acceptance by you. However, as in all actions of the Assembly, we value your insight and would want to address any questions or concerns you or the administration might have.
On behalf of the Assembly,