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Cornell University

UA R9 (2014-2015): Community Bill of Rights Resolution

Returned by the President

  • Resolution:
  • Day:
    May 1, 2015
  • Action:
    Returned by the President
  • Summary / Notes:
    Partial reconsideration of lines 14 and 15
  • File Attachments:
  • Text Attachment:
    Dear Jim,

    Thank you for sharing with me the University Assembly’s Resolution 9, which amends the Assembly Bylaws to assign responsibility to the Codes and Judicial Committee for review of proposed motions related to the creation, maintenance and availability of a Community Bill of Rights. While my formal acceptance of the resolution is not required, I join the Assembly in recognizing the importance of campus-wide access to clear, consistent articulation of community members’ rights and responsibilities that are established by university policies.

    I ask the Assembly to reconsider its assertion in lines 14 and 15 that Cornell policies reflect community members’ responsibilities but do not explicitly define their rights. Many policies do articulate rights. For example, the Campus Code of Conduct specifically identifies a variety of rights held by participants in university judicial procedures.

    I commend the Assembly for creating this third area of CJC responsibility.

    I also would like to thank you for the opportunity to review the University Assembly’s Resolution 10, Charge of the Community Rights and Responsibilities Working Group. I support the establishment of this group to assist the Codes and Judicial Committee in its role related to a Community Bill of Rights. The working group’s efforts to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders will enhance its ability to help the CJC determine that policies are written in a consistent manner and formal recommendations regarding policy language are addressed.

    I greatly appreciate the Assembly’s work toward developing a shared understanding of the rights and responsibilities of each community member, as demonstrated in Resolutions 9 and 10.

