University Assembly - Resolution 9 (2021-2022)
Updates to University Assembly Charter in Order to Remain Consistent with Campus Judicial Documents
Tabled Indefinitely
The University Assembly Charter must be updated to remain consistent with the Student Code of Conduct (formerly the “Campus Code of Conduct) and the current University Assembly By-laws. Under the By-laws and Student Code of Conduct, the titles and appointment processes of several offices and positions have been altered. These alterations pertain to: The Office of the Judicial Administrator (now “The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards” (OSCCS)); The Office of the Judicial Codes Counselor (now “The Office of the Respondents’ Codes Counselors” (RCC)); and the University Hearing and Review Board (UHRB). Additionally, the Ombudsman has also been rebranded as “The Ombuds,” however this position is not mentioned in either the Student Code of Conduct or the By-laws. The language of the UA Charter should be revised to reflect these alterations.
Resolution File:
Supporting Documents:
James Augustin Martin Richards (jar646)
Reviewing Committee: