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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 701 - 725 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2014-2015 SA R36: Divestment from Coal: Towards a Sustainable Endowment This resolution recommends that the University endowment be free of coal extraction companies and reaffirms the SA… Accepted by the President Apr 2, 2015
2014-2015 SA R41: Elections Committee Additional Members This committee appoints two new members to the SA Elections committee. Acknowledged by the President Mar 12, 2015
2014-2015 SA R39: Approval of the 2014-2015 Standing Rules This resolution adopts the standing rules for the Spring 2015 semester. Acknowledged by the President Mar 12, 2015
2014-2015 SA R38: Towards Greater Legislative Accessibility We can make student government more accessible and transparent by publishing blurbs like this one when we propose and… Acknowledged by the President Mar 12, 2015
2014-2015 SA R34: Media Consultation Partnership This resolution creates a partnership between the SA and the by-line funded Slope Media Group in order to develop a… Acknowledged by the President Mar 12, 2015
2014-2015 SA R29: Calling for Implementation of Open Course Evaluations This resolution calls for the development and implementation of a system that allows students to view more evaluative… Returned by the President Feb 6, 2015
2014-2015 SA R33: Bias Incident Accountability This resolution recommends the creations of process for gathering independent feedback on the bias incident reporting… Returned by the President Jan 30, 2015
2014-2015 SA R31: Developing an International Students Union This resolution calls for changes to the International Students Board's constitution to create an International… Acknowledged by the President Jan 15, 2015
2014-2015 SA R27: Verifying the Spring 2015 Elections Rules This resolution modifies the Student Assembly Election Rules for the Spring 2015 semester. There are several… Accepted by the President Jan 15, 2015
2014-2015 SA R37: Approving the Student Assembly Finance Commission’s Executive Board Members and Commissioners This resolution approves the new SAFC commissioners and the new Executive Board of the SAFC. Accepted by the President Jan 13, 2015
2014-2015 SA R30: Changes to Special Projects Funding This resolution clarifies and adds rules related to the SA special projects funding, specifically how funds are… Acknowledged by the President Jan 13, 2015
2014-2015 SA R28: Increasing Awareness of Available Accommodations During Event Registration This resolution calls for information about room and space disability accommodations to be gathered and displayed in… Accepted by the President Jan 13, 2015
2014-2015 SA R26: North Campus Quiet Study Space This resolution creates quiet study space in Appel Commons on Thursday-Sunday. Acknowledged by the President Jan 13, 2015
2014-2015 SA R25: Calling for an Investigation of the Quarter System A resolution to call for an investigation of the Greek Life Quarter System. Accepted by the President Jan 13, 2015
2014-2015 GPSA R5: Creation of an Ad Hoc Sustainability Committee This resolution creates an ad hoc sustainability investigatory committee. Accepted by the President Jan 12, 2015
2014-2015 GPSA R4: Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant Stipend Difference This resolutions calls attention to the disparity between research assistant and teaching assistant stipend differences… Returned by the President Jan 12, 2015
2014-2015 SA R24: Attendance Policy Charter Changes This resolution makes changes to the SA attendance policy by clarifying situations where a member has been absent for… Returned by the President Dec 11, 2014
2014-2015 SA R23: Sexual Violence Discussion This resolution sets internal policy that University discussions on Sexual Violence are more transparent with the SA… Acknowledged by the President Dec 5, 2014
2014-2015 SA R22: 2014 2nd SAFC Allocation Appeals This resolution confirms the decisions made by the SA Appropriations Committee regarding certain SAFC appeals. Acknowledged by the President Dec 4, 2014
2014-2015 SA R21: Changes to the SAFC Guidelines - Version of Record This resolution modifies the SAFC guidelines to update the "Version of Record," in compliance with the SAFC/… Accepted by the President Dec 4, 2014
2014-2015 SA R16: Recommendations Concerning Study Week This resolution concerns the current state of study week and recommendations to improve it. Returned by the President Nov 25, 2014
2014-2015 UA R2: Welcome and Invitation to incoming President Elizabeth Garrett This resolution welcomes Elizabeth Garrett to Cornell University and invites her to be an active participant in the… Acknowledged by the President Nov 21, 2014
2014-2015 SA R20: Recognition of AIDS Awareness Week This resolution expresses the SA's support of AIDS Awareness Week at Cornell and abroad. Acknowledged by the President Nov 13, 2014
2014-2015 SA R19: Improve Lighting & Fix Walkway on Libe Slope This resolution recommends that additional lighting be installed in the northwest area of Libe Slope and that the… Acknowledged by the President Nov 13, 2014
2014-2015 SA R8: Syllabi Resources for Mental Health This resolution asks for faculty to include information about mental health resources in their syllabi. Acknowledged by the President Nov 13, 2014