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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 1176 - 1200 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2009-2010 SA R29: SA Organizational Review Committee & RSO Taskforce Recommendations Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R28: Release of SAFC Allocations Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R27: Amendments to the SAFC Guidelines Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R26: Continuation of Liaisons Between the Club Sports Council and the SAFC Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R25: Supporting the Dutch and Swedish Language Programs Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R24: Garbage Cans on North Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R23: Upholding Cornell's Codes of Conduct Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R23: Lights Off, Cornell! Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R22: Reinstatement of Mr. Kenneth Glover as the Residential Housing Director of Ujamma Residential College Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R22: Resolution to Amend the Campus Code of Conduct Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R21: Resolution Approving Nominations to the University Hearing and Review Boards Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R21: Opposition to Legislation A07638 Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R20: Supporting the ICSD's Lift of the Student Volunteer Freeze Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R20: Increased Participation of Graduate and Professional Students upon the University Sustainability Committee Tabled Indefinitely
2009-2010 SA R19: Regarding Joint Assemblies Multicultural Issues Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 GPSA R19: Condolences Resolution Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R19: Community-wide Gratitude to Cornell University Student-athletes and the Staff Who Supports Them Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R18: Resolution Regarding the Cornell Child Care Center Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 GPSA R18: Ad hoc survey committee resolution Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R18: Regarding Availability of Task Force Reports Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 GPSA R17: Proposed Charter Amendment: Sustainability Comm. Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R17: Resolution Supporting the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 1547/S.781) Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R17: Clarification of Executive Committee Membership and Executive Session Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 UA R16: Resolution Regarding the Ad-Hoc Committee about the Cornell Child Care Center Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 SA R16: Expanding Membership of Committees Adopted by the Assembly