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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2008-2009 GPSA R4: Regarding the Cornell Academic Calendar Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 UA R4: Staff Additional Members to the University Hearing and Review Boards Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R4: Charter Change Review Tabled Indefinitely
2008-2009 UA R3: Specify Term Limits for the Committee on Family Services and the Subcommittee on Childcare Services Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R3: 2008 Fall Undergraduate Election Rules Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 GPSA R3: Regarding Communication with Graduate and Professional Students Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 EA R3: Charter Clarification Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 GPSA R2: Regarding Graduate and Professional Student Housing at Schuyler House, Thurston Court, and Hasbrouck Apartments Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R2: Creation of an ad-hoc Academic Integrity Drafting Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 EA R2: Provost Initiatives Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 UA R2: Establishing University Sustainability Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 UA R1: Findings of the ad-hoc Committee to Consider Peoplesoft Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 EA R1: Unsung Hero Award Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 GPSA R1: Regarding Health Care & Health Insurance for Cornell Graduate Students Studying at Geneva Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R1: 2008-2009 Standing Rules Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R26: Regarding Printing Out Previous Meeting Minutes at Meetings Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R25: Adoption of Changes Proposed by the SA Charter Review Committee Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R24: Student Assembly Support of Academic Integrity at Cornell University Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R23: Confirmation of SA Committee Members Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R22: Revision to Appendix B of the Student Assembly Charter Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R21: Regarding The Community Clause Rejected by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R20: Regarding Vacancies on the 08-09 Student Assembly Rejected by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R18: Establishment of Safe Ride Program Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R17: Concealed Carry on Campus Rejected by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R16: Resolution Regarding the 12/1 Elections Committee Statement Adopted by the Assembly