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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2007-2008 SA R15: Clarification of Designated At-Large Seats Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R14: Resolution Concerning the Funding of Slope Day Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 UA R13: Resolution to Staff the 2008-2009 University Hearing and Review Boards Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R13: Resolution in Support of Cornell's New Financial Aid Policy Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 GPSA R12: Regarding Revisions to Charter Appendix A Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R12: Approval of the Revised Campus Code of Conduct Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R12: Resolution Regarding the Direct Election of the Student Assembly President and Executive Vice President Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 GPSA R11: Regarding Intercampus Collaboration between Weill and Ithaca Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R11: Resolution Responding to President Skorton Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R11: Resolution Regarding Residence Hall Soap Dispenser Installment Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R10: Resolution Regarding Mann Library's Decision Not to Choose Cornell Dining for the Current Manndibles Location Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 GPSA R10: Regarding the GPSA Charter Appendix B Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R10: Resolution Concerning President David Skorton's Request for Reconsideration of UA Resolution #8: Campus Code of Conduct Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 GPSA R9: Regarding the GPSA Executive Designations Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R9: Resolution to Support the Efforts of Connect Ithaca to Implement a Personal Rapid Transit System in the Ithaca Community Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R9: Resolution Recommending the Adoption of the Master Plan Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R8: Resolution for the Improvement of the Well-being of the Asian and Asian-American Population at Cornell Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R8: Resolution on the Revision of the Revised Campus Code of Conduct Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 GPSA R8: Regarding the Pay and Benefits Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 GPSA R7: Regarding the Long Term Solution for the Graduate Student Center Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R7: Resolution to Increase Graduate Student Representation on Campus Planning Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R7: Resolution in Support of the Transportation-focused Generic Environmental Impact Statement (t-GEIS) Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R6: Resolution Requesting the President and Treasurer's Test as an SA Requirement Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R6: Resolution Regarding the SAFC Attendance Policy Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 UA R6: Resolution in Support of Transportation Impact Mitigation Strategies Adopted by the Assembly