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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 1076 - 1100 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2010-2011 SA R23: Fall 2010 SAFC Appeals, Part II Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R22: Creation of Student Assembly Ad-hoc Committee for Advisory System Review Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R21: Establishment of the Cornell Caring Community Committee (CCCC) Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R20: Fall 2010 SAFC Appeals, Part I Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R19: A Response to Recent Instances of Anti-LGBTQ Bullying Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R18: Late Night Programming Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R17: Engineering Project Team Ancillary Funding Transparency Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R16: Creation of Student Assembly Judicial Board Ad-hoc Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R15: Possession of Pepper Spray on Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R14: SA Spending Guidelines Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R13: Residential Programs and Alcohol Related Incidents on Cornell?s Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R12: Request for an Annual Report on Executive Compensation Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R11: City of Ithaca Police and Alcohol Related Incidents on Cornell?s Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R10: Cornell University Police and Alcohol Related Incidents on Cornell's Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R9: Judicial Administrators Office and Alcohol Related Incidents on Cornell?s Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 GPSA R9: Graduate & Professional Student Programming Board Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 GPSA R8: Adoption of a Graduate & Professional Student Assembly Orientation Guidebook Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R8: Gannet Health Services and Alcohol Related Incidents on Cornell's Campus Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 GPSA R7: A Resolution to Revise the Funding Guidelines of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R7: Examining the SAFC Funding Process for Independent Student Organizations Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 UA R7: Resolution Recommending Changes to the Campus Code of Conduct Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 UA R6: Resolution Opposing the Proposed Changes to the Cornell Council for the Arts (CCA) Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 GPSA R6: Regarding the Charter and Bylaws of the Graduate & Professional Student Assembly Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R6: Responsibilities of the Vice President of Public Relations Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 SA R5: Committee Review of Resolutions Adopted by the Assembly