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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2023-2024 GPSA R8: ESG recommendations on discussion of divestment from companies engaged in weapons manufacturing The Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and… Acknowledged by the President Jun 4, 2024
2023-2024 UA R3: Interim Expressive Activity Policy Interim Expressive Activity Policy Acknowledged by the President Jun 3, 2024
2023-2024 UA R2: Enhancing Constituency Representation in Policy Making University Policy 4.1 – Formulation and Issuance of Policies Acknowledged by the President May 30, 2024
2023-2024 SA R83: Disapproving of Proposed Amendments to the Student Activity Funding Commission Constitution This resolution rejects proposed amendments to the Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC) constitution. The… Acknowledged by the President May 21, 2024
2023-2024 SA R81: Amending Resolution 39: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026 This resolution amends Resolution 39 and recommends the respective allocations for the 2024-2026 SAF Allocation Cycle. Accepted by the President May 21, 2024
2023-2024 SA R76: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds for Airport Transit None Acknowledged by the President May 21, 2024
2023-2024 SA R75: Establishing the Student Assembly Campus Pulse Committee and Addressing Transparency Issues None Accepted by the President May 21, 2024
2023-2024 GPSA R7: Joint Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies This resolution opens the GPSA to officially appoint at least one permanent GPSA representative to the Ad Hoc Committee… Acknowledged by the President May 13, 2024
2023-2024 SA R71: Collaboration with the GPSA on CSR and ESG This resolution expands the Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University's Corporate and Social Responsibility and… Acknowledged by the President May 10, 2024
2023-2024 SA R82: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Caribbean Students Association This resolution approves $4,000.00 of Special Projects Funding to the Caribbean Students Association to partially fund… Adopted by the Assembly May 2, 2024
2023-2024 SA R80: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Nigerian Students Association This resolution approves $3,775.00 of Special Projects Funding to the Nigerian Students Association to partially fund… Adopted by the Assembly May 2, 2024
2023-2024 SA R79: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Ghanaians at Cornell This resolution approves $3,775.00 of Special Projects Funding to the Ghanaians a Cornell to partially fund their… Adopted by the Assembly May 2, 2024
2023-2024 SA R78: Approval of the Infrastructure Fund Commission’s Recommendations This resolution provides for the disbursement of roughly $78,000 across the four project applications submitted to the… Adopted by the Assembly May 2, 2024
2023-2024 SA R61: Referendum on the ILR School’s 18-Credit Enrollment Limit This resolution will send a referendum to the ILR community that is deemed to gauge satisfaction regarding the ILR… Adopted by the Assembly Apr 30, 2024
2023-2024 UA R1: Establishing the IT Shared Governance Committee This resolution establishes the IT Shared Governance Committee of the University Assembly. Draft Apr 30, 2024
2023-2024 SA R77: Upholding Freedom of Expression In Year of Free Expression, the Student Assembly stands in unity with the ongoing demonstrations and encampment; not on… Adopted by the Assembly Apr 25, 2024
2023-2024 SA R36: Ensuring Equity and Fairness in 2023-2024 Voting Seat Appointments This resolution creates an ad-hoc committee and additional guidelines pursuant to the governing documents to promote… In Discussion Apr 18, 2024
2023-2024 SA R74: Implementing the Office of Ethics’ Recommendations from the Spring ’24 Report This resolution implements the recommendations from the Student Assembly Office of Ethics’ Investigatory Report on… Adopted by the Assembly Apr 14, 2024
2023-2024 SA R73: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Farmers’ Market at Cornel This resolution approves $5,000.00 of Special Projects Funding to the Farmers’ Market at Cornell to partially fund… Adopted by the Assembly Apr 11, 2024
2023-2024 SA R39: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026 This resolution recommends the respective allocations for the 2024-2026 SAF Allocation Cycle. Accepted by the President Apr 4, 2024
2023-2024 SA R72: Funding the Global Action and Impact Association (GAIA) This resolution funds the entry of several students into the GAIA competition. This competition was created last year… Tabled Indefinitely Mar 28, 2024
2023-2024 SA R70: To Amend the Elections Calendar This resolution amends the Elections Calendar to have the campaign and voting period begin on Monday, April 15, and end… Adopted by the Assembly Mar 28, 2024
2023-2024 SA R69: Authorizing the Transfer of Reserve Funds to OSGR This resolution authorizes the transfer of $4,750 from the Student Assembly’s reserve account to the Office of Student… Adopted by the Assembly Mar 28, 2024
2023-2024 GPSA R6: Further GPSAFC Guidelines Amendment This resolution in an amendment to exempt designated field groups from the minimum CampusGroups membership to maintain… Acknowledged by the President Mar 28, 2024
2023-2024 SA R44: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Student Employment and Wages This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to investigate and recommend changes to practices involving student… Acknowledged by the President Mar 25, 2024