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Cornell University

Employee Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 76 - 100 of 106
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2010-2011 EA R2: Executive Vice Chair Responsibilities Adopted by the Assembly
2010-2011 EA R1: Bridge Barriers Adopted by the Assembly
2009-2010 EA R2: Transfer Care Fund Transfers oversight and responsibility for CARE fund to the Office of Human Resources and disbands Employee Assembly… Accepted by the President
2009-2010 EA R1: Expressing Support for the Cornell University Climate Action Plan Tabled Indefinitely
2008-2009 EA R4: Transfer CARE Fund Clarification on Intent Rejected by the Assembly
2008-2009 EA R3: Charter Clarification Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 EA R2: Provost Initiatives Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 EA R1: Unsung Hero Award Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 EA R3: Establishing an Ad-Hoc Committee to Study Representation on the Assembly Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 EA R2: Establishing an Ad-Hoc Charter Review Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 EA R1: Resolution in Support of the Transportation Mitigation Strategies Adopted by the Assembly
2006-2007 EA R4: Proposed Employee Assembly Budget for 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Proposed Employee Assembly Budget for 2007-2008 Fiscal Year Tabled Indefinitely
2006-2007 EA R3: CJC Report and Further Code of Conduct Discussion Adopted by the Assembly
2006-2007 EA R2: Listening to Leaders Forum Adopted by the Assembly
2006-2007 EA R1: Appoint Kerry Howell to Vacant Employee Assembly Seat Adopted by the Assembly
2016-2017 EA R11: Establishment of a Transportation Task Force This resolution requests the establishment of an ad hoc committee to review transportation concerns expressed by… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 EA R10: Revision of the Employee Assembly Charter and Bylaws This resolution updates the governing documents of the Employee Assembly to reflect current practices and a more… Accepted by the President
2016-2017 EA R9: In Recognition and Appreciation of Leon Lawrence This resolution recognizes the passing of Leon Lawrence, and honors him for his<br />contributions to Cornell… Adopted by the Assembly
2016-2017 EA R8: In Support of DACA Students & Foreign Nationals at Cornell University This resolution is a formal endorsement by the Employee Assembly to declare its intent to provide support to our… Returned by the President
2016-2017 EA R7: LGBTQ Inclusion in University Benefits This resolution requests information from the Division of Human Resources on gender-specific or gendered benefits in… Adopted by the Assembly
2016-2017 EA R6: LGBTQ Inclusion in Campus Records This resolution calls for the University to fully implement previously approved resolutions and use and employee’s… Submitted to the President
2016-2017 EA R5: Endorsing The Ithaca Plan: A Public Health and Safety Approach to Drugs and Drug Policy This resolution is a show of community support and UA endorsement for the proposed “Ithaca Plan” to address opiate… Returned by the President
2016-2017 EA R4: Cornell Commitment to Web Accessibility This resolution calls for the University to adopt Web Content Accessibility Standards for all new websites and require… Rejected by the President
2016-2017 EA R3: In Appreciation and Recognition of Franklin N. Henry, Sr. This resolution recognizes the passing of Franklin N. Henry Sr., and honors him for his contributions to Cornell… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 EA R2: Advocating an Inclusive Rebranding This resolution encourages the Board of Trustees to include renaming the Cornell Plantations on their fall agenda. Acknowledged by the President