2/23/2021 Community Building: Engaging in Difficult Conversations Panel Discussion | Questions
I strugle with the notion of free speech when it clearly or blatantly is making a group of people to be "less than". That was not the intent of the First Amendment.
In a conversation, actively listening to the other perspective is key. Meaning, one must listen, reiterate what was heard to ensure accuracy, and acknowledge what was said. Too often, there is a reaction vs. a response.
We live in an era when individuals can voice ideas and opinions, via the internet and social medial channels, at a scale and reach that would have been unimaginable in generations past. When we overlay the concept of free speech into this context, there is a need to visit and revisit what we as a society want "free speech" to mean. I think there is a role for our nation's education institutions to play in fostering critical dialogue about what free speech is and is not. These conversations wold be most effective if they are not limited to classrooms but are also discussed in open forums for employees.
Awarness of potential for miscommunicatio is the first step. Continued growth in understanding and acceptance of diverse populations. Willingness to think and be challenged.
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood." - Steven Covey
What is the best approach for dealing productively with supervisors who express sexist views, or who treat women in a disrespectful or degrading way. For my wife this has caused very deep wounds that affect every area of her life. (She has been called out for mistakes in a demeaning way in front of other team members. Many women have left the center where she works because of the mistreatment by men.)Is there a plan to have a 2021 IT Emerging Leaders Program (ITELP)? Will it be remote? There wasn’t one in 2020.
For Dr. Tebbe: How does Dr. Grabiner-Keinan's framework of dialogue, debate, and discussion relate to the field of law? Is there space for communication beyond debate and what might that look like?
Could the panelists please discuss how to handle situations in which you see or experience a microaggression or other non-inclusive behavior occur at work. Many of us want to respond, and we have been encouraged to do so, but how do we do that effectively?
I have concerns about communicating across power differentials. For instance, if an administrator is offering discussion while staff want dialog, what options might they have?
Please share community agreements!
Sometimes I see that others want to debate their position and don't care about a dialogue. This often leads to two sides and doesn't prove to be productive for any movement. What is the best way to help others to get to a compromise and dialogue point of view?
Isn't this an example of sexual harassment?
I’ve personally cancelled friends from my life this past year due to racist or ignorant comments. While I feel badly, I don’t feel guilty. Is this ok? Should I try to approach them or are there some people we can write off?
How do we as staff engage in conversations within a power structure where people who make decisions do not understand emotionally (perhaps only intellectually) processes, structures, behaviors, processes, systems, etc. that affect people without power negatively? How do we effectively use discomfort/emotional impact in dialog to help people understand and gain empathy?
What would you say to members of the Cornell Community that feel they have used the tools provided to address situations and yet still see the staff members continuing in their role and continuing the behavior(s) they have brought to light?
How do you bring up conversation around pre conceived notions around race, lazy, not smart, etc. which is the underlying factor but they will never admit to that. Then the constant need to prove oneself.
How do we start the process of this open communication in this decentralized environment. How do we go about making this part of the Cornell culture to promote a safe environment to have a dialogue without the fear of retaliation from others who may not be open listening.
Can I sign up for the course that Angela is discussing in the middle of the different sections? Can I get a link to sign up?
Thanks so much to all of you for this overview. Is there more in-depth, practical training on this topic available to staff?
Thank you for answering my question at the beginning of the Q&A. In the “Community Agreements” document, what do the lines “Stories stay, lessons leave,” and “One microphone” mean?