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Cornell University

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 76 - 100 of 254
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2019-2020 GPSA R4: Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2020-2022 The GPSA, during the fall semester of odd-numbered years, through the authority delegated by the President of the… Accepted by the President
2019-2020 GPSA R3: Demanding mandatory arbitration and class action bans be removed from CASHNet and other community agreements Cornell’s CASHNet payment system mandates arbitration to resolve disputes and bans class actions, practices condemned… Acknowledged by the President
2019-2020 GPSA R2: Condemning the Dismissal of Julia Feliz from the Cornell Alliance for Science's Global Leadership Fellowship On October 15th, Julia Feliz was dismissed from the Cornell Alliance for Science Program for “utiliz[ing] the classroom… In Discussion
2019-2020 GPSA R1: Resolution Approving the GPSA Internal Budget for the 2019-2020 Term 2019-2020 Budget Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 GPSA R7: GPSA R 7: Improving Outdoor Space at the Big Red Barn This resolution tasks the GPSA Appropriations Committee to investigate and release funds accordingly for new picnic… Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 GPSA R6: GPSA R 6: Approval of Rules for the Ivy+Student Government Group This resolution seeks to ratify the following Rules (attached in Appendix1) for the Ivy+Graduate and Professional… Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 GPSA R5: GPSA R 5: Ratification of Ivy+ Student Government Group Constitution This resolution seeks to ratify the Rules for the Ivy + Student Government Group. Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 GPSA R4: GPSA R 4: Revising the GPSA Finance Commission Guidelines This resolution seeks to revise certain parts of the GPSA Finance Commission Guidelines. Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 GPSA R3: In Appreciation of Kris Corda's Leadership and Dedication to the Graduate and Professional Student Community at Cornell University and in Celebration of Her Retirement as Manager of the Big Red Barn In Appreciation of Kris Corda’s Leadership and Dedication to the Graduate and Professional Student Community at Cornell… Accepted by the President
2018-2019 GPSA R2: Approving Updates to the GPSA Bylaws for the 2018-2019 Term Approving Updates to the GPSA Bylaws for the 2018-2019 Term Submitted to the President
2018-2019 GPSA R1: Resolution Approving the GPSA Internal Budget for the 2018-2019 Term Resolution Approving the GPSA Internal Budget for the 2018-2019 Term Submitted to the President
2017-2018 GPSA R17: Current and Future Funding for the Annual Big Red Barn Alumni Networking Event A Resolution allocating funding for the Annual Big Red Barn Alumni Networking Event. Tabled Indefinitely
2017-2018 GPSA R16: In support of further discussion on proposed curricular changes to language requirements in the College of Arts & Sciences A Resolution calling for further discussion on the possible reduction of language requirements in the College of Arts… Acknowledged by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R15: Ensuring Equal Representation for Professional Students in the GPSA A resolution adjusting the number of Voting Members to adequately represent professional students. Accepted by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R14: Updating the Byline Procedures, Eligibility Criteria, and Obligations A resolution to update byline procedures, eligibility criteria, and obligations.  Acknowledged by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R13: Calling For the Accommodation of International Students as Leaders at Maplewood Apartments A Resolution urging Cornell to find a solution to allow international students to serve as community leaders in… Acknowledged by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R12: Calling for the Creation of Graduate and Professional Student Specific 'Notice and Respond_F2F' Workshops A resolution asking for specifically graduate and professional student oriented F2F workshops. Returned by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R11: Tasking the GPSA Operations and Staffing Committee with Developing a Procedure for Disciplining Members A Resolution to develop disciplinary procedures and processes for members. Committee Review
2017-2018 GPSA R10: Condemning the Violation of the Autonomy of the GPSA A Resolution condemning a violation of the autonomy of the GPSA. Tabled Indefinitely
2017-2018 GPSA R9: In Support of E.A. R8: Institutional Commitment to All LGBTQ+ Members of the Cornell Community In Support of E.A. R8: Institutional Commitment to All LGBTQ+ Members of the Cornell Community Acknowledged by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R8: Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2018 - 2020 The Appropriations Committee's final recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for… Accepted by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R7: On the need for an institutional commitment to deconstructing systems of oppression and inequity A Resolution reaffirming the need for an institutional commitment to deconstructing systems of oppression and inequity. Returned by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R6: Calling for the Development of A Strategic Plan This resolution confirms the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly’s support for AY 2017 - 2018 University… Returned by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R5: On the Forthcoming Campus Climate Task Force This Resolution addresses the Campus Climate Task Force. Accepted by the President
2017-2018 GPSA R4: Condemning Hate Crimes and Hate Speech, and Supporting Students This resolution affirms the Graduate and professional Student Assembly's solidarity with the Cornell community and… Returned by the President