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Cornell University

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 226 - 248 of 248
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2016-2017 GPSA R13: Cornell Commitment to Web Accessibility The resolution echoes EA Resolution 4 and UA Resolution 6, calling for the University to adopt a web content… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R12: Subsidizing Graduate and Professional Student Travel to the March for Science A resolution to help fund ASAP's trip to D.C. for the March for Science. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R11: Adopting Standing Rules Standing Rules to regulate discussion during meetings of the GPSA. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R10: Workers' Compensation Coverage & Fair Medical Leaves and Disability Coverage for Graduate Employees To clarify Cornell's workers' compensation coverage policies for graduate student employees. Committee Review
2016-2017 GPSA R9: A Call for Action Regarding Cornell Students Facing Uncertainties in Academic Access A resolution to help Cornell students have continued access to their education. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R8: On Responses to the Recent Executive Order "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States" by Cornell and Peers A resolution regarding the recent executive order on immigration. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R7: In Support of Making Cornell a Sanctuary Campus This is a resolution declaring the GPSA’s collective support for a petition made public on Friday November 18, 2016… Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R6: GPSA Finance Commission Guideline Amendments for Ph.D. Students at Cornell Tech (PACT) Ph.D. Students at Cornell Tech (PACT) is seeking establishment as a representative organization for all Ph.D. Students… Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R5: In Support of the Proposed Renaming of Cornell Plantations A resolution supporting the renaming of the "Cornell Plantations" to the "Cornell Botanic Gardens." Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R4: In Support of the Maplewood Redevelopment Project To signify the GPSA's support of the Maplewood Redevelopment Project. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R3: A Resolution Revising the GPSA Finance Commission Guidelines A resolution to revise the funding process for groups seeking funding from the GPSA. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R2: A Resolution Approving the GPSA Internal Budget for the 2016-2017 Term This resolution sets the internal budget of the GPSA for the 2016-2017 academic year. Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 GPSA R1: Approving the GPSA Bylaws for the 2016-2017 Term This Resolution updates the bylaws of the GPSA. Accepted by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R10: A Resolution Updating the Byline Procedures, Eligibility Criteria and Obligations A resolution to update the byline funding procedures, eligibility criteria, and obligation of funded organizations. Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R9: Resolution Concerning Graduate Student Lecturers and Clarity of Admission Letters This resolution expresses the desire of the GPSA to see greater specificity in admissions letters sent to graduate… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R8: Resolution Concerning 2014 Tax Issues for International Students A Resolution to address the 2014 Tax Issues for International Students Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R7: Supervisor-Student Relationships A Resolution to discuss Cornell University's policy in regards to Supervisor-Student Relationships. Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R6: Bringing Cornell University Policy into Compliance with Federal Civil Rights Legislation A resolution to bring Cornell University Policy into Compliance with Federal Civil Rights Legislation Tabled Indefinitely
2015-2016 GPSA R5: Sense of the Body Concerning the Creation of the College of Business This resolution formally adopts the Assembly's Sense of the Body regarding the College of Business. Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R4: Endorsement of the Best Practices for Faculty Advisers Document This resolution presents a set of best practices for faculty advisers that was developed in conjunction with key… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R3: Recommendation for the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee for 2016 - 2018 This resolution conveys the GPSA's recommended graduate and professional student activity fee for the 2016-2018… Accepted by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R2: A Resolution Approving the GPSA Internal Budget for the 2015-2016 Term A Resolution to Approve the GPSA Recommended Allocation for the 2015-2016 Term Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 GPSA R1: Resolution Approving the GPSA Charter and Bylaws for 2015–2016 A Resolution to Approve the GPSA Charter and Bylaws for the Academic Year 2015-2016 Acknowledged by the President