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Cornell University

Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 301 - 325 of 1028
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2019-2020 SA R9: Establishing a Representative Voting Member for the Dyson School on the SA These amendments to the Student Assembly Charter seek to establish a representative voting member for the undergraduate… Accepted by the President
2019-2020 SA R8: Improving Representation for MGFC on the Student Assembly The purpose of this resolution is to amend the Student Assembly bylaws to ensure that more marginalized communities are… Adopted by the Assembly
2019-2020 SA R7: Establishing the Office of the Student Advocate Bylaws These amendments to the Student Assembly Bylaws seek to create an Office of the Student Advocate. Adopted by the Assembly
2019-2020 SA R6: Resolution Urging Cornell University to Call Upon the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) to Divest from the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Construction on Mauna Kea This resolution urges Cornell University to publicly call on the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy… Acknowledged by the President
2019-2020 SA R5: Approval of the 2019-2020 Elections Committee Members As per the Student Assembly Bylaws, the Student Assembly general body confirms the 5 Executive Cabinet’s slate of… Adopted by the Assembly
2019-2020 SA R4: Creating an ad-hoc Committee for SAFC Transformation This resolution creates an ad-hoc committee of the Student Assembly to work with the Student Activity Funding… Adopted by the Assembly
2019-2020 SA R3: Approving the 2019-2020 Student Assembly Budget This resolution approves the Student Assembly Operating Budget for the 2019-2020 Academic Year and puts the contents of… Adopted by the Assembly
2019-2020 SA R2: Amending the Student Assembly Bylaws These amendments to the Student Assembly Bylaws seek to add ex-officio positions titled "Students with… Adopted by the Assembly
2019-2020 SA R1: Approval of the 2019-2020 Standing Rules The Student Assembly Bylaws state that the first meeting of the academic year must be to approve the Standing Rules.… Adopted by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R41: Amending Appendix A This resolution makes minor amendments to Appendix A of the Student Assembly Charter in preparation for the Fall 2019… Accepted by the President
2018-2019 SA R40: Standardizing Recruitment for Executive Offices Resolution to standardize and make public the processes by which executive offices are recruited and organized. Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 SA R39: Establishing an Ad-Hoc Committee for Investigating Course Absence Policy Reform This resolution establishes an ad-hoc committee with the goal of investigating Cornell’s Course Absence Policy. At the… Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 SA R38: Establishing Formal Committee – Administrator Relationships This resolution seeks to establish a formal relationship between the Cornell University administration and the Cornell… Returned by the President
2018-2019 SA R37: Denouncing White Supremacist Paraphernalia at County Fairs ABSTRACT: This resolution denounces the presence of Confederate imagery at all state-funded, Cornell-affiliated fairs… Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 SA R36: Resolution Urging Cornell to Divest from Companies Profiting from the Occupation of Palestine and Human Rights Violation ABSTRACT: This resolution calls upon Cornell University to divest from companies profiting from the human rights… Rejected by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R35: Approval of Amendments to the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Constitution and Changing the Organization’s Name to the Gender Justice Advocacy Coalition (GJAC) ABSTRACT: This resolution presents changes to the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Constitution for Student Assembly… Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 SA R34: Approval of Amendments to the International Students Union (ISU) Constitution and Bylaws ABSTRACT: This resolution presents changes to the International Students Union (ISU) Constitution and Bylaws for… Adopted by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R33: Establishing the Student Health Advisory Committee Bylaws This resolution provides the bylaws for the Student Health Advisory Committee on which the organization will be… Acknowledged by the President
2018-2019 SA R32: Reorganizing the Student Assembly Budget by Shifting Funds and Supporting the Summer Experience Grant This resolution tranfers [sic] funds from the designated Student Assembly Reserve to the SA Special Projects and… Adopted by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R31: Approving Special Projects Request for the Spring 2019 Ivy Native Conference ABSTRACT: This resolution approves $2,579 of Special Projects funding to Native American and Indigenous Students At… Adopted by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R30: Approval of Amendments to the Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC) Funding Guidelines ABSTRACT: This resolution presents changes to the Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC) Funding Guidelines for… Adopted by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R29: Ensuring Student Representation in the IT Governance Process at Cornell Through the Establishment of a Standing Committee This resolution aims to establish a standing committee of the Student Assembly tasked with the responsibility of… Returned by the President
2018-2019 SA R28: Amendment to Spring 2019 Election Rules This resolution updates the Student Assembly Charter and Election Rules for the Spring 2019 Election, establishing a… In Discussion
2018-2019 SA R27: Approval of the CUTonight Constitution This resolution presents changes to the CUTonight Constitution for Student Assembly approval. Adopted by the Assembly
2018-2019 SA R26: Thank You Letter to Kathy Zoner for Her Years of Service A letter from the Cornell student body thanking Kathy Zoner for her over twenty-five years of service at Cornell and… Adopted by the Assembly