Student Assembly Resolutions
Displaying 51 - 75 of 1054
Term | Resolution | Abstract | Status |
2023-2024 | SA R58: Suspending University Policy 4.23 to Affirm the Responsibility of the Shared Governance System and Uphold Freedom of Expression | This resolution critiques the Interim Expressive Activity Policy (University Policy 4.23) for lacking consultation with… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R57: Suspending the Cornell interim Expressive Activity Policy to Promote Freedom of Expression | This resolution addresses concerns with Cornell's new Interim Expressive Activity Policy, which imposes… | Tabled Indefinitely |
2023-2024 | SA R56: Affirming the Responsibility of the Shared Governance System to Uphold Freedom of Expression | This resolution acknowledges the essential importance of consulting the organs of shared governance in policy making… | Tabled Indefinitely |
2023-2024 | SA R55: Amending the Previously Adopted Resolution 27 | This resolution incorporates changes requested by the University President into the previously adopted Resolution 27,… | Accepted by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R53: Funding for Ornithological Conservation Projects | A resolution requesting an increase in funding for the Student Assembly Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R52: Approving Special Projects Request for Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Cornell | This resolution approves $1,500.00 of Special Projects Funding to the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R51: Calling for Cornell to Follow its Divestment Guidelines and Divest from Systemic Violence Against Civilians in Gaza | This resolution calls upon the Board of Trustees to divest from companies complicit in committing ‘morally… | Rejected by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R50: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies | This resolution creates an ad hoc committee to draft a report on the University’s CSR and ESG policies related to the… | Submitted to the President |
2023-2024 | SA R49: Establishing an Ad-hoc committee for Student Engagement | Promoting community engagement under the Freedom of Expression Theme Year, this Committee will organize guest speakers… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R48: Supporting the Leadership of President Pollack & Provost Kotlikoff | This resolution affirms the Student Assembly’s support for the leadership of President Pollack, Provost Kotlikoff, Vice… | Accepted by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R47: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Bolster Community Engagement | This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to reinstate the Home Plate initiative at Cornell. | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R46: Commending Rahul Verma ’24 for his Service to the Student Assembly | This resolution commends Rahul Verma ’24 for his service to the Student Assembly as Director of Elections. | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R45: Amending the Previously Adopted Authorization of the Transfer of Reserve Funds to Black Students United (BSU) | This resolution amends the authorization of reserve funds for a February 2024 trip to Washington, D.C. for Black… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R44: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Student Employment and Wages | This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to investigate and recommend changes to practices involving student… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R43: Authorizing the Transfer of Reserve Funds to Black Students United (BSU) | This resolution authorizes the transfer of $24,378 from the Student Assembly’s reserve funds to Black Students United (… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R42: A Resolution in Support of Amending the Student Suicide Prevention Act | A resolution to join other student governments in calling the NY State Senate to amend the Student Suicide Prevention… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R41: Changing the Election Timeline of the OSGR | This resolution changes the Office of Student Government Relations (OSGR) Executive board election timeline to match… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R39: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026 | This resolution recommends the respective allocations for the 2024-2026 SAF Allocation Cycle. | Accepted by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R38: Adjusting the 2024-2026 Student Activity Fee Allocations for the Cornell University Program Board and the Tatkon Center for New Students | This resolution recommends the adjustment of the Cornell University Programming Board (CUPB) allocation from $17.00 to… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R37: Making Election Day a Holiday | This resolution aims to increase civic engagement in the Cornell population by proposing Election Day to be made a… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R36: Ensuring Equity and Fairness in 2023-2024 Voting Seat Appointments | This resolution creates an ad-hoc committee and additional guidelines pursuant to the governing documents to promote… | In Discussion |
2023-2024 | SA R34: Creation of the Role of OSGR Deputy Director | This resolution creates a new Executive Board Position in the Student Assembly’s Office of Student Government Relations | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R33: Protecting Freedom of Expression: Anti-Doxxing | The threat of doxxing poses substantial safety concerns infringing upon students’ abilities to freely express… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R32: Amending the Student Assembly Charter in Allyship with HAVEN | This resolution amends the Student Assembly Charter to include additional roles of the LGBTQIA+ Liaison and exempts… | In Discussion |
2023-2024 | SA R31: Toward Relief and Peace in the Middle East | This resolution authorizes the Assembly to run a donation drive to support relief and peace efforts in the Middle East | In Discussion |