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Cornell University

Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 51 - 75 of 1054
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2023-2024 SA R58: Suspending University Policy 4.23 to Affirm the Responsibility of the Shared Governance System and Uphold Freedom of Expression This resolution critiques the Interim Expressive Activity Policy (University Policy 4.23) for lacking consultation with… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R57: Suspending the Cornell interim Expressive Activity Policy to Promote Freedom of Expression This resolution addresses concerns with Cornell's new Interim Expressive Activity Policy, which imposes… Tabled Indefinitely
2023-2024 SA R56: Affirming the Responsibility of the Shared Governance System to Uphold Freedom of Expression This resolution acknowledges the essential importance of consulting the organs of shared governance in policy making… Tabled Indefinitely
2023-2024 SA R55: Amending the Previously Adopted Resolution 27 This resolution incorporates changes requested by the University President into the previously adopted Resolution 27,… Accepted by the President
2023-2024 SA R53: Funding for Ornithological Conservation Projects A resolution requesting an increase in funding for the Student Assembly Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R52: Approving Special Projects Request for Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Cornell This resolution approves $1,500.00 of Special Projects Funding to the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R51: Calling for Cornell to Follow its Divestment Guidelines and Divest from Systemic Violence Against Civilians in Gaza This resolution calls upon the Board of Trustees to divest from companies complicit in committing ‘morally… Rejected by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R50: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee on Cornell University's Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Policies This resolution creates an ad hoc committee to draft a report on the University’s CSR and ESG policies related to the… Submitted to the President
2023-2024 SA R49: Establishing an Ad-hoc committee for Student Engagement Promoting community engagement under the Freedom of Expression Theme Year, this Committee will organize guest speakers… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R48: Supporting the Leadership of President Pollack & Provost Kotlikoff This resolution affirms the Student Assembly’s support for the leadership of President Pollack, Provost Kotlikoff, Vice… Accepted by the President
2023-2024 SA R47: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Bolster Community Engagement This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to reinstate the Home Plate initiative at Cornell. Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R46: Commending Rahul Verma ’24 for his Service to the Student Assembly This resolution commends Rahul Verma ’24 for his service to the Student Assembly as Director of Elections. Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R45: Amending the Previously Adopted Authorization of the Transfer of Reserve Funds to Black Students United (BSU) This resolution amends the authorization of reserve funds for a February 2024 trip to Washington, D.C. for Black… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R44: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Student Employment and Wages This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to investigate and recommend changes to practices involving student… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R43: Authorizing the Transfer of Reserve Funds to Black Students United (BSU) This resolution authorizes the transfer of $24,378 from the Student Assembly’s reserve funds to Black Students United (… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R42: A Resolution in Support of Amending the Student Suicide Prevention Act A resolution to join other student governments in calling the NY State Senate to amend the Student Suicide Prevention… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R41: Changing the Election Timeline of the OSGR This resolution changes the Office of Student Government Relations (OSGR) Executive board election timeline to match… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R39: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2024-2026 This resolution recommends the respective allocations for the 2024-2026 SAF Allocation Cycle. Accepted by the President
2023-2024 SA R38: Adjusting the 2024-2026 Student Activity Fee Allocations for the Cornell University Program Board and the Tatkon Center for New Students This resolution recommends the adjustment of the Cornell University Programming Board (CUPB) allocation from $17.00 to… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R37: Making Election Day a Holiday This resolution aims to increase civic engagement in the Cornell population by proposing Election Day to be made a… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R36: Ensuring Equity and Fairness in 2023-2024 Voting Seat Appointments This resolution creates an ad-hoc committee and additional guidelines pursuant to the governing documents to promote… In Discussion
2023-2024 SA R34: Creation of the Role of OSGR Deputy Director This resolution creates a new Executive Board Position in the Student Assembly’s Office of Student Government Relations Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R33: Protecting Freedom of Expression: Anti-Doxxing The threat of doxxing poses substantial safety concerns infringing upon students’ abilities to freely express… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R32: Amending the Student Assembly Charter in Allyship with HAVEN This resolution amends the Student Assembly Charter to include additional roles of the LGBTQIA+ Liaison and exempts… In Discussion
2023-2024 SA R31: Toward Relief and Peace in the Middle East This resolution authorizes the Assembly to run a donation drive to support relief and peace efforts in the Middle East In Discussion