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Cornell University

Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 851 - 875 of 1028
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2008-2009 SA R11: SA Monthly Bulletin Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R10: Addition to the Responsibilities of the Vice President of Finance Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R9: Student Assembly Budget Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R8: Creation of an ad-hoc Gorge Safety Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R7: Reprinting of Resolutions and Other Documents Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R6: Compliance with Cornell's Statement on Diversity Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R5: SA Pledge of Allegiance Tabled Indefinitely
2008-2009 SA R4: Charter Change Review Tabled Indefinitely
2008-2009 SA R3: 2008 Fall Undergraduate Election Rules Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R2: Creation of an ad-hoc Academic Integrity Drafting Committee Adopted by the Assembly
2008-2009 SA R1: 2008-2009 Standing Rules Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R26: Regarding Printing Out Previous Meeting Minutes at Meetings Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R25: Adoption of Changes Proposed by the SA Charter Review Committee Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R24: Student Assembly Support of Academic Integrity at Cornell University Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R23: Confirmation of SA Committee Members Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R22: Revision to Appendix B of the Student Assembly Charter Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R21: Regarding The Community Clause Rejected by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R20: Regarding Vacancies on the 08-09 Student Assembly Rejected by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R18: Establishment of Safe Ride Program Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R17: Concealed Carry on Campus Rejected by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R16: Resolution Regarding the 12/1 Elections Committee Statement Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R15: Clarification of Designated At-Large Seats Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R14: Resolution Concerning the Funding of Slope Day Tabled Indefinitely
2007-2008 SA R13: Resolution in Support of Cornell's New Financial Aid Policy Adopted by the Assembly
2007-2008 SA R12: Resolution Regarding the Direct Election of the Student Assembly President and Executive Vice President Adopted by the Assembly