Student Assembly Resolutions
Displaying 151 - 175 of 1052
Term | Resolution | Abstract | Status |
2021-2022 | SA R63: Establishing a Brooks School of Public Policy Representative on the Student Assembly | This resolution amends the Student Assembly Charter to add a representative voting member for undergraduate Brooks… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R62: Supporting Cornell Hunger Relief's the Big Red Food Drive | This resolution calls for administrative and assembly support for the Big Red Food Drive, an annual non-perishable food… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R61: Using SA Reserve Funds to Send a Community Member to the SUNY SA Conference | This resolution approves spending $200 from the Student Assembly Reserve (funds not spent from prior years) to cover… | Submitted to the President |
2021-2022 | SA R60: Using SA Reserve Funds to Send SA Representatives to the SUNY SA Conference | This resolution approves spending $3,000 from the Student Assembly Reserve (funds not spent from prior years) to send… | Waiting for Submission to the President |
2021-2022 | SA R59: Amendments to Appendix B of the Student Assembly Charter | This resolution seeks to amend Appendix B of the Student Assembly Charter by updating outdated terms and change methods… | Accepted by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R58: Cosponsoring the April 29th Teach-In | This resolution cosponsors the “Academic Freedom, Global Hubs, and Cornell Involvement in the People’s Republic of… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R57: Supporting Improvements to Outdoor Internet Access | This resolution supports the proposed improvements to Cornell-maintained Wi-Fi networks by adding Wi-Fi access points… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R54: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for BOSS’ Mental Health Summit | This resolution approves $1,761.75 of Special Projects Funding to Building Ourselves 5through Sisterhood and Service (B… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R53: Expanding Printer Access on North Campus | Abstract: This resolution calls for the expansion of the Cornell Information Technology Office’s CU Print program to… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R52: SA R52 - Extending Petitioning Deadline | Abstract: This resolution reopens petitions for the Spring 2022 Student Assembly Elections for all vacant positions. | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R51: SA R51 - Amendments to Slope Day Programming Board’s Appendix B Guidelines | Abstract: This resolution seeks to amend Slope Day Programming Board’s Appendix B Guidelines to reflect updates on… | Tabled Indefinitely |
2021-2022 | SA R50: SA R50 - Establishing a Brooks School of Public Policy Representative on the Student Assembly | Abstract: This resolution amends the Student Assembly Charter to add a representative voting member for undergraduate… | Tabled Indefinitely |
2021-2022 | SA R49: Cornell Civic Holiday | Abstract: This resolution advocates for the creation of the Cornell Civic Holiday in which all university activities… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R48: SA R48 -Establishment of the Committee of International Students Affairs | Abstract: This resolution will establish an ad hoc committee called the Committee of International Students Affairs. | Rejected by the Assembly |
2021-2022 | SA R47: SA R47 - Continuing the Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship | Abstract: This resolution allows for the Diversity Committee to distribute their funds amongst minority organizations… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R46: SA R46 - Support of a New Natatorium (Pool) in the 'Do the Greatest Good' Campaign | Abstract: This resolution calls for Supporting the Faculty Senates Resolution on a New Natatorium (pool facility) to be… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R45: SA R45 - Amendments to Election Rules for Spring 2022 | ABSTRACT: This resolution updates the Student Assembly Election Rules for the Spring 2022 Election. This is… | Waiting for Submission to the President |
2021-2022 | SA R44: Resolution Commending the Service of Wendy Treat, Office of the Assemblies Senior Coordinator | In her role as Senior Coordinator, Wendy Treat has served the Cornell Office of Assemblies for the past two years. In… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R43: Proposed Charter Amendment To The Process of Conducting Referenda | This resolution amends the charter to accurately reflect the Student Assembly roles and enable the student body to… | Tabled Indefinitely |
2021-2022 | SA R42: Establish Feb 21st as the US-China Friendship Day at Cornell | This resolution asks the Cornell University to recognize Feb 21st at the US-China Friendship Day | Tabled Indefinitely |
2021-2022 | SA R41: Overturning the Executive Committee’s Decision | This resolution overturns the Executive Committee’s Decision to remove Representative Wade from the Student Assembly. | Rejected by the Assembly |
2021-2022 | SA R40: Spring Festival Gala Special Funding Project | This resolution approves $5,000 of Special Projects Funding to the Cornell Chinese Students and Scholars Association (… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R39: Zoom Live Transcript Implementation Request | This resolution calls for the use of automatic live transcription (closed captioning) feature on all applicable… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R38: Establishing the Public Health and Safety Committee | This resolution calls for the creation of the Student Public Health and Safety Committee by working and students across… | Acknowledged by the President |
2021-2022 | SA R37: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2022-2024 | This resolution provides the recommendation from the Student Assembly for the 2022-2024 Student Activity Fee. | Accepted by the President |