The Takeover of Willard Straight Hall (1969)
Within Cornell, the takeover has come to be seen as an event that gave birth to enormous social, governance and ideological change, and had long-lasting effects as well as immediate outcomes that continue to shape the Cornell community. The Campus Code of Conduct, the University and Student Assemblies, and the addition of student-elected trustees resulted from the takeover.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning photo of Cornell students emerging from Willard Straight Hall after the takeover.
Resources and links:
- "A campus takeover that symbolized an era of change," April 16, 2009 ... The first in a series of articles about the four-decade legacy of the 36-hour student takeover of Willard Straight Hall that began April 18, 1969. Cornell Chronicle
- Willard Straight Hall Takeover and Student Protests, (digitized video made from a video compilation which included footage from multiple film reels.) Kroch Library, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections
- Willard Straight Occupation Study Guide
- Willard Straight Takeover Documents