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Cornell University

Student-Elected Trustee Election - Spring 2019




Information for candidates

Only undergraduate students who will remain a student for the duration of the Student Elected Trustee’s term (2019–2021) are eligible to be candidates for the Spring 2019 Student Trustee election. Graduate and professional students will be eligible in next year’s election. Each person who wishes to be a candidate in these elections must complete the following requirements:

  1. Read the Trustee Nominating Committee Election Rules.
    1. Read the Updated Standards for Petitioning and Campaigning in Classes and Residence Halls, which is intended to avoid conflicts of interest and to provide fairness to opportunities.
  2. Complete the Online Registration Form
  3. Attend the information session on Monday, March 4, 2019, @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm in 316 Day Hall
  4. Gather 300 valid, distinct signatures using the Candidate Petition Form. We recommend you collect at least 350. Any student who will be eligible to vote in the election may sign your petition (even if they are not eligible to run in the election). In this election, candidates may collect signatures from both undergraduate and graduate/professional students. There is no limit to the number of signatures you may submit. Submit your petition forms to the Office of the Assemblies (109 Day Hall) by the registration deadline of Monday, March 11, 2019.
  5. Attend the mandatory educational meeting on March 12, 2018, @ 4:00 pm in 300 CCC.
  6. Attend the mandatory campaigning meeting on March 13, 2018, @ 4:00 pm in 316 Day Hall. *Campaigning begins immediately following the meeting.
  7. Submit the Candidate Expense Report to the Office of the Assemblies before the end of the voting period (Wednesday, March 27th at 2:00 pm), even if you have no expenses.
  8. Should there be a cause to challenge a candidate, please complete the Challenge Form and submit it to the Office of the Assemblies in 109 Day Hall by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27, 2019.


  • The voting period for this election begins at 9:00 am on Monday, March 25th, 2019, and concludes at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019.
  • Voting is conducted using Ranked Choice Voting. Ranked choice voting (also called Instant Runoff Voting, or “Hare System” Voting) is a method of voting in which voters rank candidates in order of preference - 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, etc. All first choices are tallied and in a single-winner race, if no candidate receives a majority (50%+1) of first-choice votes, the less popular candidates are eliminated and ballots cast for these candidates are redistributed to more popular candidates, based on their voters’ second choices, until one candidate wins with a majority. As a result, every vote counts and very few votes are “wasted.” Voters cast their vote for their favorite candidate knowing that if he or she doesn’t gather enough votes to win, their vote will count toward their second choice. Your vote always counts for your highest ranked candidate until he or she is elected or eliminated and your vote continues to count once your favorite candidate is elected or eliminated until all the seats are filled. This helps ensure that more voters than ever are represented by someone they voted for and provides greater opportunity for more diverse representation.