Student-Elected Trustee Election (Undergraduate)-Spring 2023
Meet the Spring 2023 Student-Elected Trustee Candidates
Watch the Student-Elected Trustee Forum
Information for candidates
Candidates must be enrolled full-time in one of the undergraduate colleges; not on disciplinary probation or suspension; and must be, and expect to remain, registered in good-standing in their current college as an undergraduate through the end of the two-year term. The elected candidate will serve as a full-voting member of the Cornell University Board of Trustees for a two-year term, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact the Office of the Assemblies via email: Requirements:
Each person who wishes to be a candidate in this election must complete the following requirements by Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 5:00PM (EST):- Read the Procedures and the Addendum to "Student and Employee-Elected Trustee Procedures 2023".
- Register to attend the information session on Monday, March 27, 2023 at 4:00PM via Zoom
- Complete the Online Registration Form. Be prepared to provide:
- a candidate statement (1500 character-limit);
- describe relevant experiences, community involvement and special interests;
- a photo of yourself;
- Gather 150 valid, distinct signatures using the online Candidate Petition Form (see instructions for Creating the Online Petition Form).
- We recommend you collect more than 150 signatures in the event that some cannot be validated.
- Any registered Cornell undergraduate student may sign your petition form (even if they are not eligible to run for student-elected Trustee). Undergraduate students may sign more than one petition. There is no limit to the number of signatures you may submit (see instructions for Signing the Online Petition Form).
- Complete your online petition signature gathering by the registration deadline of Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 5:00PM (EST).
- Attend the informational meeting-Monday, March 27, 2023 at 4:00 PM(EST) via Zoom
- Attend the mandatory campaigning meeting to receive guidance and review permitted campaigning- Monday, April 17, 2023 from 4:30-5:30 PM in Conference Room B12, Day Hall
- Attend the mandatory educational meeting with University Counsel-Tuesday, April 18, 2023 from 4:00-4:45 PM (EST) in Conference Room B12, Day Hall
- Participate in the The Daily Sun 2023 Student-Elected Trustee Candidate Forum- Wednesday, April 26, 5PM-6:30PM (EST) via Zoom
- Submit the Candidate Expense Report via email to the Office of the Assemblies by Friday, May 5, 2023 by 5:00pm, even if you have no expenses.
- In the event of a challenge to a candidate, submit the Challenge Form via email to the Office of the Assemblies by Thursday, May 4th, 2023 by 12:00PM (EST)