Meet the Candidates
Click the links below to learn more about:
Executive Vice-President
First-Generation College Students Liaison At-Large
International Students Liaison At-Large
LGBTQIA+ Students Liaison At-Large
Minority Students Liaison At-Large
Students with Disabilities Liaison At-Large
Undergraduate Representative to the Student Assembly
Undesignated Representative At-Large
Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large
College and School Representative Candidates:
Brooks School of Public Policy Representative
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative
College of Art, Architecture and Planning Representative
College of Arts and Sciences Representative
Dyson School of Business Representative
College of Engineering Representative
School of Hotel Administration Representative
College of Human Ecology Representative
School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative
Student Assembly Forum Videos Student Assembly General Candidate Forum Spring '23 Student Assembly Presidential Candidate Forum Spring '23 Candidate Videos Those who missed the Candidate Forum were given the opportunity to add a short video Click on the Box icon to access video
Candidates for President
Sanvi Bhardwaj Health Care Policy College of Human Ecology sb2236 Candidate for President Hi! My name is Sanvi Bhardwaj and I currently serve as the College of Human Ecology Representative and Chair of the Student Health Advisory Committee on the SA. I’m running for President to continue to advocate for:- Equity and Accessibility: Overhauling financial aid to reflect Ithaca’s high cost of living; supporting Free TCAT; abolishing the student contribution fee; centralizing and expanding Basic Needs resources such as food, housing, health, financial aid, etc.; expanding the access fund
- Health and Safety: Auditing and expanding CAPS; reviewing the Student Health Plan and covering it under financial aid; supporting alternative resources to Title IX for survivors; funding the Crisis Response Team as an alternative to CUPD; bringing an MD gynecologist to Cornell Health; free period products in all bathrooms; reforming SDS accommodation requests
- Transparency and Accountability: Holding Cornell accountable by advocating for better pay and working conditions for all students; hosting weekly SA office hours; creating anonymous feedback forms for professors; ensuring administration stays committed to Carbon Neutrality by 2035
You can learn more about my platform and the future I envision for Cornell at!
Pedro Da Silveira Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering phd42 Candidate for President Are you tired of a Student Assembly that talks the talk but never walks the walk? Me too. That's why I'm running to be your next Student Assembly President - because actions speak louder than words.In my two years on the Assembly, I've put in work to make some real changes with tangible benefits. Check it out:
-Brought Bikeshare back to Cornell (no more walking to class in the snow!)
-Installation Plan B vending machines (let's be real, life never goes to plan)
-Launched project to install heated lamps at bus stops (no more painful waiting )
-Made it easier to print with more printers on north campus (because who has time to run to Olin?)
-Boosted our WiFi with routers on blue light posts (Enjoy running into strangers while watching your un-buffered tiktoks!)
But I'm not done yet. As your next S.A. President, I'm setting my sights on bolder goals - like free laundry for all students (via paying with bursar), bikeshare and TCAT passes for all undergrads, and swapping meal swipes for cafe meals.
As an engineer, I solve problems and make things happen. I'm committed to delivering on my promises and making a real impact. As Napoleon Dynamite said it best, VOTE FOR PEDRO!
Patrick Kuehl Global Development College of Agriculture and Life Sciences pok3 Candidate for President Hi! I’m from Sheridan Wyoming, I currently serve as your representative at large, and I am a Global Development major in the CALS school. I enjoy fly fishing, good books, and Led Zeppelin.
I came to Ithaca before the pandemic and took time off while classes were online to work. For the last couple of years I have treated thousands of patients in the Ithaca and Cornell communities on the local ambulance where I work as an EMT.
I feel that above all else, we as Cornell students deserve to be supported and to feel comfortable in our environments so that we can fully find and follow what drives us. While other candidates may have a slate of issues they want to focus on in their 30 weeks in office, I have just one.
Build stronger community at Cornell.
I don’t think I need to prove to anybody that areas of our community could use some work. When I have talked to students who are struggling, both as a healthcare professional and as a friend, they often echo the same concern: they don’t feel like they belong anywhere. My mission is to make sure every student feels like they have a place.
Student government should be about decisions, not division and I am committed to bringing all people to the table to create a better Cornell.
Candidates for Executive Vice President
Rocco DeLorenzo Food Science & Applied Economics and Management College of Arts and Sciences grd43 Candidate for Executive Vice President My name is Rocco DeLorenzo and I am a junior dual majoring in Food Science & Applied Economics and Management. On campus, I am currently serving as the Interfraternity Council (IFC) President and VP of Finance on the Student Assembly. As Executive Vice President, I will strive to make a more positive campus environment through increased access to mental health resources, streamlining of the byline funding process for organizations, and pushing for more environmental initiatives within the Cornell community.Claire Ting Industrial and labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations ct499 Candidate for Executive Vice President Hi everyone. My name is Claire Ting and I'm running to be your Vice President. I'm a sophomore ILRie, with a background in law and community advocacy. Previously, I have worked as an organizer for the Asian-American community in my hometown and have been an avid advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and justice. I’ve always been passionate about fighting for equity and justice, and I am excited to continue these efforts to serve as your Vice President for the 2023-2024 school year. Over this past year, I have served on the assembly as the ILR Representative and member of the campus welfare committee where I have worked on various campus health and safety initiatives to further protect the student body. As Vice President, I promise to continue expanding the reach of healthcare services on campus, particularly for underprivileged students who may not have the resources to access healthcare elsewhere. I will do my absolutely best to make our community where all students are able to thrive, making sure their basic needs are met.
I encourage you all to reach out to me, so that we can work together for a stronger Cornell community. Thank you!
First Generation College Students Liaison At-Large
Marwa Bakri Anthropology and Information Science College of Arts and Sciences mmb347 First Generation College Students Liaison At-Large Candidate Lived experience goes far, and our roles as trailblazers needs to be recognized. I am running for this position, not only because I understand the challenges and triumphs of being a first-gen student, but because I believe in the amplification of our voices and being heard. Though we have a unique set of skills from navigating a space that may not have been designed for us, I envision a future in which students like us do not have to go the "extra mile" just to feel on par with our peers. I am passionate about advocating for and supporting first-gen students like myself, and if elected, will work tirelessly to make sure those I represent in those meetings are advocated for and heard. We already have some great initiatives going for first generation students and I am passionate about feeding into them and providing a platform.I believe that my personal experiences, leadership skills and passion for advocacy, make me the ideal candidate for this position and I am committed to working hard, listening to your concerns, and fighting for your rights as a first-gen student. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to serving as your First Generation College Students Liaison At-Large.
International Students Liaison At-Large
Noon Son Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering ns955 International Students Liaison At-Large Candidate Hello everyone, My name is Noon, also known as Stellar, a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering in College of Engineering from South Korea. As an International Students Liaison At-Large, I have spent my term working on establishing the international students affairs committee. With the committee, I hope that I can continue creating safe, comfortable, and inclusive spaces for international students. My platform focuses on three main aspects:1. Hold meetings for international students to voice their concerns and write resolutions to help solving,
2. Increase availability of financial aid for international students and make financial resources for international students to be aware of,
3. Work individually with college representatives as well as career offices to increase presence of international career advisors and be more aware of obstacles that international students might face
Knowing that I cannot represent everyone, I hope to represent and be more familiar with the international student community with your support. It would be an honor to serve you as International Students Liaison At-Large as this position is not just mine but all of ours. Feel free to contact me on
LGBTQIA+ Students Liaison At-Large
Karys Everett Government College of Arts and Sciences kae84 LGBTQIA+ Students Liaison At-Large Candidate I have been the LGBTQIA+ Liaison for the past few months and I am looking forward to continuing the betterment of my community. I am here to bring a voice to a community that has been silenced for too long. I hope that I can continue to bring a voice and improve life on campus for all students.
Candidates for Minority Students Liaison At-Large
Aissatou Barry Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences ab2449 Minority Students Liaison At-Large Candidate Hello, my name is Aissatou Barry and I'm a junior majoring in Anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences. I'm writing to humbly request your support for my candidacy for Minority Students Liaison at Large. I believe I'm well-suited for this role due to my involvement in various cultural and religious organizations on campus. As someone with multiple identities, I can empathize with and collaborate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. This also equips me with the skills and perspectives necessary to advocate for all minority students on campus.I strongly believe in the power of collaboration and working closely with other student leaders and groups to develop solutions and address the challenges that impact minority students. As Minority Students Liaison at Large, I'm committed to working tirelessly to ensure that the needs and concerns of minority students are heard and addressed.
Thank you for considering my candidacy, and I hope to have the opportunity to serve as a passionate and effective advocate for all minority students on campus.
Ronan Chatterji Biological Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences rkc63 Minority Students Liaison At-Large Candidate My name is Ronan Chatterji. I’m a freshman studying Bio at Cals. I feel like I’d be a great fit for minority representative at large based on my prior experiences. Thank You.
Suraj Parikh Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations sdp93 Minority Students Liaison At-Large Candidate Working-class, minority, and disadvantaged students severely lack representation and support at Cornell.
Cornell administration repeatedly FAILS to:
- Adequately fund TCAT, causing delays and route shutdowns while leaving workers behind
- Pay students a living wage
- Bargain fairly with Cornell Dining workers, causing a decline in dining hall quality and difficulty for hard-working employees
I am asking for your vote so I can use my position on the Student Assembly to pressure Cornell administration into holding up their end of the bargain with students, workers, and citizens of Ithaca.
As the minority students' liaison, I will:
- Urge Cornell to commit to AT LEAST an 8% increase in TCAT funding, along with expanded + free TCAT -- critical to ensuring students of all backgrounds have equal access to public transportation
- Raise student worker wages to AT LEAST the Ithaca living wage of $18.26/hour -- helping working students, primarily those who are low-income and minority, have a decent standard of living
- Demanding that Cornell bargains in good faith with all of the respective unions, including the UAW 2300, and supporting workers against Cornell wherever possible
Thank you, and I would be honored to have your vote.
Jason Villarruel Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations jdv73 Minority Students Liaison At-Large Candidate Hello everyone! My name is Jason Villarruel, a first-year ILR student. Born from a family of Indigenous Peruvian immigrants and raised in a Latino community, I’ve seen many people suffer from a lack of healthcare, food insecurity, and anxiety surrounding housing. So, expecting to see these issues mostly addressed at Cornell, it has been disappointing to see the same issues prevalent in the same demographics at an institution that possesses the infrastructure and (more than enough) funding necessary to prevent them. As a minority representative, I would join other students in the effort to end the neglect of the everyday problems that our low-income minority (and non-minority) students face by:
1. Expanding and strengthening financial aid support, especially concerning the delay of its distribution.
2. Fighting to improve the working conditions and security of our student workers.
3. Re-establishing a Crisis Response Team to replace the CUPD as those responding to students calling for help during periods of mental health crises.
4. Ensuring that students are alleviated of excess concerns that could be handled by the university, such as transportation, unaffordable housing, food insecurity, and the anxieties of immigrant students.
Students with Disabilities Representative At-Large
Omeed Moini Human Development College of Human Ecology orm22 Students with Disabilities Representative Candidate My name's Omeed Moini; I'm a sophomore majoring in human development and minoring in inequality studies and music. My personal experiences growing up with severely disabled family members, living with a diagnosed disability, and working in multiple neurodevelopmental clinics have given me valuable insights into the disability experience and the unique struggles that individuals with disabilities face. One of the most important lessons I've gained from these experiences is that no one's experience with a disability is the same. It's for this reason that I'm running on a campaign of empathy and active listening. As disability representative, I will commit myself to hearing what the disabled community at Cornell is struggling with and to help them however I can as a member of the student assembly. I plan on approaching this task by meeting with prominent groups on campus that focus on disability-related issues (i.e., CCM, Disability Awareness Union, Neurodiversity @ Cornell, etc.) and putting into action what they want changed. Too often are disabled voices sidelined and underrepresented in Cornell's community. As the students with disabilities representative, I hope to change this one referendum at a time. Netid: orm22.Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly
Jahmal Wallen Earth and Atmospheric Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences jaw543 Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly Candidate Hello! My name is Jahmal Wallen and I am an Earth and Atmospheric Science major, concentrating in Climate Science. I chose Cornell because of the institution's founding principle of "any person, any study." This statement reflects Cornell's commitment to inclusivity and academic freedom. As a student, I believe it is essential to ensure that the interests, welfare, and rights of all Cornell students are upheld throughout their college experience. As the Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly, I am committed to advocating for the undergraduate population while upholding the mission of our campus. I am passionate about uplifting the voices of marginalized communities and protecting the environment. I have strived to do this both in my studies and personal life. If elected, I will work tirelessly to amplify the voices of undergraduate students through the University Assembly in a way that is just and equitable. I ask for your vote and support in this endeavor. Thank you for your consideration.Shelby Williams Government and College Scholar Program College of Arts and Sciences slw278 Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly Candidate Hello! My name is Shelby Lynn Williams, and I am one of the current Arts & Sciences representatives to Student Assembly. This year, I have championed issue like gender justice, contraceptive access, and have worked to increase awareness of academic resources and opportunities. I am incredibly passionate about student government and advocacy, and I would be honored to continue to advocate for student needs on a University level.
In addition to representing the College of Arts & Sciences, I currently serve as Student Assembly Representative to University Assembly, Chair of Student Assembly's Academic Policy Committee, a member of the Student Assembly Executive Cabinet, and a member of the Infrastructure Fund Commission.
SA Resolutions passed: #12, #18, #20, #28, #31...and counting
UA Resolutions passed: #5...and counting
Undesignated Representative At-Large
Ezugo Ononye Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations emo72 Undesignated Representative At-Large Candidate Hi everyone! My name is Ezugo Ononye and I am a Junior in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. I am running for the position of Undesignated Representative at Large to the Student Assembly. Building on my previous experience as former chair of the Financial Aid Review Committee, I see this as an opportunity to elevate students’ voices and create a safer, more inclusive campus. Below are my core initiatives: Student Well-Being: Advocate for free gym access as a key mental health resource, extend the add/drop deadline to alleviate academic pressure, support for Resolution #15 (an effort to add an MD gynecologist to campus). Accountability & Transparency: Freshman and transfer student mentorship programs with the Student Assembly and implementation of standardized diversity, hazing, and sexual misconduct training for social and academic student organizations. Accessibility: Increase awareness about financial resources on campus (e.g. Student Experience Grant), advocate for meal swipe weekly rollovers, help expand Swipe Out Hunger, and free laundry machine access. I look forward to representing you! Feel free to contact me at mailto:emo72@cornell.eduJ.P. Swenson Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations jps395 Undesignated Representative At-Large Candidate I would love to continue my role as an undesignated representative at-large in the Student Assembly. This current year, I have helped facilitate the implementation of a bike share program to the University and greater Ithaca area. I have also been pushing for adequate funding for extracurricular clubs and activities, after investigating a lack thereof. Putting student interests first has been at the forefront of my contribution to the student assembly. I hope to continue the current endeavors I have been spearheading, as well as representing the undergraduate population's interests in the upcoming academic year. Thank you for your consideration.
Candidates for Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large
Lucia Balestrieri Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations lab377 Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large Candidate Hello! I am running for the position of Womxn’s Issues Liaison At-Large. I am an ILR student with minors in Spanish and International Relations. I am involved in the Conflict Resolution Club as well as PREP and COMPASS, which both work with justice-impacted individuals. I also work as a tour guide in the department of Visitor Relations. Most days at work, I sell the idea of a diverse and inclusive university to prospective students; I want to make sure that this is the truth. I will focus on ensuring that Cornell Health provides services for the mental and reproductive health needs of womxn, including retaining a gynecologist at Cornell Health (a proposition which has recently been shot down). I will be a point of contact for any womxn experiencing discrimination or disparate treatment. My job as liaison is to listen. I am available to hear out and sympathize with issues; this position will give me the ability to amplify the voices of all womxn on campus, ensuring that Cornell truly is an inclusive and fair institution. *Feel free to reach out: or @lulubalestrieri on Instagram (where you can also find photos of me at the 2017 Women’s March on Washington!).Taisa Strouse Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations tes88 Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large Candidate I’ve spent most of my time at Cornell thus far learning about women’s issues on campus and beyond, and how interconnected they are to the larger system in both contexts. As an ILR major and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality studies minor — I’ve studied this and have also been able to put what I learn into practice. In my positions leading Planned Parenthood Generation Action and Consent Ed, I have seen the best and the worst of Cornell. I have learned the inner workings of the university and additionally done my best to make campus a better place for women and, relatedly, people of all genders.
As Womxn’s Issues Liaison At-Large in the Student Assembly, I would bring experience and a persistent interest in seeing our community become a safer place for women. In my final year at Cornell, I want to make concrete change and leave the university better than I found it.
Lyndsey Wright Biological Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences ljw226 Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large Candidate Hello fellow Cornellians, My name is Lyndsey Wright, I am a sophomore studying biological engineering in CALS, and I am running to be your Womxn's Issue Liaison At-Large. An important part of my college experience has been empowering women socially, academically, and professionally through my involvement in the Society of Women Engineers and being an engineering peer advisor for incoming freshmen. As a member of Student Assembly, I plan to further emphasize the importance of sexual and mental health, ensure menstrual product availability, and continue to educate students on sexual assault and Title IX resources. We must prioritize our safety on campus!
Brooks School of Public Policy Representative
Benjamin Terhaar Healthcare Policy-Brooks School of Public Policy College of Human Ecology bat54 Brooks School of Public Policy Representative Candidate As a candidate for the Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy Student Assembly Representative, I am excited to have the opportunity to serve and represent the interests of our student body. With a passion for public policy and a commitment to creating positive change in our community, I believe that I am well-suited to this position.My experience in student government and community organizing has equipped me with the skills necessary to effectively advocate for the needs and concerns of my peers. I am committed to promoting transparency and communication between students and administration, and to working collaboratively to develop policies and initiatives that promote equity, inclusion, and justice for all members of our community.
If elected, I will prioritize creating opportunities for meaningful student engagement in the policy-making process, amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities, and ensuring that the needs of all students are heard and addressed. I am excited to work with my fellow student representatives and the administration to make the Brooks School of Public Policy a more inclusive and equitable place for all students.
Candidates for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative
Niles Hite Communications College of Agriculture and Life Sciences nh353 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Candidate Hi, I'm Niles Hite! I'm a first year Communications major running to be CALS representative to further carry out the wants and needs of the student body. During my time as a CALS representative, I want to focus on cutting costs on certain expenditures for the student body. For example, I would like to make laundry free for all students at Cornell. Since laundry is free in certain dorms such as Eco-House, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to make it free for all dorms on campus. I also want to bring back Cornell's free T-CAT system for the student body. While freshmen have a free bus pass for the T-CAT, I still believe that it should be free and accessible to any student that wishes to use it as a form of transportation like it used to be. I also want to find a way to get Cornell to focus on diverging from the fossil fuels in order to decrease our carbon foot print, while also expanding their solar farms (which are currently located East of central campus). Ultimately, during my time in the student assembly, I want to make sure that the voices of the student body are heard in any manner that makes our college experience an easier and enjoyable one.Constance Newell Biological Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences crn49 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Candidate Hello CALS!
I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to run as your representative. Building upon my current role as CALS rep, I hope to enhance your college experience by advancing key initiatives that prioritize your needs and aspirations:
1. Mental Health: As a Crisis Text Line counselor, I understand that mental health is a vital part of overall well-being. I am committed to advocating for increased access to mental health services on campus as no student should have to endure lengthy wait times to receive the support they need.
2. Faculty Communication: Our classes should serve to support our learning, not aid in undue stress. I will work with faculty members to prevent the scheduling of exams for core classes within the same 24-hour period and work to eliminate unfair “weed-out” practices.
3. Affordability: Your ability to afford required course materials should not be a barrier to your academic success. I will advocate for a more equitable alternative to CAMP and push for all lab classes to provide the necessary PPE (e.g. googles and aprons).
4. Lastly, let's work together to create a dynamic learning environment that encourages diversity of thoughts and experiences. Please feel free to reach out to me at
Sabine Paz Le Draoulec
Environment and Sustainability College of Agriculture and Life Sciences sep245 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Candidate My name is Sabine and I am running for the position of CALS representative in student government. As a freshman studying Environment and Sustainability and due to my Indigenous heritage, I have become deeply committed to advocating for social justice and sustainability.
Through my work with the CU ACLU and in Residential Student Congress, I have gained experience in advocating for marginalized communities and working towards a more inclusive campus.
If elected, I will work tirelessly to raise awareness about Cornell's troubled history with Indigenous communities and advocate for change by pushing for greater representation and support for Indigenous students and faculty and working to ensure that Cornell's curriculum includes accurate and respectful depictions of Indigenous peoples.
I believe that we have a duty to not only recognize the harm that has been done, but to actively work to repair the damage and build a better future for all. As a member of the SA I will work to create a more just and equitable campus community and be an advocate for all CALS students.
I am dedicated to making Cornell a better place for all students, and believe that my experiences, passion, and dedication make me the right candidate for the job.
Adam Vinson Environment and Sustainability College of Agriculture and Life Sciences asv33 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Candidate I’m Adam Vinson, a Sophomore in CALS Studying Environment and Sustainability and I am your best choice for representative on Student Assembly. During my time at Cornell I’ve worked to create change on a state level by interning with State Senator Lea Webb’s election campaign. Now I would like to leave my mark at Cornell helping my fellow students. Cornell is a massive campus and buses should be free! Having to pay for T-CAT is just one of the costly expenses that I will make sure Cornelians no longer need to bear. The laundry needs to be improved and also be made free in all dorms. I want to increase the quality of life for all students at Cornell. On Campus I have been collaborating with the Cornell Lab and building departments to make the campus safer for migrating birds. In the Student Assembly I want to spread awareness of solar energy and composting initiatives on campus to make Cornell student life more sustainable. As your representative, I will put in the effort to make these policies a reality.
Candidates for Dyson School of Business Representative
David Nachman
Applied Economics and Management Dyson School of Business dan84 Dyson School of Business Representative Candidate The most important issue to me, and why I am seeking office again, is the SAF funding cycle that is taking place. I have served on the appropriations committee for 2 years, and am currently the longest-serving member. I also briefly served as the Vice President of Finance of the student assembly. I am seeking office to ensure that this SAF funding cycle is fair, ethical, and fiscally responsible.Candidates for College of Engineering Candidates
Alexander Ellis Operations, Research, and Information Engineering College of Engineering ase49 College of Engineering Candidate I love to look upward and outward, towards the future. To wonder what I could do to make the world a better place 5 or 10 years from now, and what that means about how I should be moving now. For me, a hard-to-reach goal is nothing but an opportunity to see how far I can get. Anyone and everyone can choose to put their desires before their fear of failure: what do you WANT from the life you live every day? Running for this position is a result of me choosing to look more to my immediate surroundings. Instead of 10 years from now, what can I do to make my community better 3 months from now? Can I motivate a conversation on being an active participant in local government? Can I push for consistently overlooked groups, for people of color on campus, for those in need of financial assistance, to be recognized and accommodated for? Can I help build the institutions of stress management and emotional well being that Cornell desperately needs? I believe I can, and I ask that each and every one of you put your faith in me. I hope I win, but beyond that, I hope that a majority of the Cornell student body can find and vote for a candidate that they feel truly represents them.Caroline Ryu Operations Research and Information Engineering College of Engineering jr894 College of Engineering Candidate Hello Cornell Engineers! My name is Caroline Ryu, a junior studying ORIE, and I am running to be an Engineering Representative in the Student Assembly. With my experience in an engineering project team, a professional fraternity, and a research team on campus, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with being an engineering student. As your representative, I will advocate for policies and initiatives that will help us succeed academically, professionally, and personally.
I'll work tirelessly to address your concerns and advocate for policies that help us succeed academically, professionally, and personally. My platform consists of
(1) Improving Campus Wi-Fi Infrastructure for Better Access and Reliability
(2) Advocating for More Flexible Credit Options to Support Student Success
(3) Building Strong Industry-Academia Connections to Enhance Career Opportunities
As your fellow student, I genuinely care about the issues that matter to us and would be honored to work with you to find solutions that benefit us all. I would be honored to serve as your Engineering Representative in the Student Assembly, and I humbly ask for your vote and support! Thank you.
Amy Wang College of Engineering jw2446 College of Engineering Candidate Hi! My name is Amy Wang, and I'm running to be a College of Engineering Representative. I believe that improvement is only possible with transparency and education about issues that affect our communities.
Currently, Cornell’s administration is failing to: - Provide adequate support and care for students’ health and wellbeing
- Properly fund the TCAT
- Pay student workers a living wage
- Prioritize sustainability efforts around campus With your vote, I will push the Cornell administration to prioritize the well-being of our students and faculty. As a College of Engineering Representative, I will:
- Create a better Cornell Health involving licensed professionals who can adequately care for the mental and physical health needs of all students
- Advocate for Cornell to pay their fair share in TCAT funding (8%) to help reduce bus shortages and delays
- Raise the minimum wage for student workers to provide students with a livable wage
- Invest in proper systems to provide transparency about where our campus energy and waste go, prevent mass food waste, and create a greener community
Thank you, and I would be honored to have your vote.
School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative Casey Platkin School of Industrial and Labor Relations cap349 School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative As an ILR student, I know our school has produced industry-leading research on the value of treating workers properly. Yet, Cornell consistently obstructs their workers from organizing efforts and has no campus-wide minimum wage. I am running to fix that. If elected, I will champion our progressive values on behalf of you and all 15,000 undergrads who deserve a university that pays students fair wages, properly funds TCAT, supports summer opportunity programs — and doesn’t union bust. My approach to governing will always be putting the quality of life for students first. I say this because I am proud to continue the work I started in my hometown, successfully raising the minimum wage for tens of thousands of workers. Next year when the Student Assembly allocates more than $9 million to campus organizations, I will focus on making sure those dollars go towards valuing accessibility, equity, and students. Thank you for your support.