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Cornell University

Meet the Candidates-Student Assembly Spring 2024 Election

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  • Emily D'Angelo



College of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering

Candidate for President


I'm Emily D'Angelo, a student pursuing dual degrees in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering, with a passion for a future career in medical device engineering. Throughout my life, prioritizing the needs of others has been my guiding principle. Whether it's through work, extracurricular activities, or personal relationships, I possess a deep empathy and understanding of people, enabling me to consistently deliver the support and assistance they require.

I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for President of the Cornell University Student Assembly. With a focus on action and tangible results, I am committed to amplifying student voices, enhancing transparency, and advocating for initiatives that directly address the pressing needs of our community. If elected, I will prioritize mental health support, affordability, and sustainability, working closely with administrators to implement concrete solutions. Let's build a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable Cornell together. Your support and vote are invaluable as we strive for a campus that truly reflects our shared values and aspirations.

  • Zora deRham


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Agricultural Sciences


Candidate for President

My name is Zora deRham, I am a freshman studying Agricultural Sciences, and I’m running for Student Assembly President to truly focus S.A. on the students of Cornell University. Assembly funds can easily make tangible changes that put Cornell on par with our peer institutions. It's time to catch Cornell up to speed on policies like extending wifi to the paths and the slope, granting keycard access to academic buildings on weekends, providing free take-out meals during finals, and increasing the number of study days for finals.
As a Cornell Voting Delegate at the State University of New York Student Assembly, I have built connections across the Empire State—working towards unified action in Albany on valuable programs like SHP+ and ending student hunger. The statewide network I will continue to strengthen provides a fresh perspective on Student Assembly and Cornell’s campus as a whole.
Most importantly, as a “new blood” President, I will ensure all S.A. members are held accountable now and moving forward by expanding the Office of Ethics and reforming the structure of the Assembly inherently.

Through these initiatives and an open ear to more, I intend to create a campus dedicated to the wellbeing of students, no matter the cost.

  • Getulio Gonzalez-Mulattieri


Brooks School of Public Policy: Public Policy


Candidate for President

My name is Getulio Gonzalez-Mulattieri. I'm a United States Air Force veteran, community organizer, policy advocate, and student pursuing a degree in Public Policy. The son of two immigrants, my working-class background and lived experiences have given me a unique perspective into how to navigate society's institutional structures. So much so, that its driven me to advocate on behalf of those who find themselves unable to. In 2020, when I returned home, to Tampa, to organize relief efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was moved by my commitment to living by the USAF value of "service before self." In doing so I established multiple food banks in communities suffering from food deserts, organized mobile vaccination sites, and pressured city council into adopting new disaster resiliency plans. Those efforts bore fruit when the City of Tampa adopted the Ready For 100% by 2035 Renewable Energy Resolution and the implementation of Tampa's Tenant Advocacy Office. As president of Cornell's Student Assembly, I aim to bring that same energy and unrelenting resolve into creating a more just, compassionate campus that addresses the student body's most pressing needs. I would be honored to serve your galvanizing force for change.

  • Audrey Pinard



College of Engineering: Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Engineering


Candidate for President

As your prospective Student President, my mission is straightforward: to create a Cornell that works for everyone. This means tackling the real issues—mental health, affordability, inclusivity—and fostering an environment where tough conversations aren't just possible, they're encouraged. Let's not only honor our Year of Free Expression but use it as a catalyst to amplify dialogue on all matters affecting our campus life. From the classroom to the Commons, we'll work together to build a culture where academic freedom is just the beginning, ensuring every voice is heard and every concern addressed. It's time for action, conversation, and unity. Let's make Cornell not only a place of knowledge but a role model amongst universities for student advocacy and engagement.

  • Claire Ting


School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Industrial and Labor Relations; Business, Law & Society; Inequality Studies


Candidate for President

Hi everyone! I'm Claire Ting, and I'm eager to serve as your Student Assembly President. As the current Executive Vice President and ILR junior, my journey has been deeply rooted in community advocacy, law, and public policy. I have always been passionate about using policy to create positive change, and I'm excited to continue.

Serving as the current Executive Vice President, I have witnessed firsthand the critical need to tackle implicit discrimination and a lack of inclusivity within our community. I’ve pushed for health equity, lobbied for justice for students from marginalized communities, and championed reproductive care access, amongst other initiatives.
As President, my goal is to not just continue, but to significantly enhance transparency around SA actions (including funding decisions) and university-wide policy implementation to ensure we meet your needs and aspirations. At every turn, I've collaborated with student leaders to keep you aware of actions that may directly affect your community.
Entering my 3rd term on the Assembly, I am confident and ready to lead with the knowledge, skills, and dedication our community deserves. Thank you for considering me as your President for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Executive Vice President
  • Karys Everett



College of Arts and Sciences: Government

Candidate for Executive Vice President

I have been representing the LGBTQIA+ community for the past two years and am excited at the prospect of continuing to serve all communities that have gone unrecognized. I am passionate about social justice and education, serving as the vice president of Cornell Anti-Detention Alliance, a member of Cornell University Parole Initiative, and sit as the Political Action Chair on HAVEN: The LGBT Student Union's eboard.
My mission is to provide a platform for any and all groups who have been deferred and unheard. Everyone deserves a platform and my goal is to be the representative that can at the barest minimum have your concerns seen and spoken about, no matter how big or small. If the issue is important to you, then it should be important to administration too.
I am an activist before anything else, I have had the privilege of giving voice to those who have felt neglected by administration, and I plan to continue doing so for as long as I am able. If you're looking for a politician, then I am not your candidate.At the end of the day, the assembly exists to address student concerns there is never an issue that is "too political" or "outside the scope" of the assemblies capabilities if it is an issue that affects the student body.

  • Adam Vinson



College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Environment and Sustainability


Candidate for Executive Vice President

My name is Adam Vinson, I’ve represented CALS on the student assembly for a year now. I’m not a performative activist or politician, I’m just a student that wants free NYT games, a longer study period during finals, and meal swipes in Trillium, and I think you want that too. As your representative I rebuilt the Student Assembly environmental committee, raised funds for projects to protect endangered species, and worked directly with other Student assemblies to push for better suicide prevention legislation in The State of New York. So, with this upcoming election I’m asking for your vote to make this campus a better environment for fostering community and opportunity!
As EVP, I would have access to the admin officials necessary to make all of these projects happen. These projects are not unfeasible in the slightest, they are all expansions of previous Student Assembly policies. The student assembly currently funds every student’s free NYT digital access subscription. Additionally, The assembly has a long history of working with the Faculty Senate to make changes to academic policy. Trillium meal swipes have been talked about in admin circles for a while, we just need students in the right positions to push for it.

Brooks School of Public Policy Representative
  • Eeshaan Chaudhuri



Brooks School of Public Policy: Public Policy


Candidate for Brooks School of Public Policy Representative

Hello everyone! My name is Eeshaan and I'm currently a First-Year Public Policy Student. A proud Brooks Student, I love advocating for the school both internally as a Student Ambassador and Externally through Tour Guiding! I'd love to be given the opportunity to further represent the Brooks School here at the Student Assembly.
If elected, my goals would range from supporting clearer Student-Faculty communications ie: releasing prelim grades earlier than drop deadlines, to supporting our policy clubs on campus. Above all, I'd work to champion the wants and needs of all Brooks Students. 

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative
  • Niles Hite



College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Communications


Candidate for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative

Hi, my name is Niles Hite and I'm a sophomore in CALS who is serving as the current CALS Representative on Student Assembly! As the CALS representative I want to focus on getting more funding for CALS based organizations such as the Cornell Dairy Science Club, Entomology Club, and Beef Club to name a few. In that same vein, I want to advocate for the establishment of dedicated laboratory spaces on campus, exclusively reserved for student organizations to conduct experiments and engage in hands-on learning activities. I also want to increase the funding given to the Dairy Bar by the university while also expanding its hours of operation year-round. Lastly, as a Voting Delegate to the State University of New York Student Assembly, I have fostered several relationships with the State University of New York Student Assembly Executive Board and want to use these relationships in order to bring resources to CALS that are open to us as a Land Grant Institution.

College of Arts and Sciences Representative
  • Divya Akkiraju


College of Arts and Sciences: Information Science


Candidate for College of Arts and Sciences Representative

The College of Arts and Sciences hosts a vastly diverse student body. Most famously, its enriching qualities are attributed to the wide range of intellectual and ideological backgrounds represented amongst its student body. As an avid believer in the idea that an undergraduate institution should seek to “level the playing field” for all students, regardless of their respective identities and experiences, I will ensure all students’ voices are heard and adequately represented in shaping our collective undergraduate experience.
If elected, I will work to ensure that the perspectives of Arts and Sciences students are equally represented in decisions made to better the quality of life of undergraduate students—including in actions taken to institute fair wages for student workers, make adequate access to mental health resources, and make accessible pre-professional programming (regardless of undergraduate college affiliation).

The upholding of assembly promises for the greater Cornell community is one of the only mechanisms we have for ensuring that all students are equally included and represented in a Cornell that serves as a safe, productive learning environment consistent with the university’s mission.

  • Luigi Berinde


College of Arts and Sciences: Physics


Candidate for College of Arts and Sciences Representative

As a Physics major in A&S planning to enroll in law school, I embody the College’s ideal of a liberal education. Being well-acquainted with both STEM and the humanities, I am equipped to articulate the wide range of ideologies and perspectives in the College.
My Chicago roots have allowed me to be at the crossroads of diverse political ideologies, with viewpoints in the Midwest shifting drastically in a matter of miles. I consider it imperative that those elected to the Student Assembly are not just merely functioning amongst diverse ideologies, but flourishing amidst them. Difference is but a catalyst for growth, and I believe we can always take that which is divisive and find where it can promote collective, invariant development.
My political philosophy is entirely based on logical reasoning and rationality. Logic is what should be guiding governance and policy. While emotions play a fundamentally crucial role in human connections, they can cloud political judgment. I advocate for decisions grounded in evidence and science, aiming for outcomes that are not only rational but also broadly beneficial. Ideally, that which is most logical should also be that which appeases the most.

  • Iskander Khan


College of Arts and Sciences: Government


Candidate for College of Arts and Sciences Representative

Hey all! I’m Iskander (Isky). I’m a government major and I’m running to be your College of Arts and Sciences Representative. If elected, I aim to prioritize and promote resources, funding, and programs that cater to the diverse interests and career paths within A&S.

  • Kaden Priebe


College of Arts and Sciences: Biology


Candidate for College of Arts and Sciences Representative

I am dedicated to serving our community with a vision focused on inclusivity, sustainability, and innovation. My experiences in various leadership roles have equipped me with a unique perspective and the skills necessary to effect meaningful change. I believe in listening to and amplifying the voices of all members, ensuring that our collective efforts lead to tangible improvements in our environment and well-being. My goals include implementing eco-friendly initiatives, fostering a culture of open dialogue and respect, and enhancing the quality of our academic and social spaces. I am committed to transparency, collaboration, and action. Together, we can create a more vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable community for all. Vote for progress. Vote for a brighter future. Vote for me.

  • Saad Razzak


College of Arts and Sciences: Government


Candidate for College of Arts and Sciences Representative

Hi. My name is Saad Razzak and I am a Sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences and an intended government major.
If elected, my first priority will be to improve student life, boosting access to daily necessities and enhancing on-campus resources to keep all members of the community healthy, both mentally and physically. My second priority will be to restore student confidence in the Student Assembly, making sure that all of us feel genuinely represented. The Student Assembly is supposed to represent all of us, but many students feel that it doesn’t. I want to restore the voice of students, while also tackling the daily challenges we all face.
I hope to represent all members of the A&S community, which is why I want to hear your ideas and get your input. To represent all community members, I plan to work with student groups and clubs across the community, as well as creating a forum for individual students to reach out to me with their concerns. After all, our community as a whole understands our problems and potential solutions better than any one person could.
A vote for me is a vote for someone who is ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work addressing your issues and strengthening your voice on campus.

  • David Suarez



College of Arts and Sciences: American Studies


Candidate for College of Arts and Sciences Representative

Hi! My name is David Suarez and I'm a Freshman in Arts and Sciences. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the many communities that make up Cornell and dedicate myself to building community ties through clubs and I will dedicate myself to you the students of A&S. I know my past experiences with being a mentor, volunteer and student leader throughout highschool have prepared me for this role as representative. To me education and inclusivity are inherently connected to one another. Diversity encompasses various aspects of everyday life, from the people we meet, to how we perceive the world around us. I would like to be able to create meaningful connections between students and the Student Assembly allowing students to have strong support networks and be proud to be Cornellians. I hope to achieve this by creating a system which fosters vocalization as I think it is imperative for the betterment of any organization, especially educational institutions. Some more about me is that I have a passion for fashion and love the color pink. I’m also so Lana Del Rey coded and obviously a Swiftie, some of my hobbies are romanticizing life, thrifting and playing animal crossing!

College of Art, Architecture and Planning Representative


  • Franklin Berry



College of Art, Architecture and Planning: Urban and Regional Studies


Candidate for College of Art, Architecture and Planning Representative

I’ve spent a year figuring out how the Student Assembly works and all the different resources and opportunities it offers by serving as the AAP representative this past year. I am excited to get AAP more directly involved with the Assembly by empowering AAP students to use their skill sets to help the greater university. My specific goals:
- Establishing an AAP Infrastructure Club dedicated to creating student suggested and designed infrastructure projects for the campus. Examples ranging from benches to redesigning an empty room in a dorm to function as something new.
 - Increasing connectivity between the majors.
 - Educating AAP on Student Assembly
I think AAP, as one of if not the most creative colleges, has a lot to offer the greater university and I wish to help facilitate an even stronger relationship between the two. My personal mission is to create foundations for AAP students to build on long after I am gone. I wish to inspire successors to take my place to continue helping AAP students access opportunities to aid the university and build their own skills in the process. AAP’s perspective should be heard and represented on the Student Assembly and I would be honored to continue to try my best to champion for them.

  • Stephen Zhuang



College of Art, Architecture and Planning: Architecture


Candidate for College of Art, Architecture, and Planning Representative

Hello fellow Art, Architecture, and Planning students!
I'm Stephen Zhuang, and I'm thrilled to announce my candidacy for the College of AAP Representative! Since my first steps into AAP back in 2020, I've been deeply engaged with alums and students from diverse backgrounds, departments, and interests. This school holds a special place in my heart, and I'm eager to ensure it continues to thrive.
As a current sophomore, I'm ready to step up and be YOUR voice on campus. I want to enhance student experience, preserve our cultures (DRAGON DAY, BIG & LITTLE, etc) while ensuring sustainability and student safety, increase academic and network opportunities, promote inclusion and diversity, and more! I'm here to listen, advocate, and make a difference for our community.
If elected, my responsibilities include: (1) acting as a voting member representing our school during weekly Student Assembly meetings. (2) cataloging specific issues and concerns through meetings with our respective academic deans. (3) host forums and outreach activity with AAP students and report all outcomes to the SA at the next regularly-scheduled meeting. (4) listen to and vote on behalf of YOUR needs and concerns.

Let's build a better future at AAP together!

College of Engineering Representative
  • Sam Friedman


College of Engineering: Information Science, Systems, and Technology


Candidate for College of Engineering Representative

Let’s get to the point. The Student Assembly doesn’t represent you. It doesn’t care about you. It’s full of corruption, collusion, and chaos.
I’m Sam, and I have a plan to change that.

I’m running to be your College of Engineering Representative because I want your voice to be heard. I’m fighting for transparency and fairness in the Assembly, and common-sense policies that support your needs as Engineer and student.
Here are a few things I have in mind:
   - Raising wages for student workers
   - Increasing access and funding to TCAT
   - Prioritizing mental health resources with expanded options for licensed professionals
   - Listening to YOU, my peers. Not the donors. Not the politicians. The people. That’s my plan.
I care about helping people, and I know that engineering is a powerful force of good in the world. In my own community, I’ve worked on the intersection of humanity and technology, running a nonprofit organization dedicated to connecting senior citizens with modern advances in engineering.
As Engineers, we have to work together to build a better future. So, let your voice be heard. Make our campus community safe, supportive, and fair.
If that sounds good to you, I ask you humbly,

Vote for the man with a plan
Vote for Sam

  • Peter He


College of Engineering: ECE


Candidate for College of Engineering Representative

Hi Cornell Engineers,   

My name is Peter He, a student currently studying ECE, and I'm running to be a College of Engineering Representative. If I were elected as a representative, I hope to push for Cornell Engineering to address and solve the following problems:
STEM classes with a lab component using questionable equipment that is older than most of our parents or even grandparents.
Classes in various engineering majors not using software or tools that are up-to-date with the current industry and job market.
The severe space issue within engineering for student organizations like project teams or other clubs seeking to do engineering activities.
The lack of significant support or access to engineering resources from Cornell Engineering for student clubs exploring new and innovative fields.

With your vote, I will push the Cornell administration to investigate the possibility of updating the currently used equipment, facilities, and tools. Cornell, as a university at the forefront of engineering, should ensure that the equipment, facilities, and tools used by students meet a minimum standard. I seek to get the administration to at least start exploring the option of updating everything.
Thank you, and I hope to have your vote.

  • Bryan Kim


College of Engineering: Computer Science


Candidate for College of Engineering Representative

Hi Everyone! I’m Bryan and I’d be honored to serve the Cornell community as a College of Engineering Representative. I’m a freshman CS major with a minor in psychology and I’m planning on going to law school. Academics aside, I’m involved in policy debate and web development.

Above all, I value transparency and communication, and given recent events, I believe that this has become more important of a time than ever to hold these principles. Cornell’s Student Assembly is our only avenue to directly reach the rest of administration, so as a hopeful Representative, I pledge to listen to all your questions and concerns and create meaningful changes on campus. Right now, I’m in support of making these changes:
    -Restoring the study period before finals back to five days from the current three

    -Raising student workers' salary from $15.00 to at least $18.45, which is the minimum livable wage in Ithaca
    -Reducing the price and maintenance turnaround of laundry services and increasing the printing credit amount
    -Including NY Times Games as part of the free NY Times subscriptions

But I’d also love to hear your own opinions, so feel free to reach out at via email or @_bryan314_ on Insta. So vote for me and let’s get things done!

  • Cion Kim


College of Engineering

Candidate for College of Engineering Representative

Hello Again! I am Cion, running for Engineering Representative!

How has your past year been? As some of you may remember, last year I defined our Freshmen class as “ The Stranger in a Strange Land”. This year, I want to describe our students as ones “Adventuring the Strange Land”.

College is definitely an adventure, and in this Strange Land, I expect some hidden traps, villains and obstacles. I know it's hard, but I promise, It will all be worth the journey.

This year, I am running to make sure your journey is again, full of adventures and excitement.

Being Freshman Representative last year, although there were successes in parts such as increasing Slope day budget, improving the communication between students, the Projects such as improving Laundry, tcat, and dorm facility were not that simple to tackle within a semester. I hope to continue this work throughout the next semester.

 Next year I will work on:
   1. Continuing on past projects as improving Laundry, Lighting, and Printing
   2. Boost campus experiences: Allocating more funding to yearly events, Festival activities, and clubs
   3. Having more support on student’s health and wellbeing

I’ll be the tour guide, and we will have the most amazing journey ever. Vote for Cion Kim!

  • Jeffrey Lederman


College of Engineering: Applied and Engineering Physics


Candidate for College of Engineering Representative

Hi! I’m from Boston and I’m a sophomore engineer. I’m running for the assembly because I love Cornell, and I believe that it can do a better job addressing the needs of its engineering students. Between our brutal courses and the uniquely competitive job market, Cornell should invest more to help us succeed. This means more industry networking events, more opportunities to interact with alumni, and better support from career services. We also need more funding for project teams and more options to enhance our hands-on engineering and research opportunities.

There are also several campus fixes that would be easy to implement and would just make sense given how much we pay for tuition. Gym access should be included for all students (like every other Ivy League school). Especially with the housing shortages and students being cramped into inadequate dorms, the least that can be offered is laundry and the TCAT for all four years at no additional cost. And dining hall hours could easily be modified to accommodate those of us who spend most of our time working in Duffield, with multiple options open late. I would appreciate your vote, and I promise to work hard to improve campus life for all students. Please feel free to reach out!

College of Human Ecology Representative
  • Jessica Silverman



College of Human Ecology: Human Development


Candidate for College of Human Ecology Representative

Hi! My name is Jessica Silverman (she/her), I am a sophomore transfer studying Human Development and would love to serve as your Human Ecology Representative in the Student Assembly. On campus, I serve on Human Ecology’s Dean’s Undergraduate Advisory Council, am a member of Human Ecology’s KON Honor Society, enrolled in NME for the Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) Pre-Law Fraternity, conduct research on the Innocence Project with Prof. Toglia, re-launching Her Campus at Cornell as the Campus Correspondent, and work as a barista at Libe Cafe! I am truly passionate about the mission of Human Ecology to empower our work and studies to transform our local and global communities at large. As your representative, I would love to lobby for you for policies that support your success and engagement with the College. For example, I will advocate for additional support and socials to get to know your professors, amplifying opportunities for engagement (e.g., student-loved HumEc ice cream socials). I would be honored to contribute the powerful values and empowering mission of Human Ecology that have made my college experiences so special to the Student Assembly. Feel free to contact me and I would love to hear from you! Email:

Dyson School of Business Representative
  • Rajat Acharjee


Dyson School of Business: Applied Economics and Management


Candidate for Dyson School of Business Representative

 Hello Dyson,

A Dyson Representative must have qualities of engagement, commitment, and listening to all students. As a dynamic individual with a background in the research and finance sides of Dyson, my journey encompasses diverse experiences within and away from Warren Hall, from advising on sustainable beekeeping in Rwanda to spearheading initiatives for education equity in New York City. My academic and personal pursuits reflect my commitment to understanding and building dynamics.

However, I like to believe that actions speak louder than words, I have been actively involved in the Dyson SMART Program, contributing to innovative solutions for sustainable development. My tenure as the New York City Department of Education's Chancellor's Advisory Representative displayed my dedication to inclusive education initiatives to address systemic admissions inequalities and ensure student success.
If elected, I will work on addressing inequalities in mental health initiatives in Warren Hall, work on involving recruitment from different sectors in the business industry, and address the concerns of Warren Hall.
Rajat Acharjee

  • Yash Moitra



Applied Economics and Management


Candidate for Dyson School of Business Representative

Hi! My name’s Yash, and I’m running for re-election to represent Dyson at the Student Assembly.

So far, as part of the assembly, I’ve helped achieve the following:
   • Established Council for Professional Resources to enable ‘any person, any path’, helping students explore career opportunities by centralizing resources across schools, platforms, and organizations.
   • Established a Committee to oversee Cornell’s ESG responsibilities with endowment investments and avoid investing in problematic causes (child labor, conflict, etc).
   • Increased funding for the GJAC to provide menstrual products across campus.
   • Increased funding for the EMS to purchase an additional ambulance.
   • Increased funding for several more SAFC organizations (including business clubs!) to keep budgets in line with inflation.
   • Increased funding for the Black Students Union to help with Black History Month initiatives.
   • Increased funding for the Chinese Students Association to help host the Chinese New Year.
   • Removed median grades from all new transcripts.
   • Represented Cornell at a 2023 Intercollegiate Leadership Conference in Charleston, SC.
   • Represented Cornell at a 2024 Ivy League Student Leaders Conference hosted by Harvard.
Help me do better & do more!

First Generation Students Representative
  • Sara Almosawi​



College of Arts and Sciences: Sociology


Candidate for First Generation Students Representative

As a first-generation, low-income transfer student, life at Cornell is always juxtaposed by hardship. I’m running for First-Gen Representative to address many neglected issues in my community: mental health resources, quality healthcare, and fresh food access.

We deserve better mental health resources. Beyond CAPS, I hope to work towards long-term care options for students and support specific to FGLI and Arab students – communities where support is particularly important yet significantly lacking.
Access shouldn’t be a choice between SHP and means-tested Medicaid: I seek to develop affordable alternatives, such as subsidies for low-income students and the inclusion of healthcare in the cost of attendance. Further, I’d advocate for a robust system of care for those not on SHP, including for Cornell Health to accept Medicaid.
Thousands of meals go to waste when our dining halls close. Instead, they can address food insecurity on campus. More fresh food in our dining halls and in the food pantry would also significantly improve community health.
These issues largely stem from the university’s priority of profit over student life. Consequently, I would be proud to work towards divestment from war manufacturers during my time.

International Students Representative
  • Camille Beck-Belaman


College of Arts and Sciences: Computer Science and Philosophy


Candidate for International Students Representative

My name is Camille Beck-Belaman and I would like to apply for International Representative at the Student Association. I'm an international student with three different nationalities and attended a French international school that was filled with a diverse student body. There, I was on student council and headed the first Black History Month initiative at our school as well as leading the addition of sanitary products to our bathrooms. As the former head of the publicity team of the International Student Union, I got used to representing our international student community. Furthermore, as a philosophy major, ethics are at the forefront of my leadership values, and I hope to share my love for the international community at Cornell by representing and advocating for them in the Student Association. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Kathy Liu


College of Arts and Sciences: Art History


Candidate for International Students Representative

Hello! I'm Kathy, a sophomore from CAS, running for International Student Representative. My tenure as Freshman Representative (2022-2023) equipped me with invaluable experience in mediating student needs with our institution's capabilities. Building on this foundation, I'm committed to two main goals: instituting a need-blind admission policy for international students and enhancing our campus involvement.
Our diverse international community enriches Cornell, but financial barriers and limited engagement opportunities can impact their experience. Advocating for a need-blind policy ensures every qualified international student can attend Cornell, regardless of financial status. Additionally, I'll work to create more platforms for international students to share their voices and cultures, influencing university policies.
Voice, visibility, valor - these values guide me. Your vote not only represents support for these initiatives but also reaffirms our collective commitment to an inclusive, equitable, and vibrant Cornell community. Let's ensure every student is heard. Vote Kathy for International Student Representative.

  • Firdavs Yakubov




College of Arts and Sciences: Mathematics/Computer Science/Economics


Candidate for International Students Representative

Hi! I'm Firdavs Yakubov, from Uzbekistan (Central Asia), and studying Computer Science/ Econ here. I'm running to be your next International Students rep in the Student Assembly because I see a chance to campus life better for everyone, especially International Students.
I studied and graduated high school 10,000 kilometres away from Cornell, and said bye to my family to study at a prestigious university. I've noticed that being far from home isn't easy, and while Cornell's been great, I think we can do more to make everyone feel included and supported, no matter where you're from. My plan? More events that celebrate our diverse backgrounds, better support for academic and life challenges, and policies that make sense for us all.
I want to make sure every student has the chance to thrive and that we all feel part of this amazing community. If you're looking for someone who's committed to making Cornell a more welcoming place for every one of us, I'm your guy.
Vote Firdavs Yakubov for a campus that's more than just a place to study—it's where we all belong.

Representative At-Large
  • Keten Abebe


Brooks School of Public Policy: Public Policy


Candidate for Representative At-Large

Hey everyone! My name is Keten Abebe and I am a first-year student studying Public Policy at the Brooks School. I am running for Representative At Large to help our greater Cornell community and make students’ voices heard by giving them a seat at the decision-making table.

My policy initiatives are as follows:
   - Expand Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives at Cornell.
   - Work towards bridging the difficulties faced by first-year immigrant/ international students in regard to financial aid applications.
   - Address issues that students carry deeply about and work collaboratively for solutions.
   - Create a space where students can feel heard and seen within their school.
I deeply care about your voices and how you want to be represented by our University. I would be incredibly honored to hear from all of you and cannot wait to learn more about each and every one of you. I hope that I have your vote! Thank you! 

  • Shanay Champaneri


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Biometry and Statistics


Candidate for Representative At-Large

My name is Shanay Champaneri, and I’m a sophomore in CALS studying statistics. I’m originally from San Ramon, California. In my senior year of high school, I got rejected from every single college I applied to. I went to community college, took care of my grandfather, and worked full-time before transferring here 8 months ago. Since then, I’ve gotten involved on campus in many ways, from my project team to the South Asian Council to Cornell Data Journal. I could not be more thankful for the communities I have found here at Cornell.
As you may have realized, I don’t have a traditional background like other candidates might. I’m not involved in any political organizations, and I never really considered running for Student Assembly. However, in lieu of recent events, I felt motivated to bring a fresh perspective and voice to the scene. I can’t promise to bring meal swipes to Trillium or to make laundry free. But, I can guarantee that if I’m elected, you will always have someone to speak to if you feel like your voice isn’t heard. Thank you, and I hope that we can have a great year together.

  • Simone Chan


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Communication


Candidate for Representative At-Large

 Hi, I'm Simone Chan, a junior majoring in Communication. Aware of the complex landscape and the uncertainties that are filling the campus atmosphere, I understand role of student representative comes with great expectations and hard work.
With my experiences working with non-profits and college legislations, I have developed a solid understand for the administrative process. More importantly, I understand the efforts it take to develop effective policies and resolutions to have your concerns addressed and your voices be heard in the assembly.
I am not here to promote my own agenda but to listen to the needs of the student population. The welfare of each one of you is of the utmost importance to me.
I love talking to people, so let me know what's on your mind, and let's work together to create a more equitable and positive learning environment for all of us. I am always here for you! During the decision-making process, I will do my best to strive for transparency and inclusivity every minute of the way.
If elected as a Representative At-Large, I promise to speak for what isn't being heard. To help shape a Cornell that not only excels in academics but also prioritizes the well-being and success of its students. 

  • Isabelle Erskine


College of Human Ecology: Human Development


Candidate for Representative At-Large

My name is Isabelle and I am a junior studying Human Development with minors in Inequality Studies and Public Policy! I am passionate about fostering an inclusive environment at Cornell by amplifying student voices and making every individual feel supported, which is why I would like to serve as your Representative at Large.

I will prioritize initiatives that promote campus-wide unity and address pressing student concerns. My vision for Cornell is that every student feels represented, supported, and empowered to thrive. I want to work with the Student Assembly to start building a campus culture that celebrates diversity, embraces inclusivity, and cultivates a sense of belonging for all-- so every individual feels supported and is able to have a successful and valuable experience here at Cornell.
Outside of my academics I lead a mentoring club that mentors students from the Smith School at TST BOCES in Ithaca. I also serve as the undergraduate advisor for Best Buddies and previously served as VP of Events! I am very passionate about empowering these communities to achieve their full potential and pursue their aspirations and want to do the same for all Cornell students!

  • Christian Flournoy



College of Engineering: Biomedical Engineering (Pre-Med)


Candidate for Representative At-Large

My name is Christian Flournoy, and I am running to be your Undergraduate Representative At-Large.

Having served as Freshman Representative and experienced a year themed by Freedom of Expression, we as students have learned that the people who can speak and advocate for us—is us. It is my goal to ensure our opinions, thoughts, and concerns are expressed at the highest level to ensure the student body’s voice is not only heard, but acknowledged.
As your representative, I will CARE for the Cornell community. Communication, Advocacy, Representation and Effectiveness are all necessary to ensure our voice’s are heard. Ensuring communication between students and the administration is clear so that students’ can express their ideas. Advocating for student organizations and their ability to work with other organizations—including faculty. Representing all students through the Student Assembly to ensure my position can most accurately reflect their desires. Effective discussion and debate around issues and always work towards a solution.
Whether working to improve dialogue between the administration and students, or creating events to unite students, know that I will CARE for the Cornell Undergraduate Student Body.

  • Ezra Galperin


College of Arts and Sciences: Government and Jewish Studies


Candidate for Representative At-Large

Fellow Students,
My name is Ezra Galperin. I am a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences studying Government and Jewish Studies, and I am excited to announce my campaign for Representative-At-Large.
At the forefront of my campaign is student housing. Cornell’s housing system is broken. Rising sophomores who are supposed to be guaranteed housing are still waiting for a room on campus next year despite housing selection having passed. Freshmen are stuck in forced triples and quintuples because there is no room. The bottom line is that the university must give students what they were promised. The problems will only continue if we don’t act. The university must create more housing options both on and off campus to provide a comfortable living situation for all students, regardless of their year, and the housing officials must come in front of the assembly to address why there is a new issue every time we reach a new step in the housing process.
More than anything else, this campaign is about you, my fellow Cornell students. I want to hear about your experiences with housing and other aspects of campus life. Please feel free to email or message me on Instagram @ezragalperin.

  • Nicholas Maggard



College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Information Science


Candidate for Representative At-Large

Hello everyone-
My name is Nicholas Maggard, and I am running to be your Representative At-Large to the Student Assembly. This year, I have served as your Parliamentarian of the Student Assembly, and have worked in that position to ensure that the Student Assembly is a well-functioning and efficient body, to the benefit of the undergraduate population.
In addition to serving as your Parliamentarian, I also serve as Chair of the Infrastructure Fund Commission, Acting Chair of the Internal Operations Committee, and Member of the Executive Committee, Board, and Cabinet.
If elected to serve as your Representative At-Large to the Student Assembly, I hope to continue bringing steadfast experience and leadership to this body, helping to ensure that the Assembly is able to effectively represent the diverse interests and needs of the entire undergraduate population. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Flora Meng


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Environment and Sustainability


Candidate for Representative At-Large

Hi there,

Thanks for trying to know Flora through this statement! I’m a freshman to be re-elected for representative at large.

We are all unique individuals in Cornell’s diverse community, and whatever brings us together is ever precious and needs to be protected. Thus, I aim for the balance point that moves forward with all the groups. Also, community & authority needs to collaborate to make impactful changes. Although working with authority can be disappointing, any bit of hope is worth a try and I’d like to continue to serve on SA to help reduce such disappointment.

I’d love to build on my understanding of our government and keep working on the promises and responsibilities I’ve taken. ESG policies for Cornell’s endowment investment, free laundry, and more funding help for low-income students’ necessary healthcare care are on my working list. There is no better solution than continuous input of effort for these issues' complexity, and I’d love to be supervised by whole undergrad community by being on SA as an at-large rep.

Support me to be the rep that grows with our community! My email is always open for your voices. Would love to chat in any means to hear your concerns or learn more about each other:

  • Imani Rezaka


College of Arts and Sciences: Sociology


Candidate for Representative At-Large

Hi everyone! I’m Imani Rezaka, and I’m running for Representative At Large to the Student Assembly.
I’m not pre-law, and I don’t have any interest in a future career in politics. However, I do care greatly about building community at Cornell, and I have a strong passion for creating a more equitable, accessible, and inclusive undergrad experience for future Cornellians.
My proposed initiatives as your future Student Assembly representative include free on-campus laundry, mandatory ethics and empathy training for professors, religious exemptions for major Muslim and Jewish holidays in the academic calendar, expanding Halal dining options on campus, expanding accessible buildings and SDS services, and creating a centralized platform for low-income and BIPOC students to access resources. I’ll also boost community engagement in the Student Assembly by facilitating more student group referendums and establishing a website section for community-suggested resolutions.
Let’s work together for a better, more inclusive Cornell!

  • Daniel Shi


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Plant Sciences


Candidate for Representative At-Large

Passions, dedications, and inspirations. Daniel is a junior plant science major at CALS, a big dreamer that wants to contribute to our inclusive, tight-knit Cornell community. After transferring in as a sophomore and spending two years at Cornell, he cannot wait to help students building their un-like-any-other campus experiences with Cornell's unique strengths.

  • Everett Smith


Brooks School of Public Policy: Public Policy


Candidate for Representative At-Large

If elected, I will take the initiative to restore integrity to the student assembly through any and all means. I will work to promote a culture of community and mutual respect across the campus through, among other initiatives, promoting more interfaith and community participation events. I will also promote a comprehensive reevaluation of the role of the SA to ensure that it truly represents the concerns of the student body. I will work to ensure that any and all communities at Cornell, no matter how small or large, will have their voices heard. I will constantly be available through email and in person. I look forward to serving you.

  • Eric Yao


College of Engineering: Electrical and Computer Engineering


Candidate for Representative At-Large

The Student Assembly is broken. Our leaders are more focused on their political careers and serving the special interests than on the everyday issues that matter to you. That’s why I’m running for the Student Assembly to take on the career politicians and ensure our government works for you and not the other way around. We simply cannot afford the current Student Assembly; the Student Activity fee increased by 40% to over $400, making it the most expensive in the Ivy League. To make matters worse, the Student Activity fee hike included an 83% pay raise for the Student Assembly. As your representative, I’ll work to cut the Student Activity fee and hold the Student Assembly accountable so you can keep more of your money. I’m a problem-solver and consensus-builder, not a politician. I hope to earn your support to fix our Student Assembly and get to work on day one to build a better Cornell for all of us.

School of Hotel Administration Representative
  • Christian Tarala



School of Hotel Administration: Hotel Administration


Candidate for School of Hotel Administration Representative

My vision for the Nolan School is an environment where every student feels empowered and ready to lead, promoting inclusivity, innovation, and connectivity. As your Representative, I aim to meet our evolving academic and practical needs, pushing for more hands-on learning and industry partnerships to enrich our education and enhance career prospects.
I'm committed to aligning our academic programs with industry standards and expanding practical experiences, thereby strengthening our collective and individual professional networks. Together, we will work toward a future that meets our ambitions and establishes a new benchmark for excellence in hospitality education.

School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative
  • Davian Gekman


School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Industrial and Labor Relations


Candidate for School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative

Hi everyone! I’m known around campus for a lot of things (tree climbing being one of them), but in all honesty I'm just a freshman from New Jersey who wants to ensure the voices of ILRies are heard in the Student Assembly.

To put it short: It’s time to make every day a good day
Some of my ideas for the campus include:
   -Enhance campus unity through creative events like water balloon fights, rage rooms, etc.
   -Collaborate directly with TCAT to optimize resource allocation for smoother operations
   -Partner with Cornell Administration to improve housing conditions for all students
    -Install flashing light crosswalks
    -Install more lights around campus
    -Expanding Blue Light response system near all Greek Life housing
    -Bring more immersive desks, tables, chairs, into popular study spaces

    -Work closely with the ILR SGA to establish an effective and transparent relationship
    -Ensure all ILR organizations get the proper funding and resources
    -Hold town halls at Ives Hall with the SGA to ensure all ILRies are heard

Thank you! And I look forward to working and hearing from all of you to make everyday a good day
Follow my instagram to stay up to date with my campaign: @gekman4ilr

  • Savanna Rostad



School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Industrial and Labor Relations


Candidate for School of Industrial and labor Relations Representative

I am driven by my passion for justice, my love of learning, and my unwavering hope for the future. As an ILRie, I understand the value of participatory democracy and solidarity. If elected to the Student Assembly, I would hold the responsibility of my position with care. I would stay on top of campus issues, and consider the values and goals of my constituency. I am a very approachable person, I want to be accessible for you to voice any concerns, ask questions, give suggestions, or just to say hi. A vote for me is a vote for you!


or my instagram: savannarostad

Students with Disabilities Representative
  • Michael Scali


Brooks School of Public Policy: Public Policy


Candidate for Students with Disabilities Representative

My name is Michael Scali, and I am a constituent-focused advocate for a more accommodating Cornell.

It is well-recognized that the university struggles to build a supportive environment for students with disabilities. I experience the fallout of this shortcoming firsthand, as a temporal lobe epileptic with debilitating seizures. Through my experience as a disabled student, I’ve observed Student Disability Services to be an anemic office deprived of the authority it needs. I plan to strengthen SDS and implement the following measures:
Inequitable attendance policies with a set number of pre-excused absences will be supplemented by university-excused medical absences. Your absences due to symptom flare-ups, illnesses, and mental health emergencies will no longer hurt your grade.
Online access to lectures and course content for students who cannot routinely attend class will be mandated by SDS. Absences and in-class issues will no longer force you to fall behind.
The near-unattainable bar for housing accommodations will be reevaluated. A more compassionate approach must be taken by Student Housing in conjunction with SDS, including access to medical advocates, so that the health of students with disabilities can be protected.

Student Workers Representative


  • Danielle Donovan



School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Industrial and Labor Relations


Candidate for Student Workers Representative

Hi! My name is Danielle Donovan. I am an ILR junior, transfer student, and most importantly, a student worker.

Having worked in a variety of different jobs on and off campus— from the library to research to maintenance, I know what it's like to balance academics and work. Since I got to Cornell, I’ve been involved in labor advocacy: whether it's advocating for full-time staff with UAW Local 2300, kicking Starbucks off-campus due to their union-busting, or supporting student organizing campaigns. In the past year, I have also worked closely with the Student Assembly to write and pass 3 resolutions including Resolution 67 which proposes raising the campus minimum wage.

As student worker representative, I will continue to advocate for working students, union organizing, and good faith collective bargaining. Specifically, I will work toward:

-Paying students a living wage and improving on-campus working conditions
-Strengthening financial aid support and work-study
-Defending low-income and marginalized students
-Bargaining fairly with all Cornell workers

With your support, I am confident we can make significant strides toward these goals.

With Gratitude,

Danielle Donovan

Candidate for Student Worker Representative

Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly


  • Nicholas Maggard

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Information Science

Candidate for Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly

My name is Nicholas Maggard, and I am running to be your Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly. This year, I have served as your Parliamentarian of the Student Assembly, and have worked in that position to ensure that the Student Assembly is a well-functioning and efficient body, to the benefit of the undergraduate population.

In addition to serving as your Parliamentarian, I also serve as Chair of the Infrastructure Fund Commission, Acting Chair of the Internal Operations Committee, and Member of the Executive Committee, Board, and Cabinet.
If elected to serve as your Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly, I hope to continue bringing steadfast experience and leadership to this body, at a crucial time when it’ll be considering important topics such as the finalized version of the Interim Expressive Activity Policy. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Sriramulu Modadugula


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: Information Science


Candidate for Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly

Dear Cornell Undergraduates,
Navigating our academic journey at Cornell, I, Sriramulu Modadugula, understand the challenges we face. Here are three key issues I'm committed to addressing:
   1. Fair Housing Allocation: Lengthy housing waitlists leave many of our friends uncertain about securing a place to call home. I'll advocate for a transparent housing allocation process to ensure fairness for all.
   2. Freedom of Expression: Our academic community thrives on diverse perspectives. I'll expand designated protest areas and uphold our fundamental right to express ourselves freely.
   3. Club Funding: Student clubs enrich our campus experience but face financial hurdles. I'll work to secure additional funding, empowering clubs to flourish and contribute to Cornell's vibrant community.

Choose me as your voice to amplify our concerns and drive positive change on our campus. Lets make our home - Cornell a better place.

Veterans Representative
  • David Almeida



College of Engineering


Candidate for Veterans Representative

I am running for the Undergraduate Veteran Representative on the Student Assembly. I was in the U.S. Navy as a Machinist’s Mate Nuclear (Surface Warfare) for six years. I operated heavy machinery in a nuclear propulsion plant onboard an aircraft carrier. As Navy Sailors, we are trained extensively in fighting fires and flooding. However, the very first thing we do when we find a fire is to call for backup. The Veteran community has been trained similarly: We are a team, and we rely on each other to stay afloat.

The veteran community is very important to both myself and all students, as their voices share a unique perspective on life. Many of us have been through challenging situations and have been forged by them with a motivation to do the right thing. As the Veteran Representative, I aim to ensure that our voices are heard and that my fellow Vets here have the resources to flourish at Cornell.

Fair Winds and Following Seas,
David Almeida