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Cornell University

Student Elected Trustee Candidate Profiles - Spring 2019 Election

Ailen Salazar

Sophomore | College of Arts & Sciences | Spanish and Sociology

Personal Statement: Top 3 Priorities -BRING STUDENT VOICES TO THE TABLE -CELEBRATE DIVERSITY -DEVELOP TRANSPARENCY WITH THE STUDENT BODY. I am running for Student Elected Trustee because I know Cornell University is capable of furthering its support for students. Through this position, one of my priorities is to (1) BRING STUDENT VOICES to the Board by establishing meaningful relationships with student organizations to understand the numerous student experiences, creating spaces for students to also share their stories directly with Trustees, and strengthening the relationship with Trustees to attend and support community-based events. As a Trustee, I plan to (2) CELEBRATE DIVERSITY in the student population by highlighting the successes and challenges overcome by students who form part of different identity groups, majors, affiliations, and more. Also, I will work to (3) DEVELOP TRANSPARENCY with the student body in forms of communication; students will be able to approach me with concerns to assist in initiatives that will serve the Cornell population. Through it all, this position is for the students to have a voice on the Board, and I will find various ways to ensure the diverse student experiences are presented to the Trustees.

Relevant Experience: Presented in front of the Los Angeles and Santa Ana Unified School Districts with Board Members to advocate for the founding of now-three successful high schools (LAUSD is the second largest public-school system); Cornell Public Service Center (PSC) Student Advisory Board; one of only two student members part of the Search Committee for first Assistant Director of Undocumented/ DACA Student Support

Community Involvement: Organizer of the Student Leader Network; -President of DREAM Team; Vice President of Programming of La Asociación Latina; Non-NYC Coordinator for Alternative Spring Breaks; Marketing and Outreach Chair of Unity Dinner Committee

Special Interests: Supporting the advancement of students as they pursue their academic, social, and personal goals; Creating spaces and events to help serve various student population needs, through events I have partnered up with my professional and peer connections to allow students to have a JP Morgan Diversity + Initiative Event or It’s Your Write Poetry Night; Promoting the success of all students regardless of their identities and being able to enhance student experience for future generations



Sophomore | College of Arts & Sciences | Government and German

Personal Statement: It is my belief that 3 of the top priorities for the Board of Trustees are affordable and accessible student housing, addressing mental health openly, and creating a plan to fix the current lackluster mental health system. As a member of the Board, if elected I will be a person of action. I will be the unwavering voice of all the students. Cornell is a home away from home to me, and in many ways, it brings a great deal of happiness to me and others; however, there are unresolved and pressing issues that upset that happiness. 1. Master Housing Reform: There are far more students that want to live on campus, but cannot because there is limited space for them. That is only the crust of the problem. The real issue is that as Cornell continues to build new residence halls (the North campus Plan), they increase the enrollment by thousands. In other words, the population growth does not allow for present off-campus students to live on campus nor does the cost of housing decrease. So stop increasing enrollment when many current students can't live on campus 2. Mental Health Awareness Reform: The Board should support a mental health task force that will personally seek the thoughts and concerns of students, create spaces where during periods of high stress, students feel they can share their feelings, and do better to advertise mental health resources that might be less well-known among students. 3. Pushing for Greek life reforms while defending its institutional relevance.

Relevant Experience: As a black queer man from the south, I am an underrepresented minority. I will be an advocate for underrepresented minorities as well as a supporter of plans to continue increasing minority presence at Cornell. I am in a fraternity which presents me with a unique perspective from within the community on best ways to make positive reforms while also maintaining the system at the university. Additionally, over several years I have worked actively in various communities--political, poor, academic etc.--to help give a voice to the voiceless.

Community Involvement: Over several years I have worked actively in various communities--political, poor, academic etc.--to help give a voice to the voiceless. As a gay man of color from the south, I understand how it can be difficult to feel understood. I will be an advocate for underrepresented minorities as well as a supporter of plans to continue increasing minority presence at Cornell. I have worked on political teams where I have had to create and advocate policies where some have failed and others succeeded, so I know the difficulty of progress, but also how to achieve it. Personally, I have completed thousands of hours of community service focused on rebuilding broken communities, pushing for various initiatives and campaigns, and educating my communities about the threats of human trafficking in America. As a member of a fraternity, I also understand the need for actionable reforms and its meaning to so many (including mine) at Cornell. Andrew Dickson White stressed the importance of fraternal groups

Special Interests: I have a special interest in helping those that have been downtrodden by broken systems, creating policies that create positive change for future generations, and giving as much access to things that the privileged have (education, family, money etc.) to the underprivileged. As a person that has experienced being voiceless, powerless, without a loving family, I feel their pain; however, I also know the feeling of being taken out of this system. It is a feeling of empowerment that should be available to the voiceless in our communities.


JT Baker

Sophomore | School of Hotel Administration | Hospitality and Real Estate Development

Personal Statement: Cornell University was founded on the principle of “any person, any study.” With this in mind, I have oriented my campaign around the idea of “every person, every story.” It is so important for every person to be recognized and every story to be heard— across the spectrum of the university, both undergraduate and graduate. AWARENESS FOR MENTAL HEALTH - To address problems of mental health on campus, we must inject mental health awareness into every aspect of student’s lives: Prioritize mental health programs; Combat sexual assault and increase safety by enhancing infrastructure- related resources; Create stronger institutional support systems for RAs. ALIGNMENT OF RESOURCES  - We need to make sure that certain programs are functioning properly and students and colleges have access to all resources: Reexamine funding guidelines for the Student Activities Planning Commission; Situate a Cornell Health satellite office on North Campus with a shuttle to Ho Plaza; Create faculty advisors for student athletes who can advocate for their unique needs; Promote collaboration between leaders of student organizations. AFFORDABILITY OF OPPORTUNITIES - All students need to be provided with access to affordable transportation, food, and financial education: Subsidize bus passes based on financial need, and amplify Anabel’s grocery; Provide financial ed for students, and increase transparency of financial aid processes; Eliminate the student contribution fee.  Learn more at

Relevant Experience: School of Hotel Administration Dean’s Student Advisory Board— Works closely with Dean Kate Walsh, Advocates on behalf of 960 undergraduate students and implement initiatives to improve the student experience. Administrative Intern to the Chief Operating Officer for the Minnesota Vikings— Planned the first ever NFL LGBTQ summit to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion, established a Generation-Z Advisory Board to strategically position the company in servicing a younger audience. Student Ambassador for the School of Hotel Administration— Promote the Hotel School to prospective students at information sessions and official tours.

Community Involvement: Member of the Cornell University Varsity Football Team (2017 to present) Member of the Cornell University Minority Student Business Association (2017 to present) Member of the Cornell Football Association Youth Volunteer Program (2017 to present) Member of the Men of Color Diversity Initiative (2017 to present)

Special Interests: I am passionate about being a voice for the people. There are so many people and communities who are neglected, and so many voices who are being silenced. I want to amplify their voices and be a bridge between communities. I want to provide business opportunities for underrepresented minorities and increase race and class equality on campus. I believe that it is critically important to ensure that all students have access to the Cornell network and resources regardless of their identity. Additionally, mental health is an issue that is incredibly important to me. I want to make sure that students are supported and given access to resources that will allow them to have the best experience possible at Cornell.


Jaewon Sim

Sophomore | College of Arts & Sciences | Computer Science

Personal Statement: I’m Jaewon, and I currently serve on the Student Assembly as the VP of Internal Operations. When I first ran for SA as a freshman, I made a promise to provide students free printing. In 2019, I kept it: Cornell will provide free printing credits to students starting from next semester. While this is a good first step, it is not enough. I believe in a Cornell that works for everyone. As trustee, I will work towards creating a Cornell that is accessible to all regardless of their socioeconomic status. The Board must prioritize… Affordable student lives: -- Auditing university services to ensure fair pricing -- Lowering the prices of on-campus dining and student services -- Slowing the rate of tuition increases -- Increasing graduate student stipends Equal opportunity to succeed: -- Increasing financial aid opportunities for international and minority students -- Centralizing and strengthening career services -- Examining campus facilities through feedback from differently-abled Cornellians -- Establishing continuing representation for marginalized groups Safe and inclusive campus: -- Guaranteeing transfer student housing and increasing transfer inclusion programming -- Devoting more resources to mental health services by increasing Cornell Health hirings -- Exploring a resource center for Cornellians with disabilities -- Giving all students, regardless of gender or sexual identity, a safe campus See what I’ll do as trustee, then join my fight:

Relevant Experience: Because of my work on the SA, students will now receive free printing allocations. This is an example of my commitment to actually getting things done -- and I want to take this to the next level as your trustee. I will advocate for a university bylaws amendment to ensure that at least 15% of the $4.45 billion operating budget go towards university financial aid each year. This will increase aid per student by approximately $9,500. Many of the values I believe in come from my background as an international student who grew up in Korea, Indonesia, China, and TX, US, where I have seen the value of diversity firsthand. Being a part of the International Students Union, I developed a passion for creating an equitable environment where all Cornellians can succeed regardless of who they are or where they call home.

Community Involvement: During my time at Cornell, I have also had the privilege of serving on the Cornell IT Services Steering Committee, the Cornell Canvas Advisory Board and the NYC Visioning Initiative. I am also a Student Assembly representative to the recently-established Student Health Advisory Committee. As SA VP of Internal Operations, I currently chair the Executive Cabinet of 15 committee chairs. Outside of shared governance, I am a member of Beta Theta Pi and the International Students Union’s Advocacy team.

Special Interests: A computer science major; I have a special interest in iOS development and participate as a teaching assistant for CS 1998: Intro to iOS Development. I am also an iOS developer at Cornell AppDev, the project team that develops mobile applications for the Cornell community including Eatery, Ithaca Transit, and Uplift. I believe in using my skills in computer science to create tools that help the everyday lives of Cornell students. In my free time, I enjoy downhill skiing and photography.


Laurence Minter

Sophomore | College of Arts & Sciences | Sociology

Personal Statement: If chosen to be your Student Elected Trustee, I would prioritize the following: 1) Increase transparency between students and the Board of Trustees. I would do this by committing a few hours a week to being a tangible resource to you all as my peers in the form of office hours, sending monthly emails, and working closely with student governing bodies. I plan on implementing a tradition of having a Trustee Address to the student body at the beginning of every semester in order to ensure that students are aware of what is happening behind the scenes. 2) Work across the SPECTRUM of communities that encompass the Cornell student body in order to be inclusive and informed with policies that concern students in all communities. I would do this by reaching and gauging the opinions of all students and not only just organization leaders with titles. I would like to create a more cohesive relationship between all student leaders with formal and informal impact and the Board of Trustees by organizing a conference dedicated to this. 3) Increase access and affordability in regards to opportunities that truly define the student experience. I would do this by using my network with administration and Trustees in order to bridge connections with students on campus in order to increase student/administration engagement. I would work closely with the Office of Dean of Students to ensure that students’ financial, social, emotional, etc. needs are being met by the administration.

Relevant Experiences: During my time in Class Councils, I have been able to implement the student spotlight initiative which allows students to nominate their peers for recognition of their work within our community. The essence of the idea is that we’re putting students at the forefront of our communities that otherwise traditionally wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to be recognized. As the student elected trustee, I would be making the active effort to reach out to all students and be mindful of the ways in which we uniquely demonstrate leadership. My experience as a researcher this past summer at the University of California, Irvine on a project Investigating the mentoring experiences of Black women in engineering and computer science doctoral programs is relevant because of my ability to translate the accounts of people's experiences in a coherent, informed and concise manner.

Community Involvement: Having successfully devised fundraising opportunities for DACA students which resulted in $1,313.42 raised and Planned Parenthood of the Southern Fingerlakes which resulted in roughly $2,400, these efforts demonstrate my ability to successfully fundraised which is a valuable skill needed to help raise funds for respective initiatives that alumni and other donors may be seeking to invest in. As a member of the Black Students United Service Committee I volunteered at Southside Community Center for an annual programming event I promoted safe bike riding among children. I assisted in launching a fundraising effort to support mudslide survivors in Sierra Leone which resulted in the collection of $403.

Special Interests: “Instead of always trying to diagnose the situation, let's dissect the undermined facts of causation, I’m seeking justice for my generation”. This excerpt from my poem captures the true essence of my hunger to satisfy my intellectual curiosity through research in education. Through constantly enhancing my mindfulness of self in the context of the world, I am able to leverage my lived experiences as a Chicagoan and empathize with the reality of what the research yields. Doing research extends far past academic writing and qualitative studies, it is the embodiment of a philosophy in which you believe to be crucial to the world we live in. This connects to my research interest in educational policy, curriculum, and instruction and the ways in which these systems and frameworks can impose negative implications on a misread system of students.


Liel Sterling

Sophomore | School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Industrial and Labor Relations

Personal Statement: The student representative on the Board of Trustees is meant to further the interest of students and promote students’ rights. As trustee, I would like to better establish what I believe are fundamental rights of students and how to hold the University and representatives of the University accountable for those rights, which I see as frequently being violated. I believe that all students are entitled to 1) a safe campus with safe, affordable housing accommodations 2) fair mental health accommodations from professors (across all colleges) 3) class sizes conducive to productive learning environments. It is unacceptable that students feel antagonized by their professors and uncomfortable seeking help. It is unacceptable that while students are sitting on the floor of lecture halls, or in extreme situations in separate rooms watching the lecture on video, the University is planning to increase enrollment. It is unacceptable that North Campus did not have heat in the middle of winter, and that students living off-campus are subjected to gross landlord abuses and unsafe walking conditions (because of lack of lighting, unpaved sidewalks, and few busing options). Finally, it is completely unacceptable that we are not able to exercise the rights that are afforded to us because the process to report violations varies across colleges making it bureaucratic and unclear. Information access must be improved; the University must be held accountable; students must feel safe at Cornell.

Relevant Experience: I am the founder and co-president of the Cornell American Civil Liberties Union (CUACLU), through which I hold informational campaigns about student rights. Thus far, CUACLU has covered issues pertaining to student rights under Title IX and the Tenants’ Rights Guide. I have also worked in government offices since I was 15 and am very familiar with hearing helping resolve constituent issues. I am glad to speak with anyone who might want to relay a message or ask for help. I also am the Senior Policy Chairman of the Roosevelt Institute, which has familiarized me with the nuances of reading and writing policy. I believe all of these roles have taught me how to be outspoken about the perspectives brought to me, which I feel would serve me well if elected as student trustee.

Community Involvement: I am the founder and co-president of the Cornell American Civil Liberties Union, which meets once a week to discuss ACLU cases, host guest speakers, and plan “Know Your Rights” Campaigns. I am also the Senior Policy Chairman of the Roosevelt Institute, the only student-run think-tank on campus. As Senior Policy Chairman, I am responsible for editing 50 policy proposals and blog posts each semester as well as educating our analysts about the policy-writing process. Finally, I am the Vice President of Philanthropy for Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Fraternity. As VP Philanthropy, I have formed a partnership with Beechtree Nursing Home and also am conducting a campaign related to the Innocence Project.

Special Interests: One of my special interests is that I study classical voice. I am very passionate about the arts and am also comfortable with public speaking because of my performance experience.


Liz Cantlebary

Sophomore | College of Engineering | Chemical Engineering

Personal Statement: The Board of Trustees is in a unique position to shape the future of the University. I believe that Cornell has an extraordinary amount of potential to be a leader among institutions in sustainability, on-campus inclusion, and student-led change. As trustee, I will be committed to listening to and collaborating with student leaders across interests to bring diverse student voices to the Board. To facilitate this, I plan to host three meetings a semester that are open to all of Cornell, with personal invitations extended to on-campus leaders. I am confident that these meetings will build a foundation for relationships with student leaders so we can have candid conversations about creating more inclusive spaces on campus. Furthermore, I plan on working with various University Departments to address the prevalence of mental health, bias, and sexual assault crises on campus through improving both prevention and response programs. Finally, I will contribute to environmental sustainability at Cornell through remaining committed to Cornell's goal to be carbon neutral by 2035, advocating for sustainable infrastructure mandates for all new construction and renovations on campus, and working with other members of the Board to re-evaluate the current investment portfolio of the University. I recognize that everyone has a unique experience at Cornell, many of which are vastly different from my own. Here I am, though, ready to listen, ready to collaborate, ready to act.

Relevant Experience: I am a leader, a listener, a problem solver. I currently serve as VP of Philanthropy for the Professional Fraternity Council, where I work with the philanthropy and service chairs of professional organizations to broaden our impact. Through this experience, I have learned to balance very different priorities of organizations and bring people of different backgrounds together. I am certain that the skills I developed in this role will enable me to work with all student leaders on campus. I am also an RA in a program house, where I have addressed a variety of crises, navigated different departments of the University from the Title IX office to CAPS and CUPD, and developed my ability to listen to others and respond to their needs in an appropriate way. The interpersonal skills I have fine-tuned and the networks I have developed through this role will enable me to bring student concerns to the board in an effective way, and work with departments to address them effectively.

Community Involvement: Besides serving on the Professional Fraternity Council and as an RA, I am involved on campus and within the Ithaca community. I am part of an undergraduate project team, Engineers for a Sustainable World, where I lead a sub-team and volunteer at a local non-profit to implement sustainable technology and build relationships with residents at Second Wind Cottages. Working in the Ithaca community has shown me the potential that Cornell students have to make change, along with how much we have to learn outside of the classroom. I have also worked in a research lab, where I evaluated solar cell technology for applications in space travel. I have seen a glimpse of life in academia - the never-ending work, the funding applications, the innovation and dedication that is cultivated there. I believe these spaces ought to be advocated for and supported by the Board of Trustees in whatever ways possible.

Special Interests: Since becoming an RA, I have worked in the CORE RA program. This program is devoted to creating a culture of respect in residence halls and beyond through consent education, and has shown me just how prevalent sexual assault is on campus. I am passionate about making Cornell a place where open conversation about consent is standard, survivors can get the help they need, and we can go beyond the requirements of law when addressing the issue. Furthermore, I believe that Cornell can only be as strong as the environment it is a part of. Climate change is a serious threat facing the world today, and I believe Cornell can do more as a leader in sustainability. As trustee, I will work with student leaders, Professors, campus departments, and the Board to implement sustainability initiatives on campus and beyond.


Lotoya Francis

Freshman | School of Industrial and Labor Relations | Industrial and Labor Relations

Personal Statement:The top 3 priorities the Board of Trustees ought to address include: - Further enhancement and support of Financial Aid Offices to best assist students in the process of applying for and receiving substantial aid - Diversity outreach AND RETENTION- It is not enough to just recruit “any person” for “any study.” People should feel valued and respected and have the opportunity to succeed here at Cornell. - The creation of more opportunities for student organizations to interact outside of Club Fest- While affinity groups are necessary and important, there is a need for more intermingling across cultures on campus. I would use my position as Trustee to push for a more diverse, inclusive, and unified environment for students to live in and prospective students to experience. I would maintain communication with various student organizations on campus to ensure that diverse student perspectives are recognized and addressed in decision making processes. I plan on pushing for more support for students in the Financial Aid application process so that students do not have to sacrifice as much time and effort as is required to complete their necessary documentation. I would also use my relationship with the Undergraduate Admissions Office to continue to reach more diverse applicants through improvements to our school’s social media platforms and campus visiting experiences while advocating for the enhancement of available resources for current students in underrepresented groups.

Relevant Experience: Diversity Ambassadors- Co-Chair of Social Media Team ● Assists Cornell’s Undergraduate Admissions Office with diversity outreach by managing a team of undergraduate students curating interesting and diverse content for Cornell’s social media platforms Black Women’s Support Network (BWSN)- First-Year Representative ● Expresses the needs of Black first-year women before the organization's executive board ● Assists in event planning and the facilitating discussions on issues relevant to the affinity group Project FOCUS (Freeing Our Children, Uniting Souls) and Lemonade ● Founded two nonprofit organizations to address educational inequality by providing economically disadvantaged students of color with mentorship in academics, athletics, and the arts and creating support networks for Black girls in their school environments Student Government (High School- Grade President 4 years) ● Served as a liaison between students and administration, fundraised, and advocated for student needs

Community Involvement: On campus, I am Co-Chair of the Undergraduate Admissions Office's Social Media Team under Diversity Ambassadors. I am a first-year student representative on the Black Women's Support Network. I am a member of the Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives' Pre-Professional Programs, and I have been a member of the African Dance Repertoire and Baraka Kwa Wimbo, an all women’s gospel a capella ensemble. Off campus, I am an active member of the Calvary Baptist Church's singing and youth ministries and am in the process of bringing my organization, Lemonade, to Ithaca High School to serve underrepresented students in the community.

Special Interests: I am passionate about service and leadership and my career goals can best be summed up by my aspirations of becoming Oprah. I have dedicated a lot of my life to addressing issues of educational inequality resulting in the founding of two nonprofit organizations: Project FOCUS and Lemonade, which serve to provide underprivileged students with access to opportunities and ensure that they are supported when given that access. I have held many advising roles in which I have served as a mentor to young people in various communities in Brooklyn, at Prep for Prep (my scholarship program), at church and in high school. My passion for public speaking manifests itself in my entrepreneurial endeavors, leadership roles, and often, in unplanned situations where I recognize a need for action, like at the Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference this February where I spoke about the importance of diversity and inclusion while addressing an issue from that weekend (as reported on by the Daily Sun).


Natalia Hernandez

Sophomore | College of Arts & Sciences | Government

Personal Statement: Top Three Priorities: 1. Amplify student voices to the Board 2. Promote a better understanding of Cornell’s infrastructure 3. Accessibility and Sustainability. I am running for student-elected trustee because I want to bring student needs to the forefront of the Board of Trustees. As a trustee, I will work towards three main goals. (1) I want to amplify a diverse set of student voices to the Board that highlight the array of perspectives on our campus. I will take an active role in speaking and connecting with students and organizations to make sure that the burden of reaching out is not placed on them. Through these connections, we can bring student concerns with topics like mental health right to the Board. (2) Many times students lack the knowledge of the financial and academic policies that pose significant barriers to shaping their experiences at Cornell. One of my main goals is to organize various forms of outreach initiatives that focus on making these processes more transparent. I would not only promote more robust fundraising for financial aid but organize events and resources that demystify the process. (3) Lastly, issues of accessibility and sustainability are crucial to our campus and the success of all its students. Projects like the North Campus expansion plan must adhere to our promise of Carbon Neutrality by 2035 to ensure sustainability. In addition, projects such as these present an opportunity to increase our commitment to spaces that are accessible

Relevant Experiences: Cornell Lending Library - President: In my role as President I advocated for the removal of financial barriers to ensure that, regardless of socioeconomic background, Cornellians have the same opportunities to succeed academically and professionally. ALANA Intercultural Board - Vice President of Public Relations: Throughout my time with ALANA, I have built relationships between our organization and its respective umbrella organization leaders, facilitating discussions on identity, community and allyship. Residential Student Congress - Vice President: In my role as VP I have focused on discussing our current roommate selection method and how we can improve this service to avoid roommate conflicts. Student Assembly - Former Minority Students Liaison and Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion: Served as a link between Cornell’s administration and the student body on diversity and inclusion efforts and initiatives on campus.

Community Involvement: Resident Advisor in Clara Dickson Hall, Co-Captain of Sabor Latino Dance Ensemble, Residential Student Congress Chair of Internal Relations Committee, Anti-Hazing Community Involvement in Dickson.

Special Interests: Creating spaces that foster peer mentorship, elevating communities and their voices to create a greater sense of belonging and ultimately identifying and celebrating the common experiences we share as Cornellians.


Tarangana Thapa

Sophomore | College of Arts & Sciences | Government and Economics

Personal Statement: Top three priorities: -Incorporating diverse student voices in board discussions -Promoting equal accessibility of campus resources to all students - Expanding academic and career guidance across academic disciplines. I am running for Student Elected Trustee because I believe that it is imperative to integrate a holistic student perspective in board discussions and decision making to result in long term success of students within the institution. I will: (1) incorporate diverse voices by maintaining communications with students and community leaders across academic fields, extracurricular organizations, and social identity groups through open forums, campus wide surveys, and regular meetings. This will allow for abundant opportunity to raise and  discuss pertinent issues that necessitate attention and dialogue within the board; (2) work closely with resource centers, student activist groups, and the board to assess inaccessibility of resources such as affordable housing, textbook and online subscriptions for classes, student legal counsel, etc. and work with the board to address restrictive financial and knowledge barriers; (3) advocate for expansion of academic and career guidance based on the needs of school, major curriculum, and that expressed by students through departmental outreach and feedback programs, and propose sharing guidance strategies across schools and academic disciplines, and enforcing student, staff, and faculty accountability through the process.

Relevant Experience: As a Community Intersectionality Advocate (CIA) my freshman year, I focused on identifying and addressing issues arising from differences in identity, experiences, levels of privilege, etc. Through this advocacy, I strengthened my ability to collaborate with and learn from university staff while working closely with a diverse body of my peers on campus initiatives to raise awareness on issues we were passionate about. I enhanced those skills this year as a founding E-Board member of an anti-sexual violence coalition, finding the balance of meeting the demands and appealing to the administration while staying true to the values and objectives of our organization. I learned that the role of a leader is not to dictate but rather to absorb and understand the opinions of peers and to serve as a platform for those voices. As Trustee, I will draw from my lessons to build strong relationships with board members while embracing my commitment to relay the voice of the student body.

Community Involvement: I serve on the E- Board of Kappa Alpha Pi, a Pre- Law Fraternity; I am the Vice President and a founding member of The Naked Truth, an anti-sexual violence coalition; I am the lead organizer of the Cornell chapter of Peace Action, a nuclear non-proliferation activism group; I was a Community Intersectionality Advocate for the academic year 2017-2018. Through my active leadership and advocacy on campus, I have prioritized bringing inclusiveness and awareness to campus life: I led a community exhibit to inform the public on sexual violence, amplified the voices of the marginalized, and collaborated with members of my pre-law fraternity to promote greater accessibility and equal opportunity in our recruitment.

Special Interests: Bridging the gap between student perspective and administrative objectives by promoting dialogue, introducing new topics, and presenting a range of student perspectives to the board on issues that are important to students, even if those subjects are surrounded by controversy or challenge to the administrative viewpoint; urge the board to make genuine efforts to revisit, reassess, and have an open dialogue with the student body on policies and issues demanding attention.