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Cornell University

Student Assembly Committees

Committee Description Accepting Applications?
Academic Policy Committee

Researches, reviews, recommends, and develops projects to improve academic life for the student body; works closely with the Dean of Students and the Faculty Senate to ensure that students’ concerns related to academic policy are voiced effectively to university officials.

Appropriations Committee

The Student Assembly Appropriations Committee reviews requests from the Student Assembly budget, recommends policies and guidelines for the undergraduate student activity fee, and oversees the Student Assembly Finance Commission.

Campus Pulse Committee

This committee shall serve as a programmatic body to increase the availability of resources to address pressing needs of the Student Body. It will also work to combat all forms of bias including, but not limited to, sexism, racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia, and transphobia through programmatic implementation and workshops for the Cornell Community.

Communications Committee

The Student Assembly Communications Committee links the assembly with its constituencies by conducting polls, referenda, forums, and hearings. It also publicizes the business and activities of the assembly.

Dining Services Committee

Reviews the policies and initiatives of Dining Services, with a focus on sustainability, nutrition, and student experience. Coordinates with student-led food system efforts across campus to make recommendations to Dining Services and the Assembly regarding changes to existing policies or the formulation of new policies.

Diversity Committee

Collects ideas, issues and concerns in the area of diversity and inclusion; works on implementable related policies. Implements United Student Body and subsequently reviews it during the process of implementation.

Elections Committee

The elections committee is responsible for coordinating, publicizing, and overseeing undergraduate student elections for positions in the Student Assembly, as well as three of five undergraduate positions in the University Assembly.

Environmental Committee

Creates new legislation and enforces past environmental legislation; provides environmental education and outreach in order to better inform students and the campus community about the environment and relevant issues.

Executive Cabinet

The cabinet shall staff any vacant committee positions the Student Assembly (SA) is empowered to staff during meetings in early fall. The committee shall re-evaluate the committee application outreach plan at the end of every spring term. The committee shall also evaluate SA committees’ end of the year report, and determine if the SA committee and/or their composition need to be changed.

Financial Aid Review Committee

The Student Assembly Financial Aid Review Committee examines financial aid policies and reviews their current status. Responsible for reviewing the guidelines of the Student Helping Students Fund and Summer Experience Grant, and for making decisions regarding the approval of grants.

Infrastructure Fund Commission

The Student Assembly Infrastructure Fund allocates roughly $75,000 every year to student-led infrastructure projects on Cornell's campus.

Internal Operations Committee

The committee shall have jurisdiction over resolutions concerning policy in the following areas: the governing documents of the Assembly, rules and procedures, attendance and voting policies, and the operation and maintenance of committees. The committee shall be responsible for organizing all orientations and retreats, overseeing the operation of committees of the Assembly, advising on procedures related to the conveyance of resolutions, and adopting a manual of style. The Vice-President for Internal Operations shall serve as chair of the committee. In addition to the chair, there shall be between four and eight members of the committee, one of whom shall be Parliamentarian. Each officer of the Assembly shall be permitted to vote on all matters considered by the committee, regardless of their membership on the committee.

International Student Affairs Committee

This committee will research and investigate issues affecting international students and provide recommendations to the Student Assembly. The committee will be responsible for engaging, liaising, and communicating with the various cultural organizations that represent and advocate for the rights and needs of international students. The International Students Affairs Committee will be charged with creating a platform that allows undergraduate students, both domestic and international, to collaborate to craft legislation that provides additional support to international students and international student organizations.

The committee shall consist of:

  • up to two chairs and at minimum three SA members.
  • The Vice-President of Diversity and Inclusion and Vice-President of External Affairs shall serve as ex-officio members to the committee.
  • Any undergraduate is eligible to serve in the committee.
  • Membership to the International Students Affairs Committee will be determined by an application process.
  • The committee will be arranged at the discretion of the chairs. 
Office of Ethics

The Student Assembly Office of Ethics shall pursue any necessary ethics concerns of Student Assembly members and any directly elected undergraduate representative to the University Assembly. This committee shall evaluate all requests submitted by community members that are against any Student Assembly members, Student Assembly committees, or directly elected undergraduate representatives to the University Assembly.

The Office of Ethics can be reached via email at sends email).

Please submit any ethical complaints via the Office of Ethics Qualtrics form(link is external).

Office of Student Government Relations

Creation of the Office of Student Government Relations, which includes three branches: (1) City and Local Relations (currently the City and Local Affairs Committee of the Student Assembly), (2) State Government Relations, (3) Federal Government Relations. 

The Office of Student Government Relations can be reached via email at sends email).

Office of the Student Advocate

The Office of the Student Advocate is made up of undergraduate students acting as caseworkers in different fields to navigate issues including conduct violations, grade disputes, enrollment issues, financial aid problems, residency concerns, discrimination and harassment.

The Office of the Student Advocate can be reached via email at sends email).

Student Health Advisory Committee

This is a joint committee of the Student Assembly, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, and Cornell Health. Areas of focus for the committee include, but are not limited to, physical health, mental health, and outreach and communication.
