Student Assembly Elections Committee
The elections committee is responsible for coordinating, publicizing, and overseeing undergraduate student elections for positions in the Student Assembly, as well as three of five undergraduate positions in the University Assembly.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Student Advocacy Committee
The GPSA Student Advocacy Committee works to act on issues of finances, stipend levels, mental and physical health, child care and the general well being of all graduate and professional students. The Student Advocacy Committee works in consultation with other relevant student and Cornell assembly committees and interested parties.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission
The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Commission (GPSAFC) is the funding arm of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA). The GPSAFC is responsible for funding over 200 registered graduate and professional student organizations on the Cornell campus.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Appropriations Committee
The Appropriations Committee manages GPSA funds and recommends the Graduate and Professional Student Activity Fee to the GPSA. This committee also reviews the policies and procedures for setting and allocating the Activity Fee and recommends to the GPSA the funding guidelines of the GPSA Finance
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Programming Board
The Events Committee organizes events for the entire graduate and professional student community. Although the committee’s primary purpose is to put together the annual Grad Ball, the committee is also dedicated to planning a large number of smaller events throughout the year. Events include monthly Grad’s Night Out, mixers, coffee hours, fundraising events, and events for graduate and professional students with families.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Communications Committee
The Communications Committee maintains the accessible flow of information from the GPSA to the graduate and professional student body and the Cornell community.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Operations and Staffing Committee
The Operations and Staffing Committee of the GPSA is composed entirely of the current standing committee chairs and GPSA University Assembly representatives. The role of this committee is to review and vote on applications for the numerous internal and external committee positions that the GPSA is charged with staffing. The Operations and Staffing Committee is additionally charged with reviewing the GPSA's charter and bylaws each year and suggesting changes as needed.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Faculty Teaching, Advising, and Mentorship Award Committee
The primary purpose of the Faculty Teaching, Advising, and Mentorship Award Committee is to solicit nominations for and administer one or more annual Awards to recognize faculty who exhibit excellence in the teaching, advising, and mentorship of graduate and professional students.
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composes of the officers of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, of which there shall be at least four. They meet regularly with the Graduate School deans, university administrators, and executives of other assemblies. The Executive Vice-President is the chair of the Executive Committee.
University Assembly Campus Codes Committee
The CCC is a standing committee of the University Assembly. The public is welcome to attend meetings in person or remotely via Zoom meeting access. Please contact the CCC Chair for details.