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Cornell University

Employee Assembly - Resolution 3 (2019-2020)

Support of the development and implementation of a Cornell Campus Circulator System

  • Term:
  • Assembly:
  • Status: Acknowledged by the President
  • Abstract: For the past eleven years, a Cornell Campus Circulator System of transportation has been under discussion as a way to improve access to many university functions and to address the continual challenges related to transportation and parking that Cornellians face every day. We propose that this project become a priority for Cornell and be realized within the period of the next five years.
  • Resolution File:
  • Supporting Documents:
  • Sponsors: Kristopher Bradford Barth (kb599)
  • Reviewing Committee: Employee Welfare Committee


Action Date
Introduced to the Assembly Jan 15, 2020
Tabled Feb 5, 2020
Adopted by the Assembly May 6, 2020
Conveyed to the President May 8, 2020
Acknowledged by the President May 20, 2020

Associated Meetings

Assembly/Committee Date Meeting Minutes Details
Employee Assembly Jan 15, 2020 View Minutes of Jan 15, 2020 meeting View Jan 15, 2020 Meeting
Employee Assembly Feb 5, 2020 View Minutes of Feb 5, 2020 meeting View Feb 5, 2020 Meeting
Employee Assembly May 6, 2020 No minutes View May 6, 2020 Meeting


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