Student Assembly - Resolution 1 (2024-2025)
Adoption of the Standing Rules of the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly
Acknowledged by the President
This resolution adopts the Standing Rules of the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly.
Resolution 1: Adoption of the Standing Rules of the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly
Sponsored by: President deRham ’27, EVP Vinson ’25, Parliamentarian Coleman ’26, UA Rep. Maggard ‘26
Type of Action: Internal Policy
Whereas, the Standing Rules of the Student Assembly must be adopted at the beginning of each
term of the Student Assembly.
Whereas, proper Standing Rules are necessary for the functioning of the Assembly.
Be it therefore resolved, the attached Standing Rules be adopted as the Standing Rules for the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly, with immediate effect.
Respectfully Submitted,
Zora deRham ’27
President of the Student Assembly
Adam Vinson ’25
Executive Vice President of the Student Assembly
Agnes Coleman ‘26
Parliamentarian of the Student Assembly
Nicholas Maggard ’26
Undergraduate Representative, University Assembly
Resolution File:
Supporting Documents:
Zora Patterson deRham (zpd3), Adam Sawyer Vinson (asv33), Agnes Coleman (aac226), Nicholas Maggard (nm557)
Reviewing Committee: