Student Assembly Meeting
Thursday, August 29, 2024
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- Assembly/Committee: Student Assembly
Date & Time:
Thu, Aug 29, 2024 - 4:45pmto6:30pm
Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room (WSH407)/Zoom
- Agenda:
- Meeting Packet:
- Audio Recording:
Call to Order
- Z. deRham called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m.
- Members Present (24): S. Almosawi, R. Acharjee, L. Berinde, S. Chan, E. Chaudhuri, Z. deRham, K. Everett, E. Galperin, D. Gekman, G. Gonzalez-Mulattieri, N. Hite, C. Kim, J. Lederman, K. Liu, F. Meng, S. Razzak, I. Rezaka, M. Scali, J. Silverman, D. Suarez, C. Tarala, A. Vinson, E. Yao, S. Zhuang
- Members Absent (2): D. Donovan, C. Flournoy
Also Present: N. Maggard, L. Thomas, A. Vink
Reading of the Land Acknowledgment
Z. deRham stated the SA’s acknowledgment of the Cayuga Nation.
There were no announcements.
Open Microphone
L. Thomas recommended A. Vink to be Director of Elections. A. Vink introduced herself and her platform.
Approval of the Minutes
There were no minutes.
Consent Calendar
- Z. deRham entertained a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion passed by unanimous consent.
- Z. deRham asked those interested in joining the ad-hoc committee on vacancies established by Resolution 3 to email her.
- Z. deRham noted that Resolution 2 creates deputies for executive members who have decided upon a deputy.
- Z. deRham selected N. Maggard to be her Deputy President.
N. Maggard swore an oath of office to be Deputy President of the SA.
There were no presentations.
Second Readings
There were no second readings.
Third Readings
There were no third readings.
Appointments and Vacancies Calendar
Z. deRham appointed A. Vink to be Director of Elections.
b. A. Vink swore an oath of office.
Other Business
- K. Everett moved to suspend the rules to add Resolution 4: “Support for UAW Local 2300 Workers on Strike” to the calendar for consideration.
- Z. deRham found the motion to suspend the rules out of order per SA bylaws, unless permitted by the executive board. A. Vinson moved for the executive board to vote on suspending the rules and received a second. The executive board voted unanimously to suspend the rules.
- K. Everett introduced Resolution 4, authored by D. Donovan, highlighting the importance of Cornell’s workers and the workers’ economic conditions.
- Z. deRham stated that the posted version of Resolution 4 is out of date. K. Everett stated that she is working on uploading the up-to-date version.
- E. Galperin stated that his and D. Gekman’s names on the resolution include incorrect class years. Z. deRham stated that this is not the question-and-answer period. E. Galperin moved for a four-minute reading period; A. Vinson seconded.
- At 5:05, the reading period ended. Z. deRham opened the floor to a question-and- answer period.
- Z. deRham stated that the first line, “Whereas Cornell University has failed to negotiate a tentative agreement” should be changed in light of the University reaching a tentative agreement with the union.
- E. Galperin asked if the class year discrepancy posed an issue to the resolution’s passing. Z. deRham stated that it did not but should be fixed.
The resolution passed 18-0-2.
- Z. deRham reminded members to read the SA bylaws to prevent future out-of-order motions and disruptions to the flow of meetings.
- The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anthony Wang
Clerk of the AssemblySA Minutes (8-29).pdf (103.79 KB)
Associated Resolutions
Resolution | Abstract | Status |
SA R1 (2024-2025): Adoption of the Standing Rules of the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly | This resolution adopts the Standing Rules of the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly. Resolution 1: Adoption of the Standing Rules of the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly Sponsored by: President deRham ’27, EVP Vinson ’25, Parliamentarian Coleman ’26, UA Rep. Maggard ‘26 Type of Action: Internal Policy Whereas, the Standing Rules of the Student Assembly must be adopted at the beginning of each term of the Student Assembly. Whereas, proper Standing Rules are necessary for the functioning of the Assembly. Be it therefore resolved, the attached Standing Rules be adopted as the Standing Rules for the 2024-2025 Term of the Student Assembly, with immediate effect. Respectfully Submitted, Zora deRham ’27 President of the Student Assembly Adam Vinson ’25 Executive Vice President of the Student Assembly Agnes Coleman ‘26 Parliamentarian of the Student Assembly Nicholas Maggard ’26 Undergraduate Representative, University Assembly |
Acknowledged by the President |
SA R2 (2024-2025): Executive Governance Reform | This resolution adopts bylaw amendments to clarify several areas of governance. | Acknowledged by the President |
SA R3 (2024-2025): Establishing the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies | This resolution creates the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies to interview and recommend individuals to fill Student Assembly vacancies. Resolution 3: Establishing the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies Sponsored by: President Zora deRham ‘27 Type of Action: Internal Policy Whereas, there currently exist five (5) vacancies in the voting membership of the Student Assembly, as follows: Minority Representative (2) Women’s Representative (1) LGBTQIA+ Representative (1) CALS Representative (1) Whereas, having a filled membership is necessary for the proper functioning of the Student Assembly and for engaging with all undergraduate members of the Cornell community. Whereas, Article IV, Section 8 of the Charter of the Student Assembly states: "A vacancy that exists in the office of any voting member of the Assembly or an undergraduate representative to the University Assembly following first 30 days of the term of the Assembly shall be filled by the Assembly. At the next regularly scheduled meeting following the creation of the vacancy, the vacancy shall be filled by a roll-call vote; the vacancy shall not be filled without a two-thirds affirmative vote of the seated membership of the Assembly." Whereas, more than 30 days have elapsed since the beginning of this year’s term of the Student Assembly. Whereas, the proposed committee shall only recommend individuals. This does not constrain the Assembly’s jurisdiction over appointing such members as it sees fit. Be it therefore resolved, an Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies be created to interview and recommend individuals to fill the current vacancies. Be it further resolved, the Committee shall be empowered to make such rules and regulations to govern itself not inconsistent with the Standing Rules, Bylaws, and Charter of the Student Assembly. Be it further resolved, the Committee’s Chair shall be the President of the Student Assembly. Be it finally resolved, the Committee shall consist of the President and six (6) additional Members of the Student Assembly to be appointed by the President. Respectfully Submitted, Zora deRham ‘27 President of the Student Assembly |
Accepted by the President |
SA R4 (2024-2025): Support for UAW Local 2300 Workers on Strike | This resolution expresses student support for the UAW Local 2300 workers on strike at Cornell University. Sponsored by: Danielle Donovan ‘25 Type of Action: Sense-Of-The Body Whereas, Cornell University has failed to meet the demands of the United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2300, which represents over 1,200 maintenance and facilities workers, dining workers, gardeners, custodians, agriculture and horticulture workers, and others, across the university; Whereas, UAW demands include safer working conditions, wage increases associated with cost of living increases, and free parking; Whereas, The workers who make Cornell University run deserve to earn a living wage of at least $24/hour; Whereas, UAW Local 2300 recently filed seven separate unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against Cornell University, citing violations of workers’ rights and federal labor laws amid ongoing contract negotiations; Be it therefore resolved, Cornell students deeply value the contributions of UAW Local 2300 workers on this campus and stand in solidarity with striking workers; Be it Finally Resolved, Cornell administration should bargain in good faith with the UAW, agree to a fair contract, and pay their workers a living wage. Respectfully Submitted, Danielle Donovan ‘25 Student Workers Representative, Student Assembly Sara Almosawi ‘25 First Generation Student Representative At-Large, Student Assembly Ezra Galperin ‘27 Undesignated At-Large Representative, Student Assembly Karys Everett ‘25 Undesignated At-Large Representative, Student Assembly Davian Gekman ‘27 School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative, Student Assembly |
Acknowledged by the President |