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Cornell University

Student Assembly - Resolution 3 (2024-2025)

Establishing the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies

  • Term:
  • Assembly:
  • Status: Accepted by the President
  • Abstract: This resolution creates the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies to interview and recommend individuals to fill Student Assembly vacancies.

    Resolution 3: Establishing the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies

    Sponsored by: President Zora deRham ‘27
    Type of Action: Internal Policy

    Whereas, there currently exist five (5) vacancies in the voting membership of the Student Assembly, as follows:
    Minority Representative (2)
    Women’s Representative (1)
    LGBTQIA+ Representative (1)
    CALS Representative (1)

    Whereas, having a filled membership is necessary for the proper functioning of the Student Assembly and for engaging with all undergraduate members of the Cornell community.

    Whereas, Article IV, Section 8 of the Charter of the Student Assembly states:
    "A vacancy that exists in the office of any voting member of the Assembly or an
    undergraduate representative to the University Assembly following first 30 days of the
    term of the Assembly shall be filled by the Assembly. At the next regularly scheduled
    meeting following the creation of the vacancy, the vacancy shall be filled by a roll-call
    vote; the vacancy shall not be filled without a two-thirds affirmative vote of the seated
    membership of the Assembly."

    Whereas, more than 30 days have elapsed since the beginning of this year’s term of the Student Assembly.

    Whereas, the proposed committee shall only recommend individuals. This does not constrain the Assembly’s jurisdiction over appointing such members as it sees fit.

    Be it therefore resolved, an Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies be created to interview and recommend individuals to fill the current vacancies.

    Be it further resolved, the Committee shall be empowered to make such rules and regulations to govern itself not inconsistent with the Standing Rules, Bylaws, and Charter of the Student Assembly.

    Be it further resolved, the Committee’s Chair shall be the President of the Student Assembly.

    Be it finally resolved, the Committee shall consist of the President and six (6) additional Members of the Student Assembly to be appointed by the President.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Zora deRham ‘27
    President of the Student Assembly
  • Resolution File:
  • Supporting Documents:
  • Sponsors: Zora Patterson deRham (zpd3)
  • Reviewing Committee:


Action Date
Adopted by the Assembly Aug 29, 2024
Conveyed to the President Sep 16, 2024
Conveyed to the President Sep 16, 2024
Accepted by the President Oct 2, 2024

Associated Meetings

Assembly/Committee Date Meeting Minutes Details
Student Assembly Aug 29, 2024 No minutes View Aug 29, 2024 Meeting