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Cornell University


Resolutions advocate for the opinion or will of a constituency, and may be approved or dismissed as the result of an Assembly vote.

Please use the "Assembly Filter" options to narrow your search. For more information on Resolutions, see Issue Resolution Decision Tree (PDF) (prepared by the EA) as well. Archival resolutions may be found on the Assemblies Archive Website, which documents Assemblies History and Records from between 2006 and 2010.*

*Prior years' history in bound printed volumes are available for review in the Office of the Assemblies, 109 Day Hall, during regular business hours.

Displaying 1476 - 1500 of 1601
Term Resolution Abstract Status Date
2016-2017 UA R4: 2016-2017 Cornell University Campus Code of Conduct Update Part 2: Accepting Recommendation from Outdoor Space Working Group This resolution amends the University Campus Code of Conduct to be consistent with the recommendations and findings of… Accepted by the President Jan 23, 2017
2016-2017 UA R5: In Support of Making Cornell a Sanctuary Campus This resolution endorses the "Make Cornell a Sanctuary Campus" petition and calls on the administration to… Acknowledged by the President Jan 12, 2017
2016-2017 SA R26: Request for the Board of Trustees to refrain from adopting the Provost’s capital plan until further community input is received The Student Assembly requests that the Board of Trustees not approve the Provost’s capital plan at their next meeting,… Deferred by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 SA R24: Approval of Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC) Charter This resolution presents changes to the Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC) governing documents for Student… Accepted by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 SA R23: Declaring Cornell University a Sanctuary Campus This resolution calls for Cornell administration to declare Cornell University a “Sanctuary Campus” in the wake of… Deferred by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 SA R22: Amendments to Appendix B for Collegiate Readership Changes This resolution proposes changes to the Collegiate Readership Program guidelines in Appendix B of the Student Assembly… Deferred by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 SA R20: Student Assembly’s Support for and Input on “Options for Achieving a Carbon Neutral Campus by 2035 This resolution seeks to support Cornell University’s commitment to carbon neutrality by a firm deadline of 2035 and… Deferred by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 GPSA R7: In Support of Making Cornell a Sanctuary Campus This is a resolution declaring the GPSA’s collective support for a petition made public on Friday November 18, 2016… Accepted by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 UA R3: Endorsing The Ithaca Plan: A Public Health and Safety Approach to Drugs and Drug Policy This resolution is a show of community support and UA endorsement for the proposed “Ithaca Plan” to address opiate… Returned by the President Jan 6, 2017
2016-2017 EA R6: LGBTQ Inclusion in Campus Records This resolution calls for the University to fully implement previously approved resolutions and use and employee’s… Submitted to the President Jan 3, 2017
2016-2017 EA R7: LGBTQ Inclusion in University Benefits This resolution requests information from the Division of Human Resources on gender-specific or gendered benefits in… Adopted by the Assembly Dec 21, 2016
2016-2017 GPSA R3: A Resolution Revising the GPSA Finance Commission Guidelines A resolution to revise the funding process for groups seeking funding from the GPSA. Accepted by the President Dec 19, 2016
2016-2017 SA R18: Setting the Special Projects Funding Guidelines Setting Special Projects Funding Guidelines Acknowledged by the President Dec 9, 2016
2016-2017 GPSA R1: Approving the GPSA Bylaws for the 2016-2017 Term This Resolution updates the bylaws of the GPSA. Accepted by the President Dec 6, 2016
2016-2017 SA R16: Modernizing the Cornell Collegiate Readership Program This resolution seeks to cease the purchasing and offering of print copies of New York Times and USA Today, and to… Acknowledged by the President Nov 21, 2016
2016-2017 SA R15: Strengthening the Relationship between Student Assembly & RSC This resolution establishes a closer legislative relationship between the Student Assembly and Residential Student… Acknowledged by the President Nov 21, 2016
2016-2017 SA R13: Amending Article III Section 3 and Other Sections of the Student Assembly Charter This Charter Change Resolution makes changes to the “Reporting of Student Assembly Actions” section and other minor… Accepted by the President Nov 21, 2016
2016-2017 SA R11: Empowering All Students in the Restructuring of the Student Assembly and Charging an Ad-Hoc Committee with Investigating Student Assembly Membership Reform This resolution charges an ad-hoc committee with the responsibility of studying and investigating the SA’s current… Acknowledged by the President Nov 21, 2016
2016-2017 UA R2: Endorsing the Recommendations of the Senior Leaders Climate Action Group This resolution formalizes the University Assembly's acceptance and endorsement of the October 2016 report of the… Acknowledged by the President Nov 21, 2016
2016-2017 GPSA R6: GPSA Finance Commission Guideline Amendments for Ph.D. Students at Cornell Tech (PACT) Ph.D. Students at Cornell Tech (PACT) is seeking establishment as a representative organization for all Ph.D. Students… Accepted by the President Nov 17, 2016
2016-2017 GPSA R4: In Support of the Maplewood Redevelopment Project To signify the GPSA's support of the Maplewood Redevelopment Project. Accepted by the President Nov 17, 2016
2016-2017 SA R10: Elimination of the Residential Life Committee This resolution seeks to eliminate the Residential Life Committee Acknowledged by the President Nov 4, 2016
2016-2017 SA R17: Endorsing “The Ithaca Plan: A Public Health and Safety Approach to Drugs and Drug Policy” This resolution endorses the City of Ithaca’s Plan to combat drug use in the community by increasing access to… Tabled Indefinitely Nov 3, 2016
2016-2017 EA R3: In Appreciation and Recognition of Franklin N. Henry, Sr. This resolution recognizes the passing of Franklin N. Henry Sr., and honors him for his contributions to Cornell… Acknowledged by the President Oct 31, 2016
2016-2017 SA R14: Thanking and Celebrating President Emeritus Frank H. T. Rhodes This resolution intends to recognize the work done by President Emeritus H. T. Rhodes for the Cornell community and to… Acknowledged by the President Oct 28, 2016