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Cornell University

Writing a Resolution

Contains the “Whereas” clauses

Whereas, [Main Problem Definition.  Be as specific as possible; unemotional; and factual.  Avoid inflated superlatives.  If issue is complex, the problem definition can be broken into multiple Whereas Clauses.  Facts stated in the Problem Definition must include appropriate citations that substantiate what is asserted.]  

Whereas, [Followed with additional facts necessary to build the case.  Facts should be as specific as possible and “unemotional.”  All facts should include citations that give credibility to what is being asserted or advocated.]

Whereas, [If not already addressed, the next section should identify what steps have been taken to address the problem and why those results have been unsatisfactory.  In other words, we shouldn’t request the President handle an issue that we haven’t first attempted to resolve ourselves.  This section also puts into the record what coordination has been attempted or accomplished.]
Whereas, [If not already addressed, the final Whereas Clause must confirm the problem comes under the authority of the Assembly.  Essentially, this clause should reference an item listed in the Assembly Charter, or must confirm that this issue affects the assembly’s constituent group.]

Contains the “Be it Resolved” clauses

Be it therefore resolved, [state what action you want the President’s Office to take.  Be as specific as possible.  The action should logically follow the facts built into the Whereas Clauses.  Can be broken into multiple clauses.]

Resolved, [list additional actions, as necessary.  Ensure all Resolved Clauses are “unemotional” and realistic.]  

Be it finally resolved, [as appropriate, state what follow-on monitoring should be taken. For instance, a status update to the assembly each academic semester; or appointment of a liaison, etc. Resolutions may take more than the current assembly session to implement.  How do we help future Assemblies keep track?]

Resolution writing templates by Assembly: