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Cornell University

Employee Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 1 - 25 of 106
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2024-2025 EA R1: Approval of the 2024-2025 Operating Budget This is the operating budget for the EA 2024-2025 legislative session.

Whereas, Article IV, Section 1…
Submitted to the President
2023-2024 EA R4: In Support of President Pollack In response to the open letter calling for President Pollack’s resignation from Jon Lindseth ’56, emeritus member of… Accepted by the President
2023-2024 EA R3: Revision of the Employee Assembly Awards In 2023, the Employee Assembly Recognition and Awards sub-committee of the Communications, Outreach & Recognition… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 EA R2: Approving the 2023 Budget This is the operating budget for the EA 2023-2024 legislative session. Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 EA R1: Time Change for Employee Assembly Regularly Scheduled Meetings This resolution recommends a change in the time of the regularly scheduled Employee Assembly meetings to 12:00 PM until… Adopted by the Assembly
2022-2023 EA R2: Requesting that the University Provide Funds for an MD Gynecologist at Cornell Health The student health services at Cornell’s Ithaca campus, Cornell Health, does not currently have an MD gynecologist on… Tabled Indefinitely
2022-2023 EA R1: Approval of the 2022-2023 Operating Budget This is the operating budget for the EA 2022-2023 legislative session. Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 EA R6: PT Degree Program Support The Employee Assembly Supports a Part Time Bachelor’s Degree Program for Non-Traditional Students. Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 EA R5: In Recognition and Appreciation of Mary Opperman On the occasion of the departure of Mary Opperman, vice president and chief human resources officer, the Employee… Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 EA R4: Support for Faculty Senate Proposed Resolution: Inclusion and Prioritization of a New Natatorium in the ‘To Do the Greatest Good’ Capital Campaign The sponsors of this resolution seek to support the resolution of the Faculty Senate regarding the prioritization of a… Adopted by the Assembly
2021-2022 EA R3: Enhancements to the Cornell University Onboarding Process The sponsors of this resolution seek positive change in the Onboarding experience for Cornell University staff of all… Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 EA R2: Support for Interim Policy 6.3 This resolution affirms the Employee Assembly’s support for the updated Title IX Policy 6.3 which will prohibit all… Acknowledged by the President
2021-2022 EA R1: Approval of the 2021-2022 Operating Budget This is the operating budget for the EA 2021-2022 legislative session. Accepted by the President
2020-2021 EA R10: Revision and Renaming of The Opperman Award In 2013, the Employee Assembly established the Opperman Award for Staff Advocacy to extend their appreciation and… Accepted by the President
2020-2021 EA R9: Enabling EA Election Seats & Terms This resolution enables the EA R2 (Updating the Employee Assembly Charter to expand its Membership) (2020) reforms in… Accepted by the President
2020-2021 EA R8: Updates to The George Peter Award for Dedicated Service The George Peter Award for Dedicated Service is the longest running and most prestigious university-wide peer-nominated… Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R7: Postponing Spring 2021 Elections This resolution delays the 2021 spring elections. Accepted by the President
2020-2021 EA R6: Support for Student Assembly Leadership from Racism, Threats and Harassment This resolution is a statement of support for Student Assembly Leadership in the face of racism, threats and harassment. Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R5: Thanking the Administration for their Continued Support of Staff During COVID-19 In recognition of Cornell University Senior Leadership for their continued support of staff during the COVID-19… Tabled Indefinitely
2020-2021 EA R4: In Recognition and Appreciation of Cornell University Students This resolution is a formal recognition of the response of Cornell University students to the COVID-19 pandemic and to… Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R3: Employee Assembly Condemning Hate Crime and Any Other Form of Racism, Religious or Ethnic Bias, Discrimination, Incitement to Violence (2020SU) This resolution is a statement condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias,… Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R3: In Recognition and Appreciation of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg On the occasion of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Employee Assembly celebrates her long… Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R2: Updating the Employee Assembly Charter to Expand its Membership (2020SU) Resolution to amend the Employee Assembly Charter and align the assembly's membership with current University… Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R2: In Recognition and Appreciation of Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program Participants On the occasion of the retirement of 213 faculty and staff participants in the Voluntary Retirement Incentive program… Acknowledged by the President
2020-2021 EA R1: Protect Staff Jobs and Compensation (2020SU) This resolution is in support of continued employment for Cornell staff with no salary cuts or retirement cuts as… Acknowledged by the President