Student Assembly Resolutions
Displaying 76 - 100 of 1054
Term | Resolution | Abstract | Status |
2023-2024 | SA R30: Removing Median Grades | This resolution requests Cornell University ceases the practice of reporting median grades on official transcripts. | In Discussion |
2023-2024 | SA R29: Increasing Engagement for the Human Ecology and Arts and Sciences Representative Seat | This resolution waives the petitioning requirement in the Human Ecology and Arts and Sciences Representative races for… | Draft |
2023-2024 | SA R28: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Study Student Organization Policies | This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to study the polices governing student organizations. | In Discussion |
2023-2024 | SA R27: Amending the Previously Adopted Resolution 20 | This resolution amends the previously adopted Resolution 20. | Returned by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R26: Promoting Engagement for the Fall '23 Elections | This resolution approves an additional funds allocation to the Student Assembly Elections Committee for the purpose of… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R25: Amending Resolution 23 | In order to ensure that additional funding is used to best benefit the Cornell undergraduate population, the Student… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R24: Condemning Sexual Assault and Supporting Survivors | The resolution condemns the recent incident of sexual assault and urges the administration to take steps to affirm our… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R23: Authorizing the Transfer of Reserve Funds to the Slope Day Programming Board | This resolution authorizes the transfer of $400,000 from the reserve account of SAFC to the Slope Day Programming Board. | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R22: Student Assembly Transparency Initiative (SATI) Two | This resolution allows for direct engagement with the student body to be used as an alternative to obtaining a… | Submitted to the President |
2023-2024 | SA R21: Solidarity with Cornell Graduate Students United | This resolution expresses Cornell undergraduates’ solidarity with graduate student workers and support for their… | Submitted to the President |
2023-2024 | SA R20: Amendments to Article IV of the Charter | This resolutions amends Article IV of the Charter to revise and modernize language on aspects of the membership of the… | Submitted to the President |
2023-2024 | SA R19: Amendments to Election Rules for Fall 2023 | This resolution updates the Student Assembly Election Rules for the Fall 2023 Elections. | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R18: To Create a Process for the Reallocation of Rollover Funds | This resolution amends the Charter of the Student Assembly to create a process for the reallocation of the rollover… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R17: Student Assembly Advisory Board | The Assembly, with the consent of the University President, hereby adopts the attached document as the true and correct… | Tabled Indefinitely |
2023-2024 | SA R16: Allyship to the Cornell LGBTQ+ Community | Per the current Charter regulations on Byline applications, all organizations applying for SAF funding must disclose a… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R15: Amendments to the Slope Day Programming Board governing documents | This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the Slope Day Programming Board governing documents. | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R14: Amendments to the Multicultural Greek and Fraternal Council governing documents | This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the Multicultural Greek and Fraternal Council governing documents. | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R13: Amendments to the International Students Union governing documents | This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the International Students Union governing documents. | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R12: Amendments to the Community Partnership Funding Board governing documents | This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the Community Partnership Funding Board governing documents. | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R11: Approving the 2023-2024 Student Assembly Budget | This resolution approves the Student Assembly Operating Budget for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R10: Requiring the VP of Finance to be granted full Admin Access on Campus Groups | This resolution reinstates the VP of Finance admin-level access on the CampusGroups platform to ensure efficient… | Adopted by the Assembly |
2023-2024 | SA R9: Amending the Student Assembly Charter | This resolution amends the current Student Assembly Charter to allow mobility in addressing the current financial… | Accepted by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R8: A Letter to the NYSDOH Regarding SHP Plus | For the last ten years the NYSDOH has supported students attending New York’s only land grant institution by providing… | Acknowledged by the President |
2023-2024 | SA R7: Student Assembly Transparency Initiative One (S.A.T.I) | This resolution promotes community engagement through organizational collaboration on future resolutions passed by the… | In Discussion |
2023-2024 | SA R6: Create an Internal Operations Committee | This resolution amends the Bylaws to create a committee to manage internal operations. | Adopted by the Assembly |