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Cornell University

Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1054
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2023-2024 SA R30: Removing Median Grades This resolution requests Cornell University ceases the practice of reporting median grades on official transcripts. In Discussion
2023-2024 SA R29: Increasing Engagement for the Human Ecology and Arts and Sciences Representative Seat This resolution waives the petitioning requirement in the Human Ecology and Arts and Sciences Representative races for… Draft
2023-2024 SA R28: Creating an Ad Hoc Committee to Study Student Organization Policies This resolution establishes an ad hoc committee to study the polices governing student organizations. In Discussion
2023-2024 SA R27: Amending the Previously Adopted Resolution 20 This resolution amends the previously adopted Resolution 20. Returned by the President
2023-2024 SA R26: Promoting Engagement for the Fall '23 Elections This resolution approves an additional funds allocation to the Student Assembly Elections Committee for the purpose of… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R25: Amending Resolution 23 In order to ensure that additional funding is used to best benefit the Cornell undergraduate population, the Student… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R24: Condemning Sexual Assault and Supporting Survivors The resolution condemns the recent incident of sexual assault and urges the administration to take steps to affirm our… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R23: Authorizing the Transfer of Reserve Funds to the Slope Day Programming Board This resolution authorizes the transfer of $400,000 from the reserve account of SAFC to the Slope Day Programming Board. Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R22: Student Assembly Transparency Initiative (SATI) Two This resolution allows for direct engagement with the student body to be used as an alternative to obtaining a… Submitted to the President
2023-2024 SA R21: Solidarity with Cornell Graduate Students United This resolution expresses Cornell undergraduates’ solidarity with graduate student workers and support for their… Submitted to the President
2023-2024 SA R20: Amendments to Article IV of the Charter This resolutions amends Article IV of the Charter to revise and modernize language on aspects of the membership of the… Submitted to the President
2023-2024 SA R19: Amendments to Election Rules for Fall 2023 This resolution updates the Student Assembly Election Rules for the Fall 2023 Elections. Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R18: To Create a Process for the Reallocation of Rollover Funds This resolution amends the Charter of the Student Assembly to create a process for the reallocation of the rollover… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R17: Student Assembly Advisory Board The Assembly, with the consent of the University President, hereby adopts the attached document as the true and correct… Tabled Indefinitely
2023-2024 SA R16: Allyship to the Cornell LGBTQ+ Community Per the current Charter regulations on Byline applications, all organizations applying for SAF funding must disclose a… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R15: Amendments to the Slope Day Programming Board governing documents This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the Slope Day Programming Board governing documents. Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R14: Amendments to the Multicultural Greek and Fraternal Council governing documents This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the Multicultural Greek and Fraternal Council governing documents. Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R13: Amendments to the International Students Union governing documents This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the International Students Union governing documents. Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R12: Amendments to the Community Partnership Funding Board governing documents This resolution affirms the changes that were made to the Community Partnership Funding Board governing documents. Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R11: Approving the 2023-2024 Student Assembly Budget This resolution approves the Student Assembly Operating Budget for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R10: Requiring the VP of Finance to be granted full Admin Access on Campus Groups This resolution reinstates the VP of Finance admin-level access on the CampusGroups platform to ensure efficient… Adopted by the Assembly
2023-2024 SA R9: Amending the Student Assembly Charter This resolution amends the current Student Assembly Charter to allow mobility in addressing the current financial… Accepted by the President
2023-2024 SA R8: A Letter to the NYSDOH Regarding SHP Plus For the last ten years the NYSDOH has supported students attending New York’s only land grant institution by providing… Acknowledged by the President
2023-2024 SA R7: Student Assembly Transparency Initiative One (S.A.T.I) This resolution promotes community engagement through organizational collaboration on future resolutions passed by the… In Discussion
2023-2024 SA R6: Create an Internal Operations Committee This resolution amends the Bylaws to create a committee to manage internal operations. Adopted by the Assembly