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Cornell University

Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1028
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2016-2017 SA R17: Endorsing “The Ithaca Plan: A Public Health and Safety Approach to Drugs and Drug Policy” This resolution endorses the City of Ithaca’s Plan to combat drug use in the community by increasing access to… Tabled Indefinitely
2016-2017 SA R16: Modernizing the Cornell Collegiate Readership Program This resolution seeks to cease the purchasing and offering of print copies of New York Times and USA Today, and to… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R15: Strengthening the Relationship between Student Assembly & RSC This resolution establishes a closer legislative relationship between the Student Assembly and Residential Student… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R14: Thanking and Celebrating President Emeritus Frank H. T. Rhodes This resolution intends to recognize the work done by President Emeritus H. T. Rhodes for the Cornell community and to… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R13: Amending Article III Section 3 and Other Sections of the Student Assembly Charter This Charter Change Resolution makes changes to the “Reporting of Student Assembly Actions” section and other minor… Accepted by the President
2016-2017 SA R12: Empowering All Students in the Restructuring of Student Assembly This resolution seeks to empower all students in the restructuring of the Student Assembly. Tabled Indefinitely
2016-2017 SA R11: Empowering All Students in the Restructuring of the Student Assembly and Charging an Ad-Hoc Committee with Investigating Student Assembly Membership Reform This resolution charges an ad-hoc committee with the responsibility of studying and investigating the SA’s current… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R10: Elimination of the Residential Life Committee This resolution seeks to eliminate the Residential Life Committee Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R9: Charter Changes This resolution updates the Charter to remove outdated information and inefficiencies. Accepted by the President
2016-2017 SA R8: Requesting the Restoration of the Economics Department’s CPT Policy This resolution asks for the restoration of the CPT work authorization by the Economics Department. Tabled Indefinitely
2016-2017 SA R7: Request for Reconsideration of Lighting policy on the Slope The Student Assembly requests the University reconsider putting new lights on the slope, or, at the very least, use… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R6: Policy Research and Planning Committee This legislation seeks to add an ad-hoc committee to compile information about potential policies that can inform… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R5: Updating the Charter This resolution updates the Charter to remove outdated information and inefficiencies. Returned by the President
2016-2017 SA R4: Approval of the Elections Committee Slate Per the Student Assembly Bylaws, after nomination of the slate for the Elections Committee and approval by the Staffing… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R3: Approval of the 2016-2017 Operating Budget This is the Operating Budget for the SA 2016-2017 Academic Year. Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R2: Student Assembly Bylaw Changes The Student Assembly’s Bylaws need to be updated with regards to internal elections, lines of communication with… Acknowledged by the President
2016-2017 SA R1: Approval of the Fall 2016 Standing Rules The Student Assembly Charter dictates that the first meeting of the academic year must be used to approve the Standing… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R61: Reconsidering AAP Final Reviews on Slope Day This resolution urges the Architecture Department to reconsider the timing of “Final Reviews.” Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R60: Adjusting the Cornell Academic Calendar This resolution recommends moving February Break to the weekend including the final Sunday in February and adding… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R59: Increasing Sustainability and Comfort in Residential Dormitories This resolution seeks to increase student comfort in residential halls and reduce carbon emissions by allowing… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R58: Funding SAD Light Therapy Lamps This resolution seeks to allocate money from the Student Assembly Infrastructure Fund to light therapy lamps in the… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R57: Towards a More Inclusive Learning Experience This resolution calls for the creation of a comprehensive training program to improve faculty interactions within… Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R56: Approving the Fall 2016 Election Rules This resolution seeks to update the election rules that govern Student Assembly seats elected in Fall 2016. Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R55: Updating the Special Rules This resolution updates the Student Assembly Special Rules. Acknowledged by the President
2015-2016 SA R54: Updating the Bylaws This resolution updates the Bylaws remove outdated information and inefficiencies. Waiting for Submission to the President