Student Assembly Resolutions
Displaying 1051 - 1059 of 1059
Term | Resolution | Abstract | Status |
2015-2016 | SA R9: Extending the Quarter System Review Committee | The Quarter System Committee is asking for an extension to present its findings since the committee was staffed in mid-… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R8: Affirming Learning Style Diversity in Introductory Science Course | This resolution calls for the removal of a penalty incentivizing students enrolled in particular courses to sign up for… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R7: 2015-2016 Amendments to the Welcome Weekend Constitution | This resolution affirms changes that were made to the Welcome Weekend<br />Constitution that better aligns this… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R6: Mental Health Week Recognition | This resolution expresses the Student Assembly’s support for Mental Health Week, and encourages students to reach out… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R5: Approval of the Elections Committee Slate | Per the Student Assembly Bylaws, after nomination of the slate for the Elections Committee and approval by the Staffing… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R4: Approval of 2015-2016 Operating Budget | This resolution sets the Student Assembly's projected 15-16 budget at $26,050.00. | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R3: Student Assembly Bylaw Changes | The Student Assembly’s Bylaws need to be updated with regards to internal elections, lines of communication with… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R2: Approval of the 2015-2016 Meeting Schedule | The Student Assembly meets weekly on Thursdays in the Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room. This resolution contains the… | Acknowledged by the President |
2015-2016 | SA R1: Approval of the 2015-2016 Standing Rules | The Student Assembly updates their Standing Rules at the beginning of each semester. This resolution proposes changes… | Acknowledged by the President |