GSPA Spring 2023 Election Results
The Graduate & Professional Student Assembly has closed. With the ballots tallied, the following members were elected for the 2023-24 term: President – Melia Matthews (mdm345)Executive Vice President – Michelle Heeney (mmh265)Vice President for Operations – Annika McGraw (amm573)Vice President for Communications – Andi Garcia-Ortiz (asg259)Diversity & International Students Committee Chair - Dhruv Parekh (dpp45)Arts & Humanities Voting Member - Tyler Wolford (tjw93)Social Sciences Voting Member - Georgia Smits (ges256) Attached are the official results. We would like to take this time to welcome Melia, Michelle, Annika, Andi, Dhruv, Tyler, and Georgia to these roles on the GPSA; thank you for your willingness to serve on the Assembly. We would also like to thank Katie, Jenifer, and Mah for their time and effort as candidates and for their participation and interest in shared governance at Cornell.