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Cornell University

Election Results - Spring 2018 Student-Elected Trustee Election

Student-Elected Trustee Election Results

Spring 2018

Of 21,577 eligible voters, 2,634 students voted (12.21%) Student-Elected TrusteeThe following election was conducted via a ranked Hare System.Method: IRVNumber of total ballots: 2634Number of invalid or empty ballots: 17Number of ballots used in the count: 26173 candidates running for 1 seat Round 1 TabulationManisha Munasinghe: 1178Rebecca Harrison: 665Tatiana Padilla: 774Round 2 TabulationManisha Munasinghe: 1460Tatiana Padilla: 1017 

Winner is Manisha Munasinghe

(count after all candidates were eliminated, and votes transferred)