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Cornell University

Student Assembly Candidate Profiles - Spring 2021 Election

Candidates for the College of Arts and Sciences seats

Candidates for the Dyson School of Business seat

Candidate for the School of Industrial and Labor Relations seat

Candidates for the Undesignated Representative At-Large seats

Candidates for the First Generation Students Liaison At-Large seat

Candidates for the LGBTQIA+ Liaison At-Large seat

Candidates for the Minority Students Liaison At-Large seats

Candidates for the Students with Disabilities Represenative seat

Candidates for President

Candidates for Executive Vice President

Candidates for Undergraduate Representatives to the University Assembly

Uncontested Races

Candidates for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences seats

Candidate for the College of Architecture, Art & Planning seat

Candidates for the College of Engineering seats

Candidate for the School of Hotel Administration seat

Candidate for the College of Human Ecology seat

Candidate for the International Students Liaision At-Large seat

Candidate for the Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large seat


Yanenowi Logan College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Environment and Sustainability yhl7 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative   Nya:wëh sgë:nö’ gagwegöh, Yanenowi ni’ gya:söh, onöndowa’ga’ ni’ah. Greetings, my name is Yanenowi or She Guards the Corn, and I am from the Seneca Nation. I’m a freshman majoring in Environment and Sustainability and I am pleased to have this opportunity to represent CALS. I’m familiar with leadership positions and I know what it takes to represent a community of passionate and intelligent people.   As a young Indigenous woman, I will continue to advocate for underrepresented students at Cornell. With this opportunity I hope to not only promote diversity and inclusion but actively create spaces for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to share their voice and be listened to.   As the Youth Vice President in the National Congress of American Indians, I’ve attended task forces and national summits addressing climate change. I wish to transfer the knowledge and resources from my academia and further activism to outlets at Cornell. I will uphold Cornell to divesting from fossil fuels and promote sustainable lifestyles like implementing compost into our dining halls.   After elections, I’ll continue to advocate for student's voices to be uplifted and for Cornell to do better. Feel free to message me at Vote Yanenowi!   Adele Williams College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Communication Science (minor in American Indian and Indigenous Studies) akw63 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Representative   Hi everyone! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to run for your CALS Representative.   I will fight for increased mental health services on campus so that no one has to wait for an appointment. Textbooks should be free for all; no undue financial burden should be forced upon students for their success. Finally, I will advocate for further diversity and inclusion within the Assembly by giving student organizations a greater platform to speak at all meetings.   In this position, I will work hard so that every CALS student’s voice is heard by the Student Assembly. There is such a wide range of majors within the college, so I will ensure to represent everyone and bring your concerns about Cornell to the table. Please reach out to me via email at, and I would be happy to talk to you all!  
Paine Gronemeyer College of Architecture, Art, and Planning Urban and Regional Studies phg44 College of Achitecture, Art, and Planning Representative   Hello! My name is Paine Gronemeyer and I’m running to be your next AAP representative. My priority is to be communicative with all my constituents, and I plan to hold office hours to properly communicate with you all! I want to uphold the best interests of AAP and be creative with my initiatives. First, right at home, I hope to be able to create an AAP Student Council, like some other colleges here at Cornell already have. I also plan to create an Instagram page, as well as a mailing list, where I will communicate the happenings of all Student Assembly meetings and how my voting record stood, and what my reasoning was for that. Student government is a great connection between the administration and the students - I strive to be that bridge - if there are any cracks in that bridge, please consult me (I will be the architect and work with you to fix it!). I have numerous experiences at the school and county level in student government, as well as experience in city/local government as a student representative on our transportation committee. I can’t wait to get to know you all and be the best servant leader to AAP I can be!  
Claudia Leon College of Arts and Sciences American Studies and Government (minor in Latinx Studies) cil8 College of Arts and Sciences Representative   Hello A&S! My name is Claudia, and I’m a sophomore in CAS studying American Studies and Government with a minor in Latinx Studies. Like many other students, I am becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the College and University’s lack of emphasis on the prioritization of student wellbeing. If elected to serve you for the 2021-2022 school year, here are some things I promise to fight for: 
  1. Disarming and defunding of the CUPD, with a reallocation of funds toward mental health resources, multicultural services, and investment in community wellbeing. 
  2. Making Cornell more affordable and accessible by removing burdensome costs such as the Student Contribution Fee, high laundry costs, and mandatory textbooks. 
  3. Complete transparency throughout all decision-making processes because as students the University should serve us, not the other way around. 
  4. Ensuring that students who choose to study remotely are not penalized through lack of access to University resources, funds, and other services. 
This list is by no means comprehensive. So, if you have any questions regarding what I stand for, or just want to get to know me better, please feel free to email me or DM @clau4sa on IG. I hope that I can earn your vote.   Logan Morales College of Arts and Sciences Biological Sciences and Government lbk76 College of Arts and Sciences Representative   Hello A&S! My name is Logan Morales and I am a junior double-majoring in Biological Sciences and Government. I am running to be your representative because I want our assembly to actually represent the students of this college and make our voices heard. Here are some of the key items on my agenda:
  1. Representing and protecting our marginalized students through a disarmament of the Cornell University Police Department.
  2. Tackling sustainability on campus and ensuring that we don’t cut corners in protecting Ithaca’s environment.
  3. Ensuring that all undergraduate students have free and easy access to mental and medical healthcare, public transportation, and gym membership.
If you have any questions, contact me @logan4sa. Thank you so much for your time and thank you for your consideration in choosing me as your representative.   Here’s a slogan: vote for Logan!   Joseph Mullen College of Arts and Sciences Africana Studies and Government jmm788 College of Arts and Sciences Representative   I’m Joseph Mullen, and I’m an Africana/Government Major running to be an Arts and Sciences Representative. I grew up in South Florida, but I was born in Qatar, and I’m a South African citizen.   Student assembly representatives must use their platform to address the contemporary issues that affect us all. I’m running on a bold, progressive agenda and will use my place in the student assembly to advocate for changes that represent the interests of A&S students. If elected, these will be my priorities:
  • Disarming CUPD to protect BIPOC lives,
  • Advocating for an increased selection of diverse majors and minors in A&S,
  • Protecting undocumented students at Cornell,
  • Advocating for Palestinian rights,
  • Ending Cornell’s partnerships with weapons manufacturers,
  • Increasing funding for anti-hunger programs,
  • Increasing funding for the Summer Experience Grant so all in A&S can participate in internships,
  • Increasing funding to A&S’s Africana Research Center and Library,
  • Ensuring the A&S building Goldwin Smith Hall has a new name repudiating Smith’s racist past,
  • Ensuring vaccine access and mental healthcare for all.
Together, we can enact radical change to benefit the community and end campus inequality.   Joseph for A&S Rep: St& up for your rights! I may be reached via Instagram handle (@josephforsa), and my email (   Everest Yan College of Arts and Sciences Government and Economics ewy4 College of Arts and Sciences Representative   I’m Everest Yan, and I’m running to be an SA Representative for students of the College of Arts & Sciences. In the past year, despite the demands placed on students by COVID-19, we've had to also shoulder the burden of cuts to university resources. As a student, I’ve been disappointed by the decline in student quality of life, and, as a member of the SA, I will work to ensure that all students obtain the support due to them by:
  1. Advocating for student mental health by working with EARS and pressing the university to make professional counseling more convenient for students. 
  2. Working to bring back access to IM sports and training facilities. From our varsity athletes to the everyday student, many students have suffered from the lack of opportunities to be active. 
  3. Simplifying the convoluted process of booking study spaces and opening more spaces for convenient access.
  4. Reducing students’ financial stress from a high Student Activities fee, lack of year-round aid, and burdens of remote learning. I will also work to ensure continued support for organized alternative living options that help students find lower-cost housing.
Together we’ll rise far above. Vote Everest.
Reach out at   
Angelique Peregrina Dyson School of Business Applied Economics and Management awp59 Dyson School of Business Representative   Hi Dyson-mates! My name is Angie, and I am running for a chance to represent all stakeholders and perspectives here at Dyson. Simply put, I am not here just to serve with good intentions but as a catalyst for actionable changes such as: Diversifying Experiences: Dyson is home to over 11 concentrations but serves as a pipeline for Finance and Consulting. Where does this leave students who want to succeed in other industries? The change starts with basic access. By actively promoting job opportunities respective of all concentrations, we can work towards incentivizing unique experiences.
Building Meaningful Faculty-Student Relationships: By nurturing Faculty-Student relations through a mentorship program, students can have the space to build meaningful relationships with Dyson faculty – serving as one less barrier towards students’ success. 
Talking Business: More often than not, quality first impressions and well-versed elevator pitches are vital to getting one foot through the door of professionalism. By equalizing access to professional headshots through community shared camera equipment, students can look and feel their best while ‘talking business.’   Reach out at or my Instagram @1an._.gie!   Kate Santacruz Dyson School of Business Applied Economics and Management ks2394 Dyson School of Business Representative   I am Kate Santacruz and it is with great pleasure, passion, and privilege that I am running as the next Dyson Rep for the Student Assembly. This past year I had the honor of serving as the Transfer Rep where I advocated on behalf of the transfer student population and worked with several student leaders who represented their individual constituencies.    I also served as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair for the State University of New York Student Assembly, which is an organization that advocates on behalf of the 1.4 million students in New York.   Each of these experiences have allowed me to better understand the communities within the state and at Cornell.    I cannot overstate the importance of advocacy, leadership and championing student initiatives and it is on this basis that I am very excited to unveil my platform.   As the next Dyson Representative I plan to:
  1. Ensure transparency between the SA and the Student Body 
  2. Promote a smooth transition into the University - regardless of program or academic department 
  3. Expand Mental Health Resources 
  4. Create a stronger more united SA across all Cornell campuses 
  5. Remove TCAT fee for students 
  6. Advocate on behalf of all Dyson students via resolutions/initiatives
Annette Gleiberman College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering avg39 College of Engineering Representative   Cornell Engineers, my name is Annie Gleiberman and I’m running to be your Engineering Representative in the Student Assembly. I will make the Student Assembly work for STUDENTS by advocating for transparency around the decisions made by the Student Assembly and being honest about the progress of initiatives.   If elected, I will work to address mental health, reduce the financial burden on students, improve health & wellness on campus, and reform sexual assault reporting. I would be honored to represent you in the Student Assembly, please consider voting for me and I promise to work to serve STUDENT interests!   Niki Reddy College of Engineering Operations Research in Engineering nkr32 College of Engineering Representative   Hi! My name is Niki Reddy and I want to be a representative for the College of Engineering in SA. I am involved in many engineering-related activities on campus outside of academics, including the ESW Biofuels project team, the Richardson lab group, Engineering Ambassadors, and being an Orientation Leader for incoming engineering students. I am clearly a very active member of the Cornell Engineering community, so I think I would provide an effective representation of others in this community. Additionally, being involved in these activities allows me to meet many people in the engineering community, so I have the ability to hear many people voice their concerns in these settings. I love this school and I want to help make students as passionate about it as I am, so I would be honored to serve as the SA representative for the CoE!  
Esther Bentolila School of Hotel Administration Hotel Administration eb587 School of Hotel Administration Representative   Hi Hotelies! My name is Esther Bentolila and I am running to be your representative and your voice for the upcoming school year. As a passionate Student-Athlete and Jewish Latina, I understand the need for more intersectional representation across all colleges. With the understanding that Hotelies all have unique experiences and concerns, I believe I will be able to successfully amplify their voices and identify common goals we all share. My goals for the upcoming term include:
  1. Encouraging collaboration among professors to ensure that assignment deadlines and exams do not overlap
  2. Developing channels of communication to enhance student outreach and facilitate the identification of issues within the Hotel School
  3. Re-opening Mac’s upon our return to an in-person campus and keeping it open past 3 PM
  4. Keeping Statler Library open for more hours to allow for more flexibility in student schedules
I pledge to be an active, vocal, accessible, and empathetic representative.   
Claire Tempelman College of Human Ecology Policy Analysis and Management cpt43 College of Human Ecology Representative   Hello! I'm Claire Tempelman, and I'm running to be your next Human Ecology Representative! I've previously served as Freshman Representative on Student Assembly, and I'd be excited to apply what I've learned this past year to improve the Human Ecology experience. What I will pursue as representative:
  1. A smooth transition to the new School of Public Policy.
  2. Continuing projects from last year, including housing improvements, infrastructure (as part of my work on SAIFC), increasing food options, and reducing costs of housing and laundry for students.
  3. Maintaining a connection to Human Ecology students. I've held office hours weekly for anyone to chat with me, along with maintaining an anonymous Google Form for anyone to submit things I should address, and I would continue to do so next year!
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, you can contact me at or @claire4rep on Instagram.  
Frank Lexa School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations fjl49 School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative   Hello ILRies,   In the last year, participation in our assembly has dropped to 1-in-5 students; however, in the latest resolution from the Executive Cabinet (R #34), our representatives have sought to abolish Greek life—affecting more than 4,000 students. I am asking for your vote today so that we can save a centuries-old Big Red tradition. I will fight for every ILR student’s right to participate in Greek life at Cornell, while instead advocating for practical measures of reform, including:
  • Improving lighting along pathways
  • Expanding Blue Light response system access to sidewalks in front of Greek houses
  • Reforming sexual assault reporting and victim support programs
Banning a lifestyle to which thousands of Cornellians happily adhere is not the answer. However, Greek life will be abolished unless we all vote to make our voices heard. A vote for Frank will ensure fraternities and sororities across Cornell thrive for years to come!   I also firmly believe that money should never be a barrier for a person trying to care for themselves. That is why I will also work to make fitness centers free, making access covered by the Student Activity Fee.   I hope to have the opportunity to represent the ILR school in the SA!   Nicole Overton School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations nmo6 School of Industrial and Labor Relations Representative   Hi ILRies! My name is Nicole and I’m running to be your representative in the Cornell Student Assembly. I have truly enjoyed being able to use my extensive leadership experience to be a reliable, effective, and efficient secretary in the ILR SGA for the past two years. My previous collaborations with peers, faculty, and staff in ILR have prepared me to serve our community on a university-wide scale. I believe that I have the experience, drive, and perseverance necessary to create a positive, tangible impact on the lives of ILR students, as well as the Cornell community as a whole. The main points of my platform are as follows:
  • Work closely with the ILR SGA to establish an open, amicable, and effective relationship between the ILR Representative and the SGA in order to help create and promote enriching opportunities for ILR students.
  • Create an environment within ILR and Cornell as a whole that provides effective mental health care, has more opportunities for low-income students and student of color to thrive, and lives up to Cornell’s motto of “any person, any study”.
  • Establish accessible, fun, and informative networking opportunities for students.
  • Hold town halls with my constituents and cultivate an atmosphere of transparency
Paula Blanco College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Environment and Sustainability prb84 Undesignated Representative At-Large   Hello, my name is Paula Blanco Ortiz and I am a freshman in Environment and Sustainability. I am mixed Latina, with Mayan Pipil heritage. I currently serve as External Relations Chair for Native American and Indigenous Students at Cornell.
Learning to navigate Cornell has been difficult for many people I have connected with, myself included. As a student with disabilities, my own adjustment in these times has been complicated. However, the community building and advocacy I focus on has made even these difficult times fulfilling. 
Everyone I have met has a unique set of experiences, yet commonalities emerge in so many pressing issues that are not receiving the attention they deserve. If elected, I hope to give even more towards my goals of community support. More specifically I hope to:
  1. Educate on Cornell's relationship with Indigenous dispossession, and expand community understanding of the historical and contemporary events with the Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ, the Cayuga Nation.
  2. Advocate for further mitigation of food and resource insecurity through the expansion of Swipe Out Hunger and alleviating laundry costs.
  3. Ensure more accessible healthcare resources, through aid in navigating Cornell Health
  Deepak Ilango College of Arts and Sciences Government and American Studies di52 Undesignated Representative At-Large   Hello!   My name is Deepak, and I’m running to be your Undesignated Representative At Large in the Student Assembly. I’m running for this position because I believe that the Student Assembly is uniquely positioned to send a powerful message of student needs to the administration, and because I think that message should accurately reflect the material needs of the student body.   As someone who has been actively involved in multiple student-led movements for equality and justice during my time at Cornell - through environmental groups, political organizations, and coalition struggles - I intend to use this position to serve as an arm of the student body, focusing your wants and needs at the center of my work in the Student Assembly. I’m an organizer, and I want to use the skills and experiences at my disposal to make campus life better for all of us, not just a few.   It would be an honor to represent you in the Student Assembly, and I sincerely hope you consider casting a ballot for me!    James Lepone College of Arts and Sciences Economics jl2487 Undesignated Representative At-Large   I am running to be your Undesignated Representative At-Large to increase positive relations between students and their representatives. I will accomplish this by working to increase assembly transparency, professionalism, and responsibility to the student body in the following ways...
  1. By appropriately allocating funds to mental health resources on campus, such as CAPS and EARS, student health will once again be prioritized.
  2. By empowering students who often do not have their voices heard, through a comprehensive collaboration with student and campus life to increase student run event awareness.
  3. By increasing student involvement in assembly meetings during open microphone times, as well as increasing surveys to the Cornell community, so that more perspectives can be heard.
It is my hope that the Student Assembly will continue to stand up for student needs while also listening to and validating all perspectives. With your help, I promise to put students first and stay true to Cornell's values.   Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions you may have.   Put students first, vote James for SA.

Instagram: lepone4sa

  Benjamin Luckow College of Engineering Operations Research and Information Engineering bjl93 Undesignated Representative At-Large   Hi Cornellians! My name is Benjamin Luckow and I am a Freshman majoring in Operations Research (ORIE)—a department instrumental in Cornell’s COVID-19 policymaking.   A normal 2021-22 year seems increasingly likely, and I want to use my passion for ORIE to be the voice of students in the Cornell’s reopening process.   Let’s make our return to real college life as smooth as possible:
  • TUITION RISING? LOWER COSTS!: Let’s keep the cost of in-person class low and expand programs like free printing.
  • EXPAND OUR AMENITIES: Cornell's Award Winning Dining should be Bold and Brash. Let's reopen as many dining options as possible and then some, with new food trucks or pop-ups.
  • REOPEN SAFELY AND QUICKLY: Whether Cornell’s reopening plans include continued testing or vaccinations, let’s ensure that our high standards for safety are rewarded with an appropriate degree of student freedom—an abundance of vaccinations and testing should mean an otherwise normal life on campus.
This is just the beginning; with federal vaccination plans rolling out, the improvements to campus life that we can push for will only increase.   We’ve lost enough of our precious time—I want to represent you in getting our college experience back.   Lucas Smith College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Agricultural Sciences ls678 Undesignated Representative At-Large   Hi everyone, I am Lucas Smith and I am running for re-election to be your Undesignated At-Large Representative. My priorities:
  1. Balancing the Budget: Far too often I hear from clubs that were not allocated enough funds to support the programming they hoped to while simultaneously many clubs consistently run a surplus. We need to ensure that any money we ask students to contribute is appropriated in an effective and meaning manner, not just sitting in accounts unused.
  2. Expansion of Programming and Support Services: As we look towards a fall semester completely in-person it is important  to recognize that only one class of Cornellians will be on campus having experienced a non-restricted semester. Ensuring students are aware of the resources available to them and able to take advantage of the opportunities an open-campus presents is critical to the continuing academic success of all Cornellians. 
  3. An Outward Focus Towards the Community: With a focus on strengthening strategic partnerships and decreasing student barriers to participating in the community, I hope to help make Ithaca a place for students to not only learn but truly call home while at Cornell.
Make your voice heard heard and LEAD with LUCAS for Cornell SA!  
Ariella Hajibay-Piranesi School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations ach273 First Generation Student Representative At-Large   My name is Ariella Hajibay-Piranesi and I am proud to be a first generation student. My parents are immigrants from Iran and I come from a culture in which women’s lives have traditionally been viewed as secondary to that of men. In my community, you are frowned upon if you attend secular university. I escaped that restrictive structural culture, recognizing that my community’s norms are not determinants of my future success and my career goals. On campus, I have noticed that our voices have been ignored for far too long and I will step up to allow us to be heard, together as one community. We all have different stories and come from different backgrounds, and I will work for us to come together and guide each other to be one step ahead instead of one step behind. My main goals are to amplify first generation student voices on Cornell’s campus, collaborate with the First Generation Students Union and the Center for First Generation Student Success to build community and streamline communication across all undergraduate colleges to ensure First Generation students have equatable access to resources and professional and developmental opportunities.    Rory Sheppard College of Arts and Sciences Government rps238 First Generation Student Representative At-Large   Hey! My name is Rory and I am a first generation college student seeking your vote. As your rep, I will seek to:
  • Make laundry machines free
  • Make gyms free (most universities have free gyms)
  • Institute stronger university support and guidance systems for students transitioning to life in their own apartment 
  • Put nice leisure chairs on the quads (think: comfy chairs)
  • Be receptive to your wants and needs.
  • Encourage the university to take stronger stances on international human rights abuses
Your input will be essential to my campaign so I urge you to rank me first when you go to vote. I wanted to keep this message short to assure you of my confidence to accomplish my goals. Thank you for reading.   Valeria Valencia School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industiral and Labor Relations vnv8 First Generation Student Representative At-Large   Hi! My name is Valeria Valencia and I'm a sophomore in ILR. I'm a proud first-generation student that migrated to the US from Mexico when I was 10 years old. I'm running for first-gen student rep to finally give students like me a seat at the table. Our needs have been ignored for too long and we deserve to be heard. Over the last year, I have served on the Student Assembly as minority students rep and have fought for the rights of our most vulnerable peers. I've worked on Resolution 11/Resolution 30 that demaned that CUPD be disarmed as well as Resolutions 35 and 36 that call for Cornell to cut all ties with ICE and ICE affiliated companies. I've spent my entire time on the SA making Cornell a better and safer place for marginalized communities. I will continue to do this as first-gen rep. My goals are to work closely with the FGSU as well as other orgs to collectively amplify our voices on campus, work with OADI and the LSC to expand programs for our community, expand mental health resources, continue the work to eliminate the student contribution, as well as increasing access and funding to the access fund. In short, I want our community to get the support and resources we deserve. Vote Valeria for first gen rep!  
JohnJohn Jiang Dyson School of Business Applied Economics and Management zj237 International Students Liaison At-Large   The coronavirus pandemic created significant challenges for students, particularly international students, at Cornell. As an international student, I was and am forced to stay in our home country to take online classes. This made international students like me hard to connect with our beloved Cornell community. Therefore, I decide to run for office in the SA to represent the international students at large. I plan to organize students across the globe to create a "zero-distance" environment via the internet. I would also like to be the bridge between the international students and domestic students in the United States. I believe together we can build a more inclusive, open, and diverse Cornell!  
Dillon Eisman Dyson School of Business Applied Economics and Management dhe32 LGBTQIA+ Liaison At-Large   Hi! My name is Dillon Eisman and I am running for LGBTQIA+ Student Liaison At-Large because I want to pioneer changes at Cornell that not only promote, but amplify LGBTQIA+ voices across campus. As an openly-gay person, my plan for action is to leverage PRIDE to achieve success as your representative:   P: PIONEER - Propose ideas that will create lasting change in the areas of  mental health accessibility, diversity & inclusion initiatives, and LGBTQIA+ resources on campus.
R: REPRESENT  - Advocate on behalf of all LGBTQIA+ students to voice opinions and concerns on a consistent basis. Everyone’s identity deserves to be recognized.
I: INTERACT - Engage with LGBTQIA+ students from each college at Cornell, affinity groups such as Haven, and pre-professional organizations to better understand your needs and how they relate to education, social life, and beyond. 
D: DEDICATE - Prioritize my time to draft and edit resolutions, design and analyze surveys, and collaborate with other representatives outside of SA meetings.
E: EMPOWER - Encourage others to get involved and take action! I will be personally available to anyone who wants to meet to help you achieve your visions for our campus.   Stay Proud, Vote PRIDE!   Beck Kerdman College of Human Ecology Human Development bsk72 LGBTQIA+ Liaison At-Large   Hi Cornell! My name is Beck Kerdman, and I'm excited to be running for the position of LGBTQIA+ Liaison At Large. I'm a freshman currently studying Human Development. As a queer, transmasculine person, I hope to continue the work of representing the interests and beliefs of my communities. It can often feel like our voices are not given the credence and space they deserve. If elected, I will ensure that this complacency does not extend to the SA. I will not let our concerns go unnoticed. With your vote, I can amplify our voices.   
Mannayah Louis College of Arts and Sciences Comparative Literature mdl277 Minority Students Liaison At-Large   I don’t really care about politics. A controversial statement from a candidate to be sure, and one that leaves a few important questions, the primary of which being: If not a politician, then who exactly are you, and why would you want this position? I am black, a member of the 6.8% of students who fall within this demographic at Cornell, and who have fought nearly insurmountable odds to be here. I am a woman, from a strong line of women, educators in a system that is predisposed to doubt the intelligence of individuals in that category, but through hard work and excellence defied the odds. I am the daughter of an immigrant, who, despite the convoluted immigration system in this country, fought for his citizenship, and won. But more than this, I am a person whose experiences have shaped me into an empathetic individual with no tolerance for silencing the voiceless, an affinity for logic, and a desire to make the world a better place, no matter how small the role I am given. I am many things, some of which I chose to be, and others I didn’t, but all of which have led to my desire to make this campus a safer place for women, for minorities, and for dialogue that will encourage unity rather than divisiveness in the student body.    Donelly Matus-Stulzer College of Human Ecology Policy Analysis and Management dsm259 Minority Students Liaison At-Large   Hello everyone! My name is Donelly Matus and I am excited to announce that I am running for Minority Students Liason-At-Large. I am a freshman in the College of Human Ecology studying Policy Analysis and Management and planning on minoring in Law and Society and American Studies. As a Nicaraguan immigrant, I know from a first-hand perspective how unique the college experience can be for minority students. Being Hispanic has played a crucial role in forming my own identity and who I am as a student, and realize the immense role it plays for many minority students. If elected, my main goal would be to amplify minority voices. I would love to hear the perspectives of marginalized students that may feel their perspectives often goes unheard and may feel alienated. As minority students, we often face unique struggles in our daily lives and academically. I hope to work with organizations aimed at minority students to increase access to more resources and help the minority student experience. I hope to expand events for minority students to interact and form a tight-knit community. I am excited and confident that I can work directly with the administration and give back to minority students to improve their experience as a Cornellian.    Nathaniel Quigg College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Global & Public Health Sciences and Government naq5 Minority Students Liaison At-Large   Hello! I’m Nate, a freshman in CALS double-majoring in Global & Public Health Sciences and Government with an emphasis in Pre-Law, and it would be an honor to serve as your Minority Students Liaison At-Large this year!    As your liaison, not only would I be the vote for Cornell’s minority students on the Student Assembly, but I myself would propose resolutions calling for the allocation of funds to Indigenous, African-American, Latinx, Asian-American, Middle Eastern, and Hawai’ian-based studies and programs on campus.   Diversity at PWIs is vitally important to ensuring all voices are heard, not just the historically-prominent ones, and that's exactly what I plan to emphasize with my platform.    As your liaison, I will act on a three-pronged agenda:
  • Pushing the amplification of previously-unheard voices on campus through diversity-encouragement programs on campus.
  • Reallocating funds to minority study programs on campus.
  • Encouraging Cornell to sever ties with ICE and ICE-affiliated organizations as well as organizing a space to Cornell students to celebrate their respective holidays with other members of the Cornell community.
Feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, or concerns! Email at or Instagram @nathanielquiggforsa   Henry Wade Dyson School of Business Applied Economics and Management hhw36 Minority Students Liaison At-Large   Hello Everyone! My name is Henry Wade IV and I am running for minority student liaison. As someone who has attended school where very few looked like them, I am aware of the levels of discomfort that you may feel while being a student here. If elected, I will spend my time in my position ensuring that all students feel that they belong at Cornell.  
Duncan Cady School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations dc932 Students with Disabilities Representative   My name is Duncan Cady, I’m a proud student with a disability, and I’m ready to fight for the better representation that Cornellians with disabilities deserve through Accessibility, Advocacy, and Accountability. The disability barriers on our campus have been constantly overlooked, and the challenges for Cornellians with disabilities need a new proactive representative.   My disability challenges my personal, professional, and academic life daily, and as many students with disabilities know, increasing accessibility funding, fair accommodations, and equality in ALL opportunities improve students’ lives. Since introducing the Disabilities Representative at Large this fall, the SA has made NO RESOLUTIONS to directly support students with disabilities, instead, focusing on infighting and selfish partisanship hate. THIS MUST CHANGE. I chaired the Hofstra SGA subcommittee on accessibility before transferring to Cornell, and I want to bring my experience and initiatives to the SA.   The burden of support shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of students with disabilities. Now is the time for change, so let’s fight for disability representation without partisanship, without hate, but with equity.   Instagram: @duncan4sa


Raquel Zohar School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations rz235 Students with Disabilities Representative   My name is Raquel Zohar, I am a rising junior studying Industrial and Labor Relations, and I am running to be reelected as the Students with Disabilities Representative At-Large to the Student Assembly. I hope to continue my work in addressing issues of:
  1. Accessibility: Addressing the implementation of reasonable accommodations across campus and centralizing resources for students with disabilities
  2. Equity: Collaborating with Student Disability Services to push for more inclusion in campus, development, and professional opportunities
  3. Community: Encouraging a mastery academic performance climate and shifting culture to embrace inclusion tangibly through integrative programming 
Entering next year, my main goals are centered on continuing to: 
  • Identify neglected issues through student outreach
  • Further work on compiling resource guides for the accommodation registration and housing application processes
  • Organize conversation series to raise awareness
  • Mandate semesterly IDP training to cultivate decency and sensitivity
  • Ensure ALL campus buildings are physically accessible 
Together, we can address accessibility, tear down barriers to equity, and build community for students with disabilities across campus.  
Amari Lampert College of Human Ecology Human Biology Health and Society ajl398 Womxn's Issues Liaison At-Large   Hi all! My name is Amari and I am in the College of Human Ecology studying Human Biology, Health and Society. I am currently a Freshman Representative on Student Assembly. This year, I am so excited to be running for a position on the Student Assembly as Womxn’s Issues Liaison At-Large. My main goals as your representative are to:
  1. Ensure that womxn’s issues are heard by the Student Assembly, and develop transparency between the Student Assembly and the student body.
  2. Expand preventative resources for sexual assault and harassment.
  3. Free the tampon was a project put on by a committee I currently chair called SAIFC. Through this committee I would like to provide more menstrual and sexual health resources.
  4. Expand Mental Health Resources
  5. Improve safety on campus 
Please don’t hesitate to reach out @! And don’t forget to vote for Amari, you won’t be sorry!  
Anuli Ononye College of Arts and Sciences Government, Feminist Gender and Sexuality Studies, College Scholar aoo44 President   My name is Anuli Ononye and I am a Junior Government Major. I am passionate about serving the Cornell community and have served as the Undergraduate Student Advocate, a member of  Title IX’s Policy 6.4 Stakeholder Review, VP of Pre-Professional Programming for the KAPi Pre-Law Fraternity, an Undergraduate Resident Fellow in Flora Rose Hall, and a Cornell Daily Sun Opinion Columnist. As SA President, I will advocate for: 
  • Transparency: Weekly SA Office Hours, SA President Monthly Sun Columns, Monthly Forums with the SA Executive Board
  • COVID-19 Accommodations: S/U Option and Transcript Notations During the Pandemic, Support for Freshmen and Transfer Students
  • Accessibility: Eliminating the Fee for On-Campus Cornell Fitness Classes and Gym Memberships, Establishing the SA Committee for Student Financial Support 
  • Diversity: Implementing a Student Assembly Seat for Non-Traditional Students and Athletes, Mandatory Diversity Training for Cornell Faculty
  • Gender Justice: Annual Title IX Training for all Cornell Affiliates 
  • Sustainability: Vegetarian and Vegan Options, Paper Straws on Campus, Dining Hall Sustainability
You can learn more about my platform at   Zion Sherin Dyson School of Business Applied Economics and Management zns3 President   Hi, I am Zion. I transferred here to social-distanced online Cornell. We need to elect a group that will focus on campus issues and help life get back to normal. If elected, I will do my best to steer the SA to address issues that we students face every day.     My priorities include:
  • Improving our dining services, including a "swipe-out hunger" program, paying our employees a wage that reflects the higher cost of living on campus, and making sure we get back to pre-COVID standards by the first day back on campus
  • Making Greek Life safer and more accessible to all Cornell while protecting the many benefits it provides to the students and the University.
  • Pressuring the University to move to socially responsible investing with the help of investing clubs
  • Launching an app to help prevent sexual assault and ensure that partiers or students coming home late can get home safe by offering a tracking system, allowing the student to set desired times and locations, and having Cornell check-up if they aren't at the selected location. 
I am making a commitment that if elected, I will make sure the meeting is civil and that everyone feels comfortable speaking without fear of being mistreated.    For more information, reach out to or Zion4SA on Instagram.   Thanks for reading, Zion Sherin   Valentina Xu School of Hotel Administration Hotel Administration jx63 President   Hi! My name is Valentina Xu, and I am running for SA President! I have been on SA for 3 years and previously served as the VP of Internal Operations.    During the past 3 years, I fought for lower medicine price on campus and extended EARS mental health office hours. I chaired the cabinet committee to ensure smooth internal operations. I advocated for a translation program for international parents at graduation.   As the next SA President, I will:
  1. Bring the Cornell community together and make genuine connections: because of the pandemic, many of us feel like we lost a year of college; I will lead SA to organize fun Friday community events where you can meet other Cornellians and get free food or merch.
  2. Increase club accessibility and career resources: many new students encounter challenges joining clubs and finding professional resources; I promise to work with professional organizations and career service offices to provide more accessibility to resources.
  3. Continue the work of creating a centralized resource bank to access resources for mental health support, academic support, food insecurity, better housing options, and financial aid.
Read more about my work and plans at or @val4saprez.  
Morgan Hope Baker College of Arts and Sciences Government and Economics mhb228 Executive Vice President   Hi Cornell! I'm Morgan Baker, and I’m running to be your Executive Vice President. As the current Vice President of External Affairs and A&S Rep, I hope to continue my work making your college experience more enjoyable. My platform consists of four pillars.
  1. Advocating for YOUR Mental Health: Students should have more outlets available to address their mental health concerns. I will continue working with EARS and Cornell admin to make peer-counseling more accessible.
  2. Addressing YOUR Spiritual Needs: Students should be able to access Anabel Taylor Hall’s religious spaces. I will continue advocating for the reopening and expansion of spiritual spaces on campus.
  3. Alleviating YOUR Financial Stress: I will work to reduce the financial burdens associated with the lack of winter/summer term financial aid, the Student Contribution Fee, and the AAP requirement for building materials.
  4. Amplifying YOUR Voice: Students with diverse backgrounds and ideas make Cornell special and need defending. I will continue surveying student needs, holding reps accountable to accurately represent those needs, and providing support to underrepresented groups.
Vote for a Change Maker, Vote Morgan Baker
Reach out at!   Jenniviv Bansah School of Hotel Administration Hotel Administration jyb22 Executive Vice President   Hi! I’m Jenniviv Bansah, and I’m running for Executive Vice President. I currently serve as the Hotelie Representative on the SA. I’m running for Executive Vice President because I believe change starts with all of us. My platform consists of three major points: 
  1. Academic Advancements: I will advocate implementing a pass/fail option for courses to allow students to enhance their understanding of courses. This initiative also provides for students to improve their mental and physical wellbeing.
  2. Dining: I will push to reform Cornell Dining, specifically to include more variety to accommodate individuals with dietary restriction, temperature check all meals to ensure it is edible by students, and have native perspectives when creating ethnic menus.
  3. Health and Accessibility: I will advocate for a more formalized process for donating funds that help break the cycle of food insecurity and review the Student Health Insurance Plan. 
  Krinal Thakkar College of Arts and Sciences Biology and Society and Psychology kmt226 Executive Vice President   Hello, my name is Krinal Thakkar, and I am running for the Executive Vice President. I want to be your EVP because I believe that the SA can be a great platform for institutional change, and change needs to happen. I have spoken on many panels about systemic and institutional violence, but I want to do more than take part in performative conversations about change, I want to be an agent of change. If elected, I want to address food insecurity on campus by advocating more funding for the Cornell food pantry and making dining hall food more accessible to all that need it. I want to hold the university accountable for being on Native land, but not doing more to give back some of what they have taken. I want to create more financial and academic support for first generation, low income students, as well Black, LatinX, and Indigenous students. I want to work towards enhancing the education that we get as Cornell students, so we are equipped with the knowledge we need to break down systems of violence in this country. Lastly, I want to reintroduce the legacy that students of color in the last SA, of disarming CUPD, and reducing systemic violence.   
Trevor Bacchi College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Communication tab268 Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly   My Fellow Cornell Undergraduate Students,    Today I am writing to you asking for your support to be your next Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly! I am a junior within CALS pursuing a B.S. in Communication and a minor in business. Over the past few years, I have learned a lot about myself, the academic environment, and how our student body functions. This knowledge has not only shaped my perspective but has informed my decision to become a candidate in this year's elections.   If elected to be your next Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly I plan to work with my fellow Undergraduate Representative, the Student Assembly, and the University Assembly to ensure that all student perspectives are considered, validated, and accounted for in campus-wide decisions. Three prominent pain points that have been identified to me by my fellow students and that I promise to make a priority if elected are as follows:   1.) Advocate for historically overlooked/underfunded programs, communities, and buildings. 2.) Ensure increased equality, accessibility, and quality of fundamental resources for ALL students. 3.) Demand kindness such that ALL students feel respected, included, and empowered.   Thank you, Trevor   Jacob Feit College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Environment and Sustainability (Environmental Policy and Governance) jjf228 Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly   I'm truly humbled to be seeking re-election to the University Assembly. From increasing accountability in shared governance and fighting for students' rights during Campus Code revisions to working with administrators to both secure a home for student veterans and establish a veterans resource center, I can truly say I'm proud of what I helped accomplish this term.    Serving as Chair of the UA's Campus Infrastructure Committee, I've stuck to my promise to fight for environmental justice by holding administrators to their pledge to divest from fossil fuels and reduce campus' carbon footprint. Our committee recently called upon one of the largest faculty retirement funds to divest its holdings in the fossil fuel industry. Additionally, I was recently elected to Chair the Campus Welfare Committee's Ad hoc Re-naming Committee, established as a product of my resolution to finally re-name Goldwin Smith Hall.   But this progress can't stop now. I've already begun fighting for new electric vehicle charging stations on campus, revamped on-campus bike-sharing programs, and working to abolish the student contribution fee, once and for all.  Experience matters; elect me, to continue FEIT-ing for you.    INST: @ua_rep_jacobjfeit   Lesly Zhicay School of Industrial and Labor Relations Industrial and Labor Relations lgz5 Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly   My name is Lesly Gissell Zhicay, I am a sophomore at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. I am running for the position of Undergraduate Representative to the University Assembly. As a young Latina from Queens, New York, my life has been one of constantly advocating for myself and I hope to use the same fervor to advocate for students by prioritizing our health.   
I hope to become a part of the Student Health Advisory Committee, Financial Aid Review, and Office of Student Government Relations. I hope to advocate for better mental health support that includes preventive and not reactive services that allow students to build trustworthy relationships with their consultants. Moreover, I want to ensure that the financial aid process is supporting and not being an extensive barrier for the students who most need aid. Lastly, I hope to ensure that the University is doing its part to support or local and state communities through our student government relations.