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Cornell University

(2020-2022) Funding Cycle

2020-2022 Funding Cycle

The 2020-2022 Student Activity Fee proposal was completed in December 2019. The fee proposal was officially set by the Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2020-2022. It was subsequently approved by the University President and Board of Trustees. It took effect for the start of the 2020–2021 Academic Year.

During the Fall 2020, each By-Line funded organization will be reviewed by the Student Assembly Appropriations Committee.

View the final Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2020-2022 that was approved by the Student Assembly, University President, and Board of Trustees.

View the Organization Information for the 2020-2022 Funding recipients.

 2018-20202020-2021 (per President Pollack's response to SA R25: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2020-2022)Fall 2020 (per SA R2 - Reducing the SAF for Fall 2020)Spring 2021 2021-2022
OrganizationAllocationRequestAllocation% ChangeReduced AllocationReduced % ChangeAllocationAllocation
Alternative Breaks$2.00$2.00$2.000.0%$0.50-75.0%$1.00$2.00
Athletics and Physical Education$9.08$9.08$9.080.0%$3.18-65.0%$4.54$9.08
Class Councils$2.35$2.40$2.350.0%$1.18-50.0%$1.18$2.35
Club Insurance$5.10$5.10$5.100.0%$2.55-50.0%$2.55$5.10
Collegiate Readership Program$1.00$3.00$3.00200.0%$1.50-50.0%$1.50$3.00
Community Partnership Funding Board$2.00$2.00$2.000.0%$1.00-50.0%$1.00$2.00
Convocation Committee$16.85$18.00$18.006.8%$9.00-50.0%$9.00$18.00
Cornell Concert Commission$13.00$13.00$13.000.0%$6.50-50.0%$6.50$13.00
Cornell Interfaith Council---$3.75$3.75--$1.32-65.8%$1.88$3.75
Cornell University Programming Board$8.55$13.55$13.5558.0%$6.78-50.0%$6.78$13.55
CUTonight Funding Commission$7.82$9.00$9.0015.0%$3.00-67.7%$4.50$9.00
ECO: Cornell Environmental Collaborative$0.76$0.76$1.0032.0%$0.35*-65.0%$0.50$1.00
Gender Justice Advocacy Coalition (prev. Women's Resource Center) $4.00$4.80$4.8020.0%$1.44-70.0%$2.40$4.80
International Students Union$3.90$4.81$4.8123.0%$0.32*-93.4%$2.41$4.81
Minds Matter$2.00$2.50$2.5025.0%$0.92-64.2%$1.25$2.50
Multicultural Greek & Fraternal Council (prev. Multicultural Greek Letter Council)$0.67$1.00$1.0049.0%$0.35*-65.0%$0.50$1.00
Orientation Steering Committee$10.40$10.40$10.400.0%$3.64-65.0%$5.20$10.40
Outdoor Odyssey$1.75$2.50$2.2529.0%$0.79-64.9%$1.13$2.25
Professional Fraternity Council---$1.25$0.50--$0.25*-50.0%$0.25$0.50
Senior Days$4.85$5.90$5.105.0%$2.55-50.0%$2.55$5.10
Slope Day Programming Board$19.00$21.00$21.0011.0%$7.35-65.0%$10.50$21.00
Student Activities Funding Commission$98.00$159.00$102.9163.0%$36.70-77.1%$51.46$137.91
Student Assembly$0.87$4.00$4.00360%$0.00-100.0%$2.00$4.00
Students Helping Students---$5.00$5.00--$1.25-75.0%$2.50$5.00
Welcome Weekend$2.40$2.50$2.00-17.7%$0.84-58.0%$1.20$2.40
Student Union Board of Willard Straight Hall$0.50$0.75$0.500.0%$0.25*-50.0%$0.25$0.50
Total Student Activity Fee$234.00$332.29$274.0014.6%$103.00-25.0%$137.00$309.00

This table does not show Slope Media Group, an organization that received byline funding in 2018-2020 cycle and did not apply for byline funding for 2020-2022 cycle. The amount allocated for SAFC reflects the rounding up necessary to make the fee an integer.

Per President Pollack's response to SA R25: Recommendation for the Student Activity Fee for 2020-2022 (2019-2020 term), the student activity fee will increase to $274 for the 2020-2021 academic year, and to $309 for the 2021-2022 academic year.

*The minimum required funding to be a byline organization is $0.50 per student per year. In fall 2020, we are allowing the minimum to be waived due to these unforeseen circumstances.