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Cornell University

Student Assembly Election - Fall 2021

Election Results

Meet the Candidates

Information about the Fall 2021 Student Assembly election:

Timeline: Fall 2021 Student Assembly Elections Calendar

  • Candidate Information Sessions
    • Thursday, September 9th, 2021 @ 7:30pm - 222 Robert Purcell Community Center (Conference Room)
    • Friday, September 10, 2021 @ 5:30pm - Kent Hubbell Student Boardroom, 402 Willard Straight Hall
  • Deadline for Election Registration
    • Monday, September 20, 2021 @ 12:00pm (noon) (EST) on-line registration form submission and completed petitions submitted in person in 109 Day Hall
  • Mandatory Campaigning Meeting
  • Campaigning Begins
    • Monday, September 20, 2021 at 11:59pm (EST)
  • Candidate ForumVoting Begins
    • Tuesday, September 28 @ 12:00pm EST
  • Voting Ends
    • Thursday, September 30, 2021 @ 2:00pm EST
  • Challenge Forms and Expense Reports Due
    • Thursday, September 30, 2021 @ 4:00pm - submitted in person to the Office of the Assemblies in 109 Day Hall
  • Challenge Hearings - update
    • Thursday, September 30, 2021 @ 6:30pm - 604 Willard Straight Hall
  • Earliest Results Will Be Announced
    • Friday, October 1st, 2021

Registration Materials:

Additional Forms:

Election Rules:

Become a Candidate

Available Seats (Fall 2021):

  • Freshman Representative
    • Four Positions
    • Requires 75 Petition Signatures
  • Transfer Representative
    • One Position
    • Requires 25 Petition Signatures

Application Process:

You must do these 7 things prior to becoming a candidate:

  1. Review the details for the open position. 
  2. Review the Election Rules to ensure your eligibility.
  3. Complete the online registration form.
    1. Include a 1250 character Candidate Statement
    2. Attach a photo (or have one taken of you)
  4. Review petition requirements for each position listed above and gather the appropriate number of petition signatures. *It is suggested that you gather more than the requisite number in the event that a signature is invalid.*
  5. Attend the mandatory campaign meeting on Monday, September 20, 2021 @ 7:00pm - 222 Robert Purcell Community Center (Conference Room).
  6. Attend at least one Student Assembly meeting held weekly on Thursdays from 4:45pm to 6:30pm, held in the Memorial Room in Willard Straight Hall.
  7. ​Apply for at least one Student Assembly Committee through the online committee form.
If you have any questions or concerns, email the Student Assembly Elections Committee at