Resolution 18: SA R18: Expanding the Collegiate Readership Program to include the Wall Street Journal

TermAY 2017-2018
AssemblyStudent Assembly
StatusAcknowledged by the President
AbstractThis resolution requests the Student Assembly to allocate funds from the Collegiate Readership Program (CRP) surplus toward an undergraduate-wide subscription to the Wall Street Journal. Such a subscription would provide professors of said students free access as well.
Resolution FilePDF icon sa_r18_expanding_the_cornell_readerhip_program_final.pdf
Supporting Documents
TitleSA R18: Expanding the Collegiate Readership Program to include the Wall Street Journal
Sponsors Varun Ashok Devatha (vad33)
Reviewing CommitteeStudent Assembly Executive Committee

Resolution History

Date Action View Details
11/07/2017 Introduced to the Assembly view
11/07/2017 Adopted by the Assembly view
11/16/2017 Conveyed to the President view
12/11/2017 Acknowledged by the President view

Associated Meetings

Meeting Date View Details
Cornell University - Student Assembly Meeting 11/02/2017 4:45pm to 6:00pm view


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