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Cornell University

Student Assembly Resolutions

Displaying 1 - 25 of 1059
Term Resolution Abstract Status
2024-2025 SA R32: Setting the Summer Experience Grant Allocation This resolution sets the Summer Experience Grant allocation at $150,000, as recommended by the Financial Aid Review… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R31: Implementing Meals-to-Go at Trillium Dining Hall Given the lack of accessible dining hall options on Central Campus and the strong student interest in expanding meal… In Discussion
2024-2025 SA R30: Resolution on the Sustainable Future of Anabel's Grocery This resolution creates an Ad Hoc committee and establishes a public comment period regarding the future of Anabel’s… In Discussion
2024-2025 SA R29: Checking Our Pulse This resolution amends the governing documents to change the language of the Pulse Committee.

In Discussion
2024-2025 SA R28: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Diverse Leaders of Tomorrow (DLT) This resolution approves $5000 of Special Projects Funding to Diverse Leaders of Tomorrow New York City Trip
In Discussion
2024-2025 SA R27: Preventing an Extinction A resolution calling on Cornell University to intervene in the Paleontological Research
Institution’s financial…
Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R26: Vending Self-Care Supplies This resolution proposes that every dormitory and social housing unit on Cornell's campus be equipped with vending… In Discussion
2024-2025 SA R25: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Med-In-Black Abstract: This resolution approves $5000 of Special Projects Funding to Med-In-Black Future Healers Boston Trip.… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R24: Soul Food Restaurant Row for Black History Month Abstract: A call for Cornell Dining, in alignment with Cornell University’s commitment to diversity, equity, and… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R23: Authorizing the Committee on Vacancies to Review New Vacancies This resolution authorizes the Ad-Hoc Committee on Vacancies to review the vacancies in the Offices of Veterans… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R22: Approval of the SAIFC’s Recommendation Abstract: This resolution provides for the disbursement of $8,000 to the Dilmun Hill Student Farm in support of the… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R21: Amending Resolution 6: Creating an Ad-Hoc Committee to Improve Student Wages and Employment Abstract: This resolution amends the resolution to establish an ad-hoc committee to account for the possibility of a… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R20: Climate Renewal Vows Recognizing Cornell University's duty to address the global climate crisis, not only as a moral imperative but… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R19: Approving the Transfer of Funds from the Student Activity Funding Commission to the Student Assembly for Resolution 9 This resolution approves the transfer of $5000 of funds from the Student Activities Funding Commission (SAFC) to the… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R18: Amending the Student Assembly Code of Ethics Abstract: This resolution updates the Student Assembly Code of Ethics as required by SA 2023-2024 Resolution 74. This… In Discussion
2024-2025 SA R17: Campus-Wide Community Restorative Day Setting a precedent for university community restorative days.

Sponsored by: President deRham ’27,…
Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R16: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for Black Students United This resolution approves $5000 of Special Projects Funding to Black Students United annual Washington D.C. Trip.… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R15: Amend Charter to Streamline SAIFC Operations This resolution aims to create a more reasonable timeline for the Infrastructure Fund Commission’s workflow and set up… Submitted to the President
2024-2025 SA R13: Amending the Attendance Policy of the Student Assembly This resolution clarifies the Attendance Policy of the Student Assembly as defined in the Bylaws.

Acknowledged by the President
2024-2025 SA R12: Addressing Concerns Regarding Kosher and Halal Food at Cornell In light of recent issues at 104West!, this resolution calls on Cornell to rapidly and urgently respond to the… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R11: Providing Airport Transit Service During Final Week This resolution provides shuttle services to the airports for Cornell students during finals week.

Acknowledged by the President
2024-2025 SA R10: Enhancing Campus Safety This resolution proposes that every dormitory and social housing unit on Cornell's campus be equipped with… Acknowledged by the President
2024-2025 SA R9: SA R9: Approving Special Projects Funding Request for The Melodramatics Theatre Company This resolution approves $5000 of Special Projects Funding to The Melodramatics Theatre Company to partially fund their… Adopted by the Assembly
2024-2025 SA R8: SA R8: Calling for Divestment from War Weapons Manufacturers This resolution expresses the will of the Spring 2024 student referendum and recommends divestment from weapons… Tabled Indefinitely
2024-2025 SA R7: Executive Governance Reform, Part 2 This resolution amends the Charter, Bylaws, and Standing Rules to further clarify several areas of executive governance… Submitted to the President