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Cornell University

Student-Elected Trustee Elections (Undergraduate)


The next Undergraduate Student-Elected Trustee election will be held in Spring 2025.

Student-elected trustees alternate between undergraduate and graduate and professional students annually. The undergraduate student-elected trustee is chosen in the spring of odd-numbered years.

To be eligible, prospective candidates must:

University Assembly

People make their way to class among magnolia trees
The UA takes up matters which involve the interests or concern the welfare of a substantial segment of the campus community, and is composed of members appointed by the constituent assemblies, with the exception of two of the four undergraduate representatives who are directly elected during the spring SA elections.

With faculty, staff, undergraduates, and graduate or professional students appointed or elected by each of the shared governance bodies,UA is a stakeholder in major university policy initiatives, and works to establish and maintain open, effective, and efficient channels of communication between and amongst the community and university administration.

Each assembly may appoint four members from their respective constituencies to serve staggered terms as voting members of the Assembly concurrent with two consecutive sessions of the Assembly. Additionally, the presiding officer of each constituent assembly serves as a voting member of the Assembly concurrent with his or her term of office.

The officers of the Assembly are the Chair, the Executive Vice Chair, and the Vice Chair for Operations, who must be of different constituencies. Additionally, a ranking member must be appointed for each constituency not otherwise represented by the officers of the Assembly.

Meet the Leadership

  • Ava LaGressa

    Ava LaGressa


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Upcoming Meeting

University Assembly

4:45 pm
701 Clark Hall/Zoom

Latest Meeting

University Assembly

4:45 pm
701 Clark Hall/Zoom

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Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

students walk across the Arts Quad in spring
The Graduate and Professional Student Assembly ensures direct and continued involvement of graduate and professional school students in the governance of non-academic affairs of the University.

The GPSA brings together Cornell’s community of graduate and professional students to address non-academic issues of common concern. Drawing upon the strengths of its diverse community, the GPSA is responsible for setting and distributing the graduate student activity fee and representatives to University committees.

The GPSA voting member body is composed of 36 voting members including delegates from each graduate division, the graduate and professional schools, and standing committee chairpersons, elected from the larger body of field representatives. Voting members must attend all GPSA meetings (twice per month) and remain sufficiently informed about issues brought before the assembly.

Meet the Leadership

  • Ocean Karim

    Ocean Karim


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Upcoming Meeting

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

5:00 pm
401 Physical Sciences Building/Zoom

Latest Meeting

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly

5:00 pm
401 Physical Sciences Building/Zoom

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Employee Assembly

springtime at a campus library
The Employee Assembly at Cornell is committed to ensuring staff member viewpoints are a shared priority in university decision making, and promoting a sense of belonging in the life of the university.

The EA consists of 35 staff members from across the Ithaca, Geneva, and Cornell Tech campuses whose mission is to ensure collaboration with key university stakeholders, advocate for all staff interests and improve the staff experience through regular engagement at every level of the university. Working closely with members of the administration, the EA encourages a higher visibility for employees as community members, and more equal participation with faculty and students in the policy-making process.

Meet the Leadership

  • Erika Crawley

    Erika Crawley


    Erika Crawley brings over 7 years of experience in higher education - student affairs with expertise in conflict resolution, program management, assessment, and student and employee advocacy. As an Assistant Director for Student Conduct and Community Standards, Erika serves the campus community as Women’s Representative for Employee Assembly (2023-2026) and as the 2024-2025 Employee Assembly Chair. Erika has previously served as the 2023-2024 University Assembly Executive Vice Chair. Erika is passionate about advocacy and E&I efforts in the workplace, as illustrated through her service in Association for Student Conduct Administration as a previous Equity & Inclusion Vice Chair for state regions, a previous Co-Chair for Historically Underrepresented Institutions, and she currently serves as the Co-Chair for the Equity & Inclusion Committee.

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Upcoming Meeting

Employee Assembly

12:00 pm

Latest Meeting

Employee Assembly

12:00 pm

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Student Assembly

students convene on a lawn in spring
The Student Assembly is charged with examining matters of interest to the undergraduate student community, and making proposals to the appropriate officers or decision-making
bodies of the University.

The SA represents the undergraduate student population with an elected body of thirty-seven members, and deals with quality of life issues relating to undergraduate students, making sure that student issues are heard and addressed. The assembly has legislative authority over the policies of the Office of the Dean of Students and the Department of Campus Life, and establishes the undergraduate Student Activity Fee and guidelines for its distribution. Meetings are open to the public. Attend in person or join via Zoom.

Meet the Leadership

  • Zora deRham

    Zora deRham


Find Your Representative


Upcoming Meeting

Student Assembly

4:45 pm
Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room (WSH407)/Zoom

Latest Meeting

Student Assembly

4:45 pm
Willard Straight Hall Memorial Room (WSH407)/Zoom

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