Resolution: SA R24: Cost Barriers to Study Abroad

ActionConveyed to the President

Dear President Garrett,<br /><br />I would like to convey Resolution 24: Cost Barriers to Study Abroad to you. This resolution was sponsored by Philip Titcomb and Jordan Berger.

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Dear President Garrett,<br /><br />I would like to convey Resolution 24: Cost Barriers to Study Abroad to you. This resolution was sponsored by Philip Titcomb and Jordan Berger. This resolution recommends that Cornell University take necessary strides to reduce cost<br />barriers for studying abroad. The resolution commends Administration for continuing to charge students the cost of their non-Cornell international program in lieu of charging for traditional Cornell tuition and fees for their semester abroad.<br /><br />The resolution recommends that President Garrett encourages the Board of Trustees to eliminate or significantly reduce the CIPT to help students offset the additional costs that they will incur as a part of the abroad experience including visas and airline tickets.<br /><br />Thank you for the time and consideration.<br /><br />Kind regards,<br />Juliana