Resolution: SA R33: Prescribing Conflict-Free University Contracts

ActionConveyed to the President

Dear President Pollack,<br /><br /> I would like to convey the Student Assembly’s 33rd resolution of the year to you.

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Dear President Pollack,<br /><br /> I would like to convey the Student Assembly’s 33rd resolution of the year to you. This resolution urges Cornell to make verifiably conflict mineral-free purchasing decisions, a measure that other international institutions have taken in order to curb militia violence in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.<br /><br />Resolution 33 is Prescribing Conflict-Free University Contracts. This resolution was presented in collaboration with Amnesty International. <br /><br />This resolution requests that Cornell University clarify whether it has modified its purchasing practices in light of the August 2011 review, that the University develop a new independent survey that allows it to assess firms not covered by existing rating systems, and that the University commit to annually surveying its vendors and investments for conflict-free verification purposes. The Assembly also requests that Cornell Information Technologies shall use these surveys to confirm companies’ conflict-free statuses before renewing or finalizing contracts with them.<br /><br />Thank You,<br /><br />Jordan Berger