Resolution: SA R14: Amendment to 2019-2020 SA Resolution 14 (Establishing the Office of Student Government Relations): Creation of Bylaws

ActionConveyed to the President


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Dear President Pollack,
It is my pleasure to convey to you Student Assembly Resolution #14: Amendment to 2019-2020 SA Resolution 14 (Establishing the Office of Student Government Relations): Creation of Bylaws  These amendments to the Student Assembly Bylaws seek to establish the bylaws for the Office of Student Government Relations. 
This resolution passed the Assembly with a vote of 25-0-4.
I would like to thank Aadi Kulkarni, the Director of the Office of Student Government Relations, as well as the full staff of the OSGR for their incredible work as a student-led group in advocating for students at the local, state and federal level.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! Thank you. 
Catherine Huang
President | Cornell Student Assembly
Cornell University '21 | Industrial Labor Relations