Resolution: SA R33: Winter/Summer Term Financial Aid

ActionConveyed to the President


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Dear President Pollack,
It is my pleasure to convey to you Student Assembly Resolution #33 – Winter/Summer Term Financial Aid. This resolution recommends that Cornell grant-based aid is expanded to include both summer and winter session enrollment. Currently, grant-based financial aid is only available for fall/spring terms. In the summer/winter terms, students only have aid in the form of work or loans. This resolution would benefit low income students, especially in light of COVID-19, who may have had to drop courses in light of personal hardships, and students who may be behind on credits necessary to graduate on time. We are requesting this adjustment to the financial aid policy be permanently implemented.
This resolution passed the Assembly with a vote of 19-0-2. 
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! Thank you. 
Catherine Huang
President | Cornell Student Assembly
Cornell University '21 | Industrial Labor Relations