Resolution: UA R15: Amending the University Assembly Bylaws’ Title of the Standing ‘Campus Infrastructure Committee’ (CIC)

ActionConveyed to the President


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Hello President Pollack,
The University Assembly passed R15: Amending the University Assembly Bylaws’ Title of the Standing ‘Campus Infrastructure Committee’ (CIC). The resolution proposed an amendment to the bylaws in order to more accurately reflect the work of the CIC—specifically as it relates to environmental sustainability. Passing through the CIC and then UA, the new title of the CIC, as voted, is “The Campus Committee on Infrastructure, Technology, and the Environment.” The amendment would change line 174 of Section 4.1 of the UA bylaws.
I would like to thank the CIC for proposing the name to the body to more accurately reflect the work of the committee.
Please let me know if you have any concerns about this amendment/standing committee name.
Logan R. Kenney
J.D. Candidate | Class of 2021 | Cornell Law School
Chair, University Assembly
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